Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

As I've echoed numerous times, the lengths that some here will go to for Greg Hardy is absurd and hypocritical.

We all knew what he did, people want to give him the benefit of the doubt and rationalize why he had to throw around his girlfriend but we all know that none of these arguments would be made in his favor if he were playing for a different team right now. People want to say "well no one really knows what happened" well, there's a lot more evidence out there supporting the victim rather than Greg Hardy. This guy is a lowlife scumbag, no better than any of the other players that did similar things that people here have pretty much burned at the stake because all because they weren't wearing a star on their helmet.

Go back and read up on the "We should have signed Mike Vick thread" that was posted in the rant zone. See how many people are letting him "move on with his life". The constant bringing-up of Big Ben and others as if to say "well other teams have bad apples so it's okay that we have them too." Since returning from his suspension, this guy has done nothing but further cement the fact that he's a bonehead and is very lucky and fortunate to be on an NFL team and not in prison. So please, go to the same lengths to defend Joseph Randle...please do because I'd love to see how much effort (if any) would be put into that project...

He's filth. He might be a great player, but I'm sorry, being a great football player does not hold more value than being a great human being.

People out there defending Hardy like he's the latest victim of the biased mediots that want to do nothing but tear a guy down who's simply misunderstood and didn't really do anything wrong...


But, he's a leader or something.....
The guy is 6'5" and at least 265lbs, if he hit her I would think she would show something more substantial than grab , pull and push marks. I saw approx 45 pictures today, they all looked like pulling and pushing marks, unless someone can post up a picture here that shows otherwise. Is a guy in this day and age still allowed to defend himself from another human being male or female or transgender? I certainly hope so. IMO he is allowed a 2nd chance until he proves otherwise.
What was his facebook response?

Don't know - I sent him an email but he was not comfortable with the article link. Honestly Dave, no reporter is going to stick their neck out for this, they will get crucified i in this climate. If the Duke Lacrosse case happened today I'm not sure it would get exposed. Hope I'm wrong.
He's got marks on his face. So its fair and square.

Same goes for Ray Rice...his GF shouldnt have spit on him and swung at him. Fair and square.

Abuse is when someone gets hit and did nothing to incite or deserve being hit.

Fair and square? you can Womack a woman if she hits you too? What if a nine year old hits you, can you smack him around too? I need to know cause my nephew is a pain.
What a disgusting piece of ****. He should be in prison where all the other animals are just like him. Anyone that makes excuses for this behavior are no better than this animal. This is why you arm yourselves, ladies. I'm sick as a fan, and embarrassed.

Because some people on here still believe that he didn't do anything, or that the woman did it to herself, or that Hardy was the victim.

well the biggest problem is that the NFL (and other leagues) is selective about who they try to make examples out of. How many games did Rothlisberger miss for rape allegations? (or Kobe in the NBA) How many games has Suh been suspended for blatantly stomping people and trying to injure them? How many games did Brady miss for cheating? How penalized were the Patriots for cheating the game to gain an advantage and win a Super Bowl. Last I checked they still got their rings. What Hardy did was probably pretty wrong, although I'm quite sure she was no innocent victim either. However, its not like he's the worst person in the league either. I personally can't stand turd players, i hated TO and Deion, but I'll root for Hardy as long as he's a Cowboy because every team in the league has several players at least as bad. And we all know our 'Boys will always get the most scrutiny, fair or not.
Like Seinfeld said, at the end of the day, we're really just rooting for (uniforms) laundry.
Fair and square? you can Womack a woman if she hits you too? What if a nine year old hits you, can you smack him around too? I need to know cause my nephew is a pain.

Somewhat different as 9 year old is a child, Hardy's gf was supposedly an adult and maybe just maybe she attacked him first. Does he have the right to protect himself? A female robber comes into your house, do u take her out or do u let her shoot u?
If that 275 lb man wanted to hurt her, she would be hurt. She wouldn't have run away from the scene and police. She likely wouldn't have walked away.

Since he didn't kill her or cripple her, it is okay? How much pain and abuse has to occur for it to be a bad thing?

The article accompanying the pictures is very informative. Seemed to me the writer did a pretty thorough job of investigating what actually transpired, and it doesn't paint a nice picture for Hardy. Once he realized he had screwed up, he fell back on the time honored tactic of blaming the victim.

If he was innocent, why did he pay her off?
The guy is 6'5" and at least 265lbs, if he hit her I would think she would show something more substantial than grab , pull and push marks. I saw approx 45 pictures today, they all looked like pulling and pushing marks, unless someone can post up a picture here that shows otherwise. Is a guy in this day and age still allowed to defend himself from another human being male or female or transgender? I certainly hope so.
You are not allowed to use excessive force in the name of self defense, and legally speaking, the amount of danger you are in is a consideration.

But yes, I am sure the 275 pound NFL linebacker was in fear for his life when the big bad 110 pound woman attacked him.

It blows my mind how far people will bend over to defend a woman beating scumbag just because of the uniform he wears.
If you had ever known someone with a scheming wife/girlfriend you would likely be more concerned about his rights.

I have a friend that is wealthy and has a weakness for women. They've put him through all kinds of hell over the years and their go to move is to attempt to get him in trouble, then try to extort him. I've known the friends of some of these women and therefore know many of the details and intent.

It sounds all noble to take her side in the Hardy story but in reality it's right up there with sins of previous generations of lynch mobs and other such behaviour.

This country has laws to protect civil liberties. The legal process cleared him.

The pics don't prove anything. If he was abusing her the injuries would likely have been much worse.

Her iwn friend testified that she had an intent to cause trouble that night.

I seen it up close when a wealthy guy breaks up with a girl. It is often a bad situation when they realize the lifestyle they've become accustomed to is now gone.

He was cleared in the best tradition of American justice!

He paid off the victim.

Hope the next one is alive to collect her pay off. Cause guys like that don't stop beating woman, especially after they get away with it.
Don't know - I sent him an email but he was not comfortable with the article link. Honestly Dave, no reporter is going to stick their neck out for this, they will get crucified i in this climate. If the Duke Lacrosse case happened today I'm not sure it would get exposed. Hope I'm wrong.

I never paid any attention to the trial (still haven't), but all I heard on local sports radio stations was that "the one thing we can be sure of is that there was a lot of craziness going on from both sides." The general theme at the time was that Hardy, at a minimum, showed poor judgement, but they weren't sure what happened. She was portrayed as being a nut job. I remember there being a lot of surprise after the initial conviction, but even then all the talk was practical (ie. will appeal, NFL likely won't suspend him until the courts are done with it, likely to play the entire 2014 season, good chance it will get overturned, etc).

Then the Ray Rice video was released and everything changed. After initially playing him, they benched Hardy due to public pressure after the Rice fiasco, and then suddenly their owner was too moral to keep him (yeah, right).

If not for the Ray Rice video, Hardy would still be a Panther, he would have played the entire 2014 season, and this case wouldn't have raised an eyebrow. No one cared about it before then and the initial media reports following his arrest indicated a level of violence that certainly would have resulted in bruises. If the media attacks the Cowboys for not showing more concern over this issue, then they're hypocrites, plain and simple. The league's reaction has been based on PR, nothing else. I'm not going to defend Hardy, but the attacks on the Cowboys are what I find annoying. If anything, this is a State of NC issue.
Not sure what the difference this makes. The Cowboys went into signing him know he had an assault charge on a women. It shouldn't make a difference how many bruises she has. The only thing the Cowboys will regret is th damage to their PR
Somebody at ESPN or somewhere probably betting big on Iggles. Timing is suspicious day after record expunged.

I am pretty sure someone in the criminal justice system was waiting for the expungement before leaking this material in disgust.
I believe that what goes around, comes around. I can't help believing this season is just Karma paying Jerry back for selling his soul for a pass rusher.

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