News: ESPN: Even if Jerry Jones won't say it, Jason Garrett likely on hot seat in 2018


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LOL! Your choice H-man. I’m fine either way. A good challenge is good for me. It’s good to see your opinions again brother.

I'll give it a go. Why not?

I think this season's disappointment can be considered valid. The offseason moves hurt with Paea (who looked good in preseason) not panning out. Tough to see that coming. Carroll was a mistake but without Awuzie and Lewis missing so much time early in the season he may not have been as much of a factor in the DEN game. Chaz was certainly a disappointment and I don't think we could've predicted his regression after performing admirably in Tyron's absence the previous year. Probably the reason why Pollack is gone.

For all the crap Marinelli got for that last GB drive there were several key plays where players failed their assignments. Hitch let Bennett get away from him for a first down conversion, Durant lost contain when he was the spy on Rodgers, and Lewis the rookie was beat by a great throw on the TD.

Then there's the predictable struggles from the offense when they lost the best player on the team. All those things I consider to be valid reasons why they ended up just short of a playoff spot. I think when you consider the youth of the team there's still room for optimism.

What hurts the most is that the teams in the playoffs were all beatable by our 'Boys. But barring catastrophic injuries next year or lack of development from Dak they need to make the playoffs and win. If Dak continues to struggle with footwork, accuracy, and reading defenses, then we'll really be in a pickle.


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Really 5 years? What about Landry? It took him 12 years to win a SB.
Don’t compare the Red Clapper to Landry! That’s like comparing Einstein to Elmer Fudd. Landry started consistently winning playoff games in his 5th season. We had 20 consecutive winning seasons with Landry. We were one Jackie Smith drop in the Superbowl from being the team of the Decade in the 70’s.


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They like Garrett and think he’s doing a good job. This is obvious. Not saying they are right, not saying he deserves to be kept, but this notion that they think he’s not a good coach and they just don’t want to hold Garrett accountable for whatever contrived notion needs to die.

I hear different things from Stephen and Jerry here. Stephen sounds like they’re keeping Jason indefinitely to me. He’s staunch about defending him and clear that they think he does a great job and is a very good coach and representative of the organization.

Jerry sounds more like a guy who’s putting it out there that Jason needs to deliver a good season or else.

My bet is we have a good season. But even if we don’t, I don’t think it’s playoffs or bust. I think he’d likely be let go if no playoffs, but that there are probably circumstances where he could survive even that.
If the team misses the playoffs next year and Garrett is

That would be missing the playoffs in 6 out of 8 seasons.

Name me one head coach in the SB era that has missed the playoffs 6 out of his first 8 seasons and was not fired.



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If the team misses the playoffs next year and Garrett is

That would be missing the playoffs in 6 out of 8 seasons.

Name me one head coach in the SB era that has missed the playoffs 6 out of his first 8 seasons and was not fired.


I don’t imagine we miss the playoffs. It’s more likely we finish with our fourth winning season in five years and third post season berth in the same period. And we’ve still got fans who think he’s one of the worst coaches in the league. Equally ridiculous.


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I don’t imagine we miss the playoffs. It’s more likely we finish with our fourth winning season in five years and third post season berth in the same period. And we’ve still got fans who think he’s one of the worst coaches in the league. Equally ridiculous.

And the attitude will be that the Cowboys just don't produce and are not worth their salt because Jerry Jones let them down.

I think that Jerry shoulders the yoke well, now...and after this off season, the talent on roster should be good enough to stand the grind of a season and a playoff. They will next have to play on an equal level with Philadelphia, but that is what a top team should be able to do. Time will tell the metal.


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Don’t compare the Red Clapper to Landry! That’s like comparing Einstein to Elmer Fudd. Landry started consistently winning playoff games in his 5th season. We had 20 consecutive winning seasons with Landry. We were one Jackie Smith drop in the Superbowl from being the team of the Decade in the 70’s.

How the league achieved back then, was completely different from today's NFL. A lot has changed in mobility of a team. But extreme change is pretty tough today...and money just can't buy it now. Money could, when Murchison was the owner and his Dad had deep pockets.


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That doesn't bother Jerry. The seats are always full, and Jerry doesn't care what color jersey the fan is wearing. A butt in a seat is a win-win for him, regardless of who that fan is rooting for that particular day.
That is so true and it should be embarrassing to Jerry. We have no home field advantage because Jerry mainly cares about the show he puts on inside his Circus Tent, not winning games. If he wanted a home field advantage he would sell his stadium tickets to real fans, not huge corporations who bring in fans of the enemy.


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he really doesn't suck, I'm not trying to defend him as i feel he should be replaced , the entire staff, however if you look at his record of late regular season last 4 years(39-25, 2 playoff appearences and that's with some major league real excuses with Romo out in 15 and 2017 too many injuries and suspensions to list) hes winning quite few games.. just no deep playoff id say he a very average HC but in no way does he suck, he just doesn't seem to be able to overcome stars being out of the lineup..we just need a more creative coaching staff on whole to go with this very young and in need of if its a now league the last 4 years shows he doesn't suck and really this teams arrow is UP right now..need an example chip Kelly and ben macadoo in our own division kinda sucked ,although we were a big part of that
He sucks! Did you see the Atlanta and Seattle games. In the Seattle game, with Zek back and at home( but that doesn’t help being in Jerry’s Circus tent)we only needed a decent offensive performance. Our offense looked unprepared and without answers. That is on Garrett!!!!!! Compare that to NE who never skipped a beat vs Jacksonville after losing Gronk.


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Not remotely what I said.

They don’t think the reason we’re not winning more right now is coaching. Some fans do. The fans aren’t necessarily right. Lots of different things can keep teams from advancing in the playoffs.

I agree, especially with your last sentence. IMHO, the difference is a collection of things, little "slivers" here and there, like death by 1,000 cuts. I think most teams are pretty much in the same ballpark, but a bad playcall here and there, a few key injuries, a horrible call at the worst time, a bad bounce, etc., can turn a whole season. There were several games this year that, if not for a play or two, we would have won. An extra win or two would have put us in the playoffs.

Now before all the doom-n-gloomers go bonkers, hear me out. Yes, we still have problems, and likely would have been ousted from the playoffs. But I'm optimistic about the future. We have a young, improving defense, and adding Richards should help tremendously, especially if we draft well (DT and LB please!). I like the change to the power blocking scheme. It should make our running game harder to defend. A fresh voice as the WR coach and a WR in the draft could make a HUGE difference, and I feel many undervalue Kellen Moore. Yes, he sucked as a player, and he DOES lack experience, but they say he's extremely well informed.

While I question many decisions the team has made, and I recognize the problems, I also think the FO is far better than some make them out to be. We're certainly not Cleveland or Detroit or Buffalo.


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How the league achieved back then, was completely different from today's NFL. A lot has changed in mobility of a team. But extreme change is pretty tough today...and money just can't buy it now. Money could, when Murchison was the owner and his Dad had deep pockets.
the idiots that compare that mediocrity to Landry also leave a few other FACTS out.
1) All that time the Boys were not only competing against the other NFL teams for talent the AFL was throwing money around like crazy.
2) There really was no FA at that time; but since there were technically two leagues and each drafted the same players a fair amount of time those that paid the most got the player. Murchison was spending but he was not a crazy spender like some of the AFL owners were.
3) any players released or cut had a choice to go to unlike before
4) and of course the fact that Landry was both an offensive and defensive innovator; RED BALL is and has been NEITHER.


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the idiots that compare that mediocrity to Landry also leave a few other FACTS out.
1) All that time the Boys were not only competing against the other NFL teams for talent the AFL was throwing money around like crazy.

You realize there are more teams competing for talent now, right?

2) There really was no FA at that time; but since there were technically two leagues and each drafted the same players a fair amount of time those that paid the most got the player. Murchison was spending but he was not a crazy spender like some of the AFL owners were.

Those two leagues combined still had less teams than now. But the point you dismiss about free agency is a pretty big point. Finding a good player in the draft these days means teams run into problems keeping them as they reach their prime/second contract. Too often keeping those good players means sacrificing elsewhere- something Landry never had to deal with.

3) any players released or cut had a choice to go to unlike before
4) and of course the fact that Landry was both an offensive and defensive innovator; RED BALL is and has been NEITHER.

Innovator or not, it still took 12 years for him to be what many fans today consider a true winner. Chip Kelly was known as an innovator, right?

While it was before my time, I know many old timers have said that Landry caught a lot of heat during his years prior to actually winning a championship. Not saying Garrett will be Landry, just saying there's a lot of rose colored glasses amongst the Landry congregation. The bias often reveals itself as incredulity when some fans dare to compare two football coaches W/L records.


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Don’t compare the Red Clapper to Landry! That’s like comparing Einstein to Elmer Fudd. Landry started consistently winning playoff games in his 5th season. We had 20 consecutive winning seasons with Landry. We were one Jackie Smith drop in the Superbowl from being the team of the Decade in the 70’s.

In no way does Garrett compare to Landry, at least for now, but at least get your facts straight. Landry did not start winning playoff games consistently in his 5th season. In fact, he didn’t win his first one until 1967 - his 7th season. He didn’t get his second playoff victory until his 11th season (1970). I understand the “expansion team” argument, but by the 5th season or do, the expansion team tag isn’t relevant.

The “don’t compare Jason to Tom” line is a cop out argument, when you have no rebuttal. Landry went on to a great career, but the truth is there are some valid comparisons relative to the early stages of their careers.


More than meets the eye.
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It doesn’t really matter what Landry did in the 1960s. Garrett is going to be judged by his contemporaries and rightfully so. Incidentally, when Landry was fired, he was a trifling six years removed from an NFC title game appearance, which was considered unacceptable.


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I don’t imagine we miss the playoffs. It’s more likely we finish with our fourth winning season in five years and third post season berth in the same period. And we’ve still got fans who think he’s one of the worst coaches in the league. Equally ridiculous.
Well said but these Garrett bashers don’t want to see it spun as such.


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Jason Garret- The time has come to tighten ship! America’s team has had 17 suspensions since 2014! What the hell is going on there? The fans are suffering through losses and the players are smoking gonja and popping pills? That’s just not fair to the fan base. On most NFL teams that would not cut in and those guys would be long gone. New "zero tolerance policy", Garret. Get your ship in order and make it clear from here on out that if you don’t have the intelligence and self discipline not to ruin your NFL career by doing drugs, shoplifting, domestic abuse etc… then you are gone. It should also be made clear to Garret, that another season without the playoffs and and he too is gone. No excuses.


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It doesn’t really matter what Landry did in the 1960s. Garrett is going to be judged by his contemporaries and rightfully so. Incidentally, when Landry was fired, he was a trifling six years removed from an NFC title game appearance, which was considered unacceptable.

Garrett should be judged against his contemporaries, as you said.

As for your other point, I don't believe it was the absence from an NFC title game that was the impetus for Tom's dismissal. It was, instead, three straight losing seasons from '86-88, including a measly 3-13 campaign in '88.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Well said but these Garrett bashers don’t want to see it spun as such.

So we should just accept Garrett because he's the regular season champion and totally forget the fact he can't get the job done when its playoff time?

If you want to be satisfied with regular season success, more power to you. For someone who hates Jerry as much as you do, you are sounding just like him by giving Garrett excuses.