Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

Please don't forget the undisclosed payoff to the victim. That to me is an admission he did do it. The more he paid, the more guilty he is!

I didn't forget it but I didn't mention it because there is no proof whatsoever that it happened and Hardy's side denies it happened. They cooperated with the NFL investigation and said it didn't happened. The only reason people talk about a civil settlement is because the DA in a high profile case dropped this case (which never should have been brought) and said they THOUGHT there was a payoff without offering any proof. Its the typical political butt-covering that DA's do all the time. And after the Duke Rape Case, people have every right to question the political motivations of DAs in North Carolina.

Even if there was a civil settlement, reaching a settlement to avoid a Civil Trial has nothing to do the criminal prosecution of the crime. It just means the person agrees not to file a civil suit in the same matter. Most defense attorneys recommend offering a low amount as a civil settlement because its cheaper than the half million dollars it would take in legal fees to go through a civil trial.

But I'm sure you knew all that....
Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries news services

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A year and a half after defensive end Greg Hardy was arrested and charged with attacking and threatening his then-girlfriend, Nicole Holder, the public is getting its first look at the injuries Hardy allegedly inflicted on her.

The pictures released Friday show Holder with multiple bruises all over her body and include several of Hardy with marks on his face.

******** obtained the photos, along with hundreds of pages of records in the case, and published them on its site Friday afternoon.

Hardy, who plays for the Dallas Cowboys but at the time was a member of the Carolina Panthers, was accused by Holder of throwing her against a bathroom wall, throwing her on a bed covered with assault rifles, choking her and threatening her life during an altercation at his apartment.
as Tosh said, "what if you come home and your wife just finished drowning your first two kids and she was in the process of drowning the third? Can you hit her then?"

no, remember the old adage, it is never appropriate to hit a woman
I do find it funny how pictures makes this a new story though. I had to listen to Philly radio all day calling for his immediate suspension. Apparently for proof of what he was already suspended for.

Never for one second in this whole thing did I ever think that Holder did not have bruises. We knew all along there were pics of her bruises. It boggles the mind that some bruises on her in pictures is enough to spark all of this new faux outrage, including calls for Dallas to cut him.

It is insane.

I had a girl go nuts on me one time and she ended up with bruising all over her arms simply because I was covering my head with my arms and she bruised herself when she was swinging at me.

Bruises prove very little.

She also pulled wads of her own hair out (and some from my head as well), imagine if those pics showed some bald spots on Holder's head. Everyone would be saying Hardy was dragging her by her hair and asking for him to be kicked out of the NFL.
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My opinion is that he did what he was accused of. He did get punished, probably adequately. He missed one and a quarter seasons for it. He should have gone to jail, but it would not have been for very long. Compared to Michael Vick, I figure he got comparable punishment.

He is now a Cowboy. I don't have to like him or think that he is a decent human being, which I don't, to hope he gets after a QB. Every time he gets a sack, I say to myself, "Hell yes! You dirty scumbag did a great job!" If he continues to play well and doesn't get into anymore trouble, I can choke it down. I didn't want him here, but he is, so I have to deal with it. I will never like the guy, but I do like some pass rush.

But don't ever think that I would accept a Vick or a Rice, I don't care how good they are. They went way beyond what is tolerable for me.

Like I said, I'll root for his sacks. But that's all I'm going to do. Don't want him here but I'll put up with him. What drives me crazy is the insane defense of the man. If Vick was here I'd root for him to get injured. I know that. I can't stand him.
Never for one second in this whole thing did I ever think that Holder did not have bruises. We knew all along there were pics of her bruises. It boggles the mind that some bruises on her in pictures is enough to spark all of this new faux outrage, including calls for Dallas to cut him.

It is insane.

I had a girl go nuts on me one time and she ended up with bruising all over her arms simply because I was covering my head with my arms and she bruised herself when she was swinging at me.

Bruises prove very little.

She also pulled wads of her own hair out (and some from my head as well), imagine if those pics showed some bald spots on Holder's head. Everyone would be saying Hardy was dragging her by her hair and asking for him to be kicked out of the NFL.

It's the Ray Rice incident all over. I've heard many state his punishment was so severe because there was a video of it. Why should that matter? Either you committed a crime or you didn't. A video is evidence, sure...but if you can prove someone's guilt with or without the video it should become irrelevant to his punishment. Who didn't know watching a man lay out a woman like that was hard to watch? Does the next guy who knocks out his wife but isn't caught on camera get less?

All this stuff should be handled by the courts and not any separate investigation by the league. A lot of people read that and think I support criminals playing in the league. I do not. I just want the courts to take care of them so they aren't an option for a football team to sign. But the Dallas Cowboys, IMO, did nothing wrong, made no horrible stance against women by signing Greg Hardy. He was an available football player with a lot of proven ability. The Cowboys are a football team trying to win games. If it turns out the guy shouldn't be free in society at that time, shame on the courts and not on the Cowboys. I'd do what they did every time. It is not their responsibility to be the instant replay for our judiciary system.
Not to be insensitive about this situation but if I can be honest from everything I heard and read I honestly expected far worse then what is shown.

I agree that I was expecting far worse. They were drunk off their butt's and had done cocaine so I'm not sure they even know what actually happened. The article says they drank at least 5 bottles of champaign in addition to the drugs. I'm hoping that they have people keeping him from hurting himself and others.

The guy obviously has anger issues and doesn't make the best decisions so if he stays past this year he needs support to keep out of trouble.
All this stuff should be handled by the courts and not any separate investigation by the league. A lot of people read that and think I support criminals playing in the league. I do not. I just want the courts to take care of them so they aren't an option for a football team to sign. But the Dallas Cowboys, IMO, did nothing wrong, made no horrible stance against women by signing Greg Hardy. He was an available football player with a lot of proven ability. The Cowboys are a football team trying to win games. If it turns out the guy shouldn't be free in society at that time, shame on the courts and not on the Cowboys. I'd do what they did every time. It is not their responsibility to be the instant replay for our judiciary system.

Strongly agree with your ENTIRE post but ESPECIALLY this part.

The "outrage" towards Jerry and the Cowboys regarding Hardy is absurd.

Here, have a "like". Enjoy.
Hardy was out a whole season last year and 4 games this year. They went to court and the victim didn't show. What else needs to be done?
Hardy is lucky he didn't do this in New Jersey. They could try him based on the evidence without the girl friend testifying. Of course, Jerrah would call up his buddy and Cowboy fan Chris Christie and "ask" the guv to take of things.

I lived through the Vick controversy up here. The press didn't let up on Vick (Headline: "Hide Your Beagle, Vick's an Eagle"). Even though Vick served almost two years in a federal penitentiary, there were people who wanted to skin him alive. Greg Hardy, by all accounts, beat a human and will serve no time at all. He should consider himself lucky, show some contrition, and shut the heck up and play football.

As for all the people bending over backwards to defend him or justify his being on the Cowboys....I see a lot of hypocrites who vilified Vick but seem willing to give a woman beater a pass. NO man needs to lay his hands on a woman unless the situation is extraordinary. I don't see this as one of those situations.
We don't really know the story. Only Greg & Nicole know that level of truth. I have to say seeing the pictures really does make it hit closer to home for me. I've rescued a previous love from an abusive man and it was no fun. I'm one of those "won't start it but will finish it" kind of guys and I had to beat him down one night many many years ago. Never touch a woman. Period. There are so many other options.

I also see the bruises on his face and wonder how aggressive she may have been. Perhaps she was the initial aggressor. Who really knows? I'm not going to let this get in the way of my appreciation for what he does on the field. As a Dallas Cowboy, he has been quite ok in my eyes. His personal life, like mine, is really no one's business.

Something happened obviously but we don't know the true details. I refuse to be like the talking heads on BSPN. Let's get it on Sunday night!


All this time I thought you were a woman....with all that ASSet
That's the ASSet of my favorite South American media member Ines Sainz.

Her Google image search is just a heavenly place to scroll.
Please don't forget the undisclosed payoff to the victim. That to me is an admission he did do it. The more he paid, the more guilty he is!
Loved this reply:

There is no proof whatsoever that it happened and Hardy's side denies it happened. They cooperated with the NFL investigation and said it didn't happened
It's the Ray Rice incident all over. I've heard many state his punishment was so severe because there was a video of it. Why should that matter? Either you committed a crime or you didn't. A video is evidence, sure...but if you can prove someone's guilt with or without the video it should become irrelevant to his punishment. Who didn't know watching a man lay out a woman like that was hard to watch? Does the next guy who knocks out his wife but isn't caught on camera get less?

All this stuff should be handled by the courts and not any separate investigation by the league. A lot of people read that and think I support criminals playing in the league. I do not. I just want the courts to take care of them so they aren't an option for a football team to sign. But the Dallas Cowboys, IMO, did nothing wrong, made no horrible stance against women by signing Greg Hardy. He was an available football player with a lot of proven ability. The Cowboys are a football team trying to win games. If it turns out the guy shouldn't be free in society at that time, shame on the courts and not on the Cowboys. I'd do what they did every time. It is not their responsibility to be the instant replay for our judiciary system.

I agree whole heartedly with your opinion on this. I just think it's laughable that since Garret has been here, all we have heard it RKG.
I don't care RKG or any other type of player. I just want to win

I just think it's humorous that most fans here believed in the RKG Stuff early on and how the RKG mantra has evolved or devolved into guys like Hardy

RKG was BS rhetoric from day one

It's all about winning to Jerry and Co
I agree whole heartedly with your opinion on this. I just think it's laughable that since Garret has been here, all we have heard it RKG.
I don't care RKG or any other type of player. I just want to win

I just think it's humorous that most fans here believed in the RKG Stuff early on and how the RKG mantra has evolved or devolved into guys like Hardy

RKG was BS rhetoric from day one

It's all about winning to Jerry and Co

Again I don't think RKG ever had to do with off field trouble.

They are guys that love football, put the team first, will play multiple positions and special teams, will play thru injuries. They can be Team Captains, Boy Scout types but they have to be.
It's the Ray Rice incident all over. I've heard many state his punishment was so severe because there was a video of it.
The punishment (the second time around) was so severe because of all the public outrage.

The public was outraged because of the video of the incident.

So yes, the video led to the severity of the punishment. No video, and there's no endless 24-hour loop of the event on all 4 ESPN network and no whipping the public into a frenzy. There's no Goodell press conference carried live on literally every single TV station in the country. It would have been just another "An NFL star got arrested for domestic violence, but charges were dropped" story like countless others before.
Hardy is lucky he didn't do this in New Jersey. They could try him based on the evidence without the girl friend testifying. Of course, Jerrah would call up his buddy and Cowboy fan Chris Christie and "ask" the guv to take of things.

I lived through the Vick controversy up here. The press didn't let up on Vick (Headline: "Hide Your Beagle, Vick's an Eagle"). Even though Vick served almost two years in a federal penitentiary, there were people who wanted to skin him alive. Greg Hardy, by all accounts, beat a human and will serve no time at all. He should consider himself lucky, show some contrition, and shut the heck up and play football.

As for all the people bending over backwards to defend him or justify his being on the Cowboys....I see a lot of hypocrites who vilified Vick but seem willing to give a woman beater a pass. NO man needs to lay his hands on a woman unless the situation is extraordinary. I don't see this as one of those situations.

The DA in Hardy's case could have continue with the trail. There was no law requiring the girls to testify. They dropped the case because they knew that could not win.

Vick's crimes were proven and he was found guilty in court. His crimes very done with malicious intent. Even if Hardy did do something it would likely have been an emotional reaction where he shoved her and not a deliberate plan that took place over years.

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