News: ESPN: Even if Jerry Jones won't say it, Jason Garrett likely on hot seat in 2018


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Don’t be sorry. And I’m not the one who’s incorrect.

What you’re doing here is just second guessing play calls that didn’t pan out, and assuming the other team will he automatically successful when there’s no way of knowing if that’s the case or not. And that we wouldn’t have been able to do anything ourselves with another possession and whatever time remaining.

If you can make the other team drive to score, you do it. If you can’t stop a good QB when it counts, maybe it’s time to upgrade the defensive personnel that’s been getting this team beat since 2011.

How many times do you have to see/hear of Rodgers beating teams in the last second of any game to realize there is almost no defense , much less the last 3 or so Dallas defense(s) , capable of stopping him ? The painfully obvious play is to leave just about ZERO TIME on the clock for him.

For you to accuse others of "2nd guessing" is patently absurd ; the overwhelming majority of us have known for years that Green Bay's No#12 is our kryptonite , especially since none of us has confused the past several years of Dallas' "D" as being Doomsday Part II.....................


Fattening up
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How many times do you have to see/hear of Rodgers beating teams in the last second of any game to realize there is almost no defense , much less the last 3 or so Dallas defense(s) , capable of stopping him ? The painfully obvious play is to leave just about ZERO TIME on the clock for him.

For you to accuse others of "2nd guessing" is patently absurd ; the overwhelming majority of us have known for years that Green Bay's No#12 is our kryptonite , especially since none of us has confused the past several years of Dallas' "D" as being Doomsday Part II.....................

Rodgers’ game winning drive percentages aren’t actually all that impressive in context. He’s behind guys like Alex Smith and Andy Dalton and Jay Cutler.

As for our own offense, if you can score in this league, you score. Teams stop offenses in four minute drills all the time. Look at PHI’s win over ATL this year. Matt Ryan’s game winning drive rate is much better than Rodgers’. Look at how NE beat the Jags.

I don’t want to hear you guys *****ing about the defense. Stick to the play calling second guesses. I’ve been the one pointing out the issues on defense while the rest of you were all doing laps over the Ezekiel Elliott pick and complaining about an offensive scheme that’s consistently been in the top ten of the league, if not in the top five. Right. The issue has been the offensive play calling. If we were only the very best in the league and also made sure we always scored with zero seconds on the clock we’d hardly even have to worry about playing defense at all! Stupid play caller! Stupid head coach!

It’s a ridiculous opinion from fans who just don’t know a cause from an effect.


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It’s a ridiculous opinion from fans who just don’t know a cause from an effect.

I actually played NCAA Division I FB back in the 80's until I blew my knee out ; did you ? For you to casually assume and claim that no one but your arrogant self knows anything is the height of pretentiousness.Game situations are a combination of things : Knowing down & distance , time and time-outs available to both teams , and knowing who you're playing as well AS YOU OWN PERSONNEL.As you stated , the Cowboys "O" has been top tier the past several seasons , especially the running game which had the NFL rushing leader 2 out of the last 4 years.So again : what is the point of calling passes when everyone knows our defense is incapable of a late game stop ? Simply drooling that everyone else doesn't know what they're talking about is the argument of the weak-minded...........................


Fattening up
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I actually played NCAA Division I FB back in the 80's until I blew my knee out ; did you ? For you to casually assume and claim that no one but your arrogant self knows anything is the height of pretentiousness.Game situations are a combination of things : Knowing down & distance , time and time-outs available to both teams , and knowing who you're playing as well AS YOU OWN PERSONNEL.As you stated , the Cowboys "O" has been top tier the past several seasons , especially the running game which had the NFL rushing leader 2 out of the last 4 years.So again : what is the point of calling passes when everyone knows our defense is incapable of a late game stop ? Simply drooling that everyone else doesn't know what they're talking about is the argument of the weak-minded...........................

I don’t know what you did or didn’t play back in the 80s. You’re an anonymous dude on the internet to me. All I can go off of is what you’ve posted here.

And I didn’t say ‘no one but my arrogant self knows anything.’ I said your opinion that an offense has to score the game winning score at the end of the game because you won’t hold the defense responsible for doing its own job is a ridiculous argument. Because it is.

For the record, downs and distance, time outs, and personnel all apply to defense as well as offense. And the HC is responsible for both.

big dog cowboy

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If Garrett was a mod, who would he be more like: idigit, sarge, or big dog. I've always wondered this


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I don’t know what you did or didn’t play back in the 80s. You’re an anonymous dude on the internet to me. All I can go off of is what you’ve posted here.

And I didn’t say ‘no one but my arrogant self knows anything.’ I said your opinion that an offense has to score the game winning score at the end of the game because you won’t hold the defense responsible for doing its own job is a ridiculous argument. Because it is.

For the record, downs and distance, time outs, and personnel all apply to defense as well as offense. And the HC is responsible for both.

Fine , hold the defense responsible ; that's simply going to get you another "L". The point is to win the game , which our offense was only capable of . And Garrett is viewed by Jerry as an "offensive genius" ; why are you giving him a pass on his flub calls on that side of the ball ?

How many times did Peyton Manning lose to Brady and the Pats ? Most of the games weren't even that close . It wasn't until he got a solid running game (sound familiar?) and a capable defense that he actually broke through.And that Colts defense was no world beater..................This Cowboys defense seems like it's getting there ; but the team still needs better head coaching and offensive play-calling to succeed consistently.


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The worst thing for Jerry is apathy. He’d rather fans be screaming at him. If they have another 9-7/8-8 season Garrett will be fired due to apathy setting in.

Only way he doesn’t is if they literally set the record for injuries in one year or have 2 games where there’s the worst call of all time which costs the game. Eagles making it to Super Bowl shows Jerry it can be done with 3 of your top 5 players gone and Jerry and Stephen both know it. They didn’t become billionaires by accident.

The reason Jerry and Stephen won’t put Garrett on public blast is while that approach is fun for fans in reality it never works and the players would likely mail it in before the season starts.


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I doubt he would publicly state his REAL opinion on the matter but, I would love to hear insight from someone on the inside of the organization, like Romo for example.

What I mean is, did you watch the "A Football LIfe, Troy Aikman" ...?? In that show, Aikman was very candid about the coaching, & how it affected the team. Aikman was VERY upset at Barry Switzers approach to things. While he may have liked him as a person, I don't think he respected him as a coach at all. Aikman goes on to admit that the MAIN reason he retired wasn't concussions as many assume. It was a lack of commitment to winning that convinced him. Hmmm.....

There is always a lot of politics in people's opinions, especially when millions of dollars are at stake. People have to be far removed from those situations to usually voice their true feelings on subjects. ie: Troy's opinion on Switzer, etc. Although, he's not very critical of Jerry. Again, I would say because of the politics of his past relationship, & his current employment.

Do I think players respect Garrett..? Hard to say. I seriously doubt anybody on the payroll would talk negatively about him publicly. Do the players on this team BELIEVE Garrett can lead them to the Super Bowl...??! Again, impossible to know. Maybe they think they can win in spite of Garrett.

One thing is for sure....... Jerry loves him some Garrett. How many other owners in this league would've kept Garrett this long, with his record...? Would Garrett get another HC job if he were suddenly on the market...?

I would love to be optimistic. It's definitely getting Even though some improvements are noticeable. However, it's frustrating when you see a team like Eagles go from zero to hero in pretty quick fashion. Would anybody argue that coaching didn't have a lot to do with where they are..?

Lastly, I'll admit...... even though I REALLY would like a different HC, & all that comes with it..... I am rooting for us to win one in spite of Jerry, & Jason, even though, I know it would only keep them both in place for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time. The thrill of another Lombardi would allow me to stomach my distaste for Garrett & his coaching style.


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I actually played NCAA Division I FB back in the 80's until I blew my knee out ; did you ? For you to casually assume and claim that no one but your arrogant self knows anything is the height of pretentiousness.Game situations are a combination of things : Knowing down & distance , time and time-outs available to both teams , and knowing who you're playing as well AS YOU OWN PERSONNEL.As you stated , the Cowboys "O" has been top tier the past several seasons , especially the running game which had the NFL rushing leader 2 out of the last 4 years.So again : what is the point of calling passes when everyone knows our defense is incapable of a late game stop ? Simply drooling that everyone else doesn't know what they're talking about is the argument of the weak-minded...........................

OK lets say the Cowboys were settling for running time off the clock and didn't get the quick TD and on the first attempt they were stopped and then on the second attempt the snap is bobbled and they lose lose the ball and no TD which means they're behind and the peckers could just run out the clock and game over. The point here is nobody, this includes you with or without your "experience", can say with 1000% certainty what would have happened if done in any other way than what actually was.


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This whole SPECULATION by espn is really foolish at best. On Saturday night the new NFL coach of the wear will be awarded but until then the reigning NFL coach of the year is Garrett. Now any of you that think Garrett should get fired tell me the last time a real GM, not wannabe GM's, fired the reigning NFL coach of the year? Even if it would happen after Saturday night tell me when a NFL coach of the year was fired 1 season removed from the season that made him NFL coach of the year? Now even if it happened once, would that be considered the norm and be accepted by actual football people as common or smart?


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Fine , hold the defense responsible ; that's simply going to get you another "L". The point is to win the game , which our offense was only capable of . And Garrett is viewed by Jerry as an "offensive genius" ; why are you giving him a pass on his flub calls on that side of the ball ?

How many times did Peyton Manning lose to Brady and the Pats ? Most of the games weren't even that close . It wasn't until he got a solid running game (sound familiar?) and a capable defense that he actually broke through.And that Colts defense was no world beater..................This Cowboys defense seems like it's getting there ; but the team still needs better head coaching and offensive play-calling to succeed consistently.

I find it hypocritical of you to want to give defenses a pass but not the offense. It's OK with you that the defense breaks down and players didn't do their jobs but you hold the offense as the cause for losing games. That with just a few seconds over a minute left in the game you give the defense a pass when they let the peckers offense march down the field to win. It's the offense's fault for having the defense be forced to hold up their end of the game. Oh and for the record, the colt defense during the season was average but during the playoffs they stepped up big time and became a bend but do not break defense.


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Who’s happy? We’re just assessing whether potentially if Garrett could be a good coach or not.

I’m not dismissing Garretts weaknesses just not sold we have better alternatives with Jerry.

Jerry has made JG a millionaire probably several times over. With what Jerry might be willing to pay if he were so inclined, never can tell. If he casts his line out with enough money for bait, no telling what he might catch. Money talks.


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Jerry has made JG a millionaire probably several times over. With what Jerry might be willing to pay if he were so inclined, never can tell. If he casts his line out with enough money for bait, no telling what he might catch. Money talks.

The really good coaches aren't going to be persuaded by big money if they feel there would be a problem working with or for Jones. Why would they because if there that good they'll get paid by some team they feel they can work with. If a really good coach has a different philosophy than Jones, money isn't going to bring him to Dallas. We, the working stiffs can often be lured by huge pay checks because we don't get them, but coaches that make great money aren't going to be lured by the extra money Jones would have to offer to get them. If they did come, it would be because they have no problems with Jones and then that would be great, but money itself won't lure a good coach if he has a problem with Jones.


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Jerry has made JG a millionaire probably several times over. With what Jerry might be willing to pay if he were so inclined, never can tell. If he casts his line out with enough money for bait, no telling what he might catch. Money talks.

The coaches that would put themselves in this situation for big money aren't worth a fraction of the money they'd be paid.