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NBC BREAKING NEWS: Jason Garrett Reportedly Staying In Dallas
POSTED: 10:29 am CST January 17, 2008
UPDATED: 10:56 am CST January 17, 2008

FORT WORTH, Texas -- The Baltimore Ravens issued a statement Thursday morning confirming that Dallas Cowboys offensive coordinator Jason Garrett has decided to stay in Dallas.
The Ravens said they are continuing their second round of interviews for their head coaching vacancy. The Ravens added that they are excited with the candidates and are confident they will select the best head coach for the team.
"We did negotiate with Jason Garrett to become our head coach. In the end, he decided to stay in Dallas," the Ravens said. IBSYS.ad.DartAdStrategy.renderAdBeforeWindowLoad("DartJavaScriptPosition","square",{"abr": "","addlSz": "","adId": "false","adParent": "adsquare","adServer": "http://ad.doubleclick.net","adZone": "","adType": "adj","beginDate": "","dcAdPosition": "","dcopt": "","endDate": "","excludeCategory": "","iframeWidth": "300","keyName": "ibs.dfw.sports","name": "square","ord": 0,"pageType": "detail","pTile": "","qString": "","retroQueryString": "","segQS": "","siteLifeUser": "false","sz": "300x250","tile": 1,"useSection": "sports","useId": ""});
On Wednesday, Garrett spoke with the Baltimore media, and sounded optimistic about the opportunity.
"Everything that I've seen since I've been here has been really off the charts. So, it's been a great day and I'm going to continue through this process that I'm in right now and at some point we'll make some decisions on both sides," said Garrett. "But it was a great second visit with these guys and I really enjoyed the process of doing that."
Video: Garrett Speaks With Baltimore Media
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who hired Garrett last year before hiring coach Wade Phillips, apparently convinced him his future was just as bright with the Cowboys, who are coming off a 13-3 regular season with eight of his offensive players going to the Pro Bowl.
Should Garrett have accepted a head coaching position, the Cowboys would have lost their top two offensive coaches after offensive line coach Tony Sparano accepted the position as the head coach of the Miami Dolphins earlier this week.
Garrett is widely considered the Cowboys' next head coach. Speculation is so intense that Jones held a news conference last week in part to shoot down talk that Garrett would be promoted if Dallas didn't win the Super Bowl.
Jones denied he would move out Phillips and promote Garrett after the Cowboys' season ended with a 21-17 loss to the New York Giants on Sunday.
Garrett is expected to speak with the media at 2 p.m. Thursday at Valley Ranch