ESPN on QB Contracts (Dak)

Admit what?

Who cares what "production" looks like. All that matters is W/L.

My prediction during the preseason looks like it could be wrong, but it's not wrong yet, but it very well could be wrong after Sunday. Am I supposed to be upset about that or something?

looks like it could be wrong? lol Production matters, Rush had issues converting 3rd down meaning you are punting, since Dak has returned, we are one of the top teams in converting on 3rd down. Redzone has increased as well. Fact is you made the prediction as a means to bad mouth Dak as you always do and now that you are wrong do not have the ball to admit it. Hell I expected nothing less from you.
looks like it could be wrong? lol Production matters, Rush had issues converting 3rd down meaning you are punting, since Dak has returned, we are one of the top teams in converting on 3rd down. Redzone has increased as well. Fact is you made the prediction as a means to bvad mouth Dak as you always do and now that you are wrong do not have the ball to admit it. Hell I expected nothing less from you.
You care about production more than wins?

I'm going to guess not, but maybe you do. I don't know.
All I know if after Sunday my prediction best be wrong.

well I had a pretty good idea in week 1 your prediction would be off but you are right if we lose at home to the colts after a mini bye there should be questions. This is the NFL though and wins arent a given after all the colts did beat the cheifs
well I had a pretty good idea in week 1 your prediction would be off but you are right if we lose at home to the colts after a mini bye there should be questions. This is the NFL though and wins arent a given after all the colts did beat the cheifs
I didn't think our defense would play this well. I thought they would be good, but not this good.

I expected what we looked like against the Bucs to be exactly what we look like for the season.
You care about production more than wins?

I'm going to guess not, but maybe you do. I don't know.

I'm smart enough to know production is what wins games. Dallas got by off of a handful of plays and relied strictly on defense. You can't really be that stupid, all the teams who are competing for a playoff spot are also highly productive teams. So don't hand me that ignorant line of you care more about production and winning, they go hand in hand Einstein. lol
I'm smart enough to know production is what wins games. Dallas got by off of a handful of plays and relied strictly on defense. You can't really be that stupid, all the teams who are competing for a playoff spot are also highly productive teams. So don't hand me that ignorant line of you care more about production and winning, they go hand in hand Einstein. lol
You're going to have to chill with the insults and name calling.

I'm not coming at you that way.
Its the culture of our world whether were talking sports,Politics, religion or whether the world is flat. Im right and you suck! Probably because the internet has made it so butt whoopins are less common. You can sit in your parents basement and be stupid without consequense.

It wasn't a lecture. I did a fly by and didn't know what else to contribute. :)
I will never be able to appreciate Dak's contract because I do not believe his skills and talent are worth it.

The less he does the better we are and he can't consistently commit to that play style.

Well the team, the owners and the coaches believe in Dak. So do many of his fans. I know you hate him. He may not be a Maholmes or Allen, but he wins games and has been above average QB in Dallas since he's been here.

As for money, who cares. It's not my money and Jerry has lots of it to spend.
You're going to have to chill with the insults and name calling.

I'm not coming at you that way.

Sorry for calling you Einstein, in no way are you an Einstein. As for the ignorant line, not calling you ignorant just the comment of you care more about production than winning. lol
Well the team, the owners and the coaches believe in Dak. So do many of his fans. I know you hate him. He may not be a Maholmes or Allen, but he wins games and has been above average QB in Dallas since he's been here.

As for money, who cares. It's not my money and Jerry has lots of it to spend.
I don't hate him.

I just don't believe in him because he's too inconsistent. I don't believe he can play well against 4 bad teams in a row, let alone 4 playoff teams like we'll need from him.
Of course that's not what I'm predicting.

I'll make my prediction when I see who we play and how this team is playing.

If the season ended right now and we played the 49ers in the Wild Card then I'd predict a loss.

If the season ended right now and we played the Falcons in the Wild Card then I'd predict a win.
You already made your 8 win prediction. How wrong was that? :lmao2:
You keep ignoring the big part about how you are never here after loses so you really have no idea what fans do after loses these days.
I guess you can’t read as I’ve started the reason several times. Either that or you’re just being a jerk.
At least Dallas doesn't have this to deal with :omg:


but he elite and better then Dak say the zone.. show me Rogers deal as well. Others underperforming this year , how about Murray?

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