Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

I agree whole heartedly with your opinion on this. I just think it's laughable that since Garret has been here, all we have heard it RKG.
I don't care RKG or any other type of player. I just want to win

I just think it's humorous that most fans here believed in the RKG Stuff early on and how the RKG mantra has evolved or devolved into guys like Hardy

RKG was BS rhetoric from day one

It's all about winning to Jerry and Co

Fans generally don't understand what RKG means to Garrett. It never meant boy scout. It was primarily his term for what it takes to be a good team member and a guy that has the ability to function within the team concept. I'm certain that Garrett would have considered Michael Irvin an RKG.

Garrett had to over-focus on "RKGs" in the beginning because Wade had ruined the team mentality with a bunch of over entitled underachievers. Once Garrett and the Cowboys replaced most the the players that Wade ruined with college team captains and general goods guys, then the Cowboys started being more open to adding some character risk players.

Keep in mind Hardy does not have a history of criminal problems and was well liked by previous teammates.
The DA in Hardy's case could have continue with the trail. There was no law requiring the girls to testify. They dropped the case because they knew that could not win.

Vick's crimes were proven and he was found guilty in court. His crimes very done with malicious intent. Even if Hardy did do something it would likely have been an emotional reaction where he shoved her and not a deliberate plan that took place over years.

You beat me to it. The DA didn't prosecute because he would have had to stake his reputation on Holder's testimony... which was completely unreliable. Everyone keeps saying that Hardy got off because he paid off the girl... when the truth is he didn't get prosecuted because the case wasn't good enough to prosecute.
Loved this reply:

There is no proof whatsoever that it happened and Hardy's side denies it happened. They cooperated with the NFL investigation and said it didn't happened

Even if it did happen, wouldn't that show that the "victim" was more interested in money than "justice".

If he really did damage to her, she would have shown up to court to get "justice".
Even if it did happen, wouldn't that show that the "victim" was more interested in money than "justice".

If he really did damage to her, she would have shown up to court to get "justice".

And if she was only interested in money, she would have made a lot more money by making sure there was a conviction in the criminal case before negotiating for money to drop the civil case.
Hardy was out a whole season last year and 4 games this year. They went to court and the victim didn't show. What else needs to be done?

I really wish that people could be forced to watch shows that detail the stories of the wrongly convicted people in prison. It happens a lot and it's a much worse problem, IMO, than cases where a guilty person was not convicted.

People really don't understand the concept of Civil Liberties and how at any minute it could be their own civil liberties that are being violated.

If somebody's wife is ever murdered and the criminal does a decent job of covering their tracks, it is an overwhelming possibility that the husband's civil liberties are going to be trampled on. The police will automatically assume that he was guilty. If he is not clean as a whistle and especially if he's ever had an affair, then the low paid police detectives will make it their mission to prove that he did it even if there is zero evidence.

Heck look at what happened to La'el Collins just because his ex-girlfriend was murdered. He was never a real suspect once the police had a few days to verify the details but it still cost him millions of dollars and some fans/media still tried to claim that he was a character risk player.
And if she was only interested in money, she would have made a lot more money by making sure there was a conviction in the criminal case before negotiating for money to drop the civil case.

Not if she knew it was all BS and that her story likely wouldn't stand up in court.

I'm saying that she did get paid, but if they offered her a million dollars, very few people would turn that down. If he didn't get convicted then she would get nothing.
This is a very key part I think many are ignoring. In the 911 call she didn't sound like a completely innocent victim.
Why would she stay there screaming at him and breaking things? I can't understand that and I'd honestly like the ones that are sure he's totally at fault to address this fact.

I could hear her in the background when he called 911, screaming "just break my arm". Why wouldn't she just leave at that point?

I took the "just break my arm" comment as her wanting to get injured for the obvious purpose of getting him into trouble.
Not if she knew it was all BS and that her story likely wouldn't stand up in court.

I'm saying that she did get paid, but if they offered her a million dollars, very few people would turn that down. If he didn't get convicted then she would get nothing.

I don't know if she did or not, but I think the odds are high that she didn't. First, its SOP for defense attorneys to make some token offer like 25K to drop civil charges because the cost of going to trial is 500K or more. Second, Hardy's attorneys knew this case was radioactive and cooperated with the NFL but said there was no payout. Knowing the NFL was trying to crucify their client, the lawyers had to know Hardy could get a much harsher penalty or suspension if they lied about it and it was proven later. I have no doubt the NFL investigated whether or not there was a payoff and if they found it, they would have used it against Hardy.
Corso you old dog. How the heck are you ? Thought you were missing in action. Was going to have Gimme start a search party down in Farmer's Branch and go across the USA looking for ya !!!
I'll be back again soon... Got behind on some work and I'm now trying to catch back up before I start hanging out again full-time.
Looks there are some new personalities on board. It'll be interesting to read them.

Was it powerball, or just one of those scratchers?
I believe it was Powerball. It was, shoot, over a decade ago?
Someone has kept saying that holder had contradictory statements made. Anyone know what those were. Dependingnon what they are, i could buy that she had damaged herself and tried to sell it as abuse. I have pretty much assumed he was guilty all along but i could change my mind. Those pictures dont really change anything for me. The drama around them does not match up with what you see in the pictures though. Media gon media.

She was reported to have contradicted herself between her original story and what she told in the first court hearing.

Her friend said that she went there with the intention to cause trouble. Hardy had already broken up with her.

She could be heard in the background when Hardy called 911 screaming "just break my arm". Hardy told 911 that she was chasing him around the table and his friend was trying to restrain her.
All this focus on Hardy and all the people in the media wanting Jerry to cut Hardy or have his sponsors pull out are only helping the Cowboys. Hardy just seen the Cowboys support him and will make it easier to resign him. Just watch...
The 911 call, that witness, what the victim told police, the pictures, the judges review of evidence....all says a lot

Hardy called 911 and she could be heard in the background screaming "just break my arm". Hardy told 911 that she was chasing him around the table.

The injuries don't prove anything. In thousands of documented cases, people have created their own injuries for various purposes. When the injures are just bruises the probability of the injuries being self induced are much higher. If she had an actual broken arm and injuries consistent with a large man punching her in the face, then that is something that people would be less likely to do to themselves.

Anybody remember Darlie Routier? She is the Dallas area woman that is on death row for killing her kids. She cut herself up, including a cut to her throat; however, the wounds were superficial. It's not like she rammed a 6 inch knife into her stomach.

Many people have even shot themselves, but again it's normally through the skin on the side of their abdomen or something that didn't inflict too much damage.

The biggest misunderstand in this case the the "trial" with the judge.

Everyone is this country is entitled to a jury of their peers unless they decline and opt for a judge only trial. Hardy didn't not opt for a judge only trial. They only reason that State can have a judge-only trial is because it is basically non binding. The defendant can elect to take the results of the judge-only trial if they don't expect a better result with a new trial; however, the punishment from the first trail can only be applied if the defendant elects to take it and elects to forego a jury trial.

Some people have called the 2nd trail an appeal but it is really a full blown jury trial. Actual appeals only trials have strict limitations in most states in terms of errors in the original trial. That is not how the 2nd trail in Hardy's case would have functioned. It would have been his first chance to have his constitutional right to a trial by jury.

In that state, the 1st trial acts as a filter to reduce the number of trial that are required to convene a jury. It's not the same but the result is very similar to a Grand Jury in other states. A Grand jury can indict a person but can't impose any binding punishment. The Grand jury is just a filter to prevent unnecessary cases from going through a full blown jury trial.
You beat me to it. The DA didn't prosecute because he would have had to stake his reputation on Holder's testimony... which was completely unreliable. Everyone keeps saying that Hardy got off because he paid off the girl... when the truth is he didn't get prosecuted because the case wasn't good enough to prosecute.

The pictures alone would've been enough to prosecute if she was willing to testify. The Case was dismissed after she didn't show up AFTER being paid off. Her not showing up is public record, how connected to the case are you to definitively say the evidence didn't support prosecution?

Amazes me the ends some of you will go to defend the guy. Neither getting a second chance nor being a Cowboy make him a saint. And if he wasn't an all pro talent he wouldn't even be in a position to face this scrutiny and get a second chance. So I personally don't feel bad for the guy. He played a part in all of this.
I could hear her in the background when he called 911, screaming "just break my arm". Why wouldn't she just leave at that point?

I took the "just break my arm" comment as her wanting to get injured for the obvious purpose of getting him into trouble.

Yes. The call was extremely revealing, I think, and can't understand why no one who is attacking Hardy, at least on this site, address these discrepancies.
The pictures alone would've been enough to prosecute if she was willing to testify. The Case was dismissed after she didn't show up AFTER being paid off. Her not showing up is public record, how connected to the case are you to definitively say the evidence didn't support prosecution?

Amazes me the ends some of you will go to defend the guy. Neither getting a second chance nor being a Cowboy make him a saint. And if he wasn't an all pro talent he wouldn't even be in a position to face this scrutiny and get a second chance. So I personally don't feel bad for the guy. He played a part in all of this.

I know it's likely but since you're sure have you seen proof and will you share it if so we can put that issue to rest whether he paid her off?
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You beat me to it. The DA didn't prosecute because he would have had to stake his reputation on Holder's testimony... which was completely unreliable. Everyone keeps saying that Hardy got off because he paid off the girl... when the truth is he didn't get prosecuted because the case wasn't good enough to prosecute.

I suspect the gal was also happy to not testify because perjury can get you into some serious trouble. That and the deal....
The pictures alone would've been enough to prosecute if she was willing to testify. The Case was dismissed after she didn't show up AFTER being paid off. Her not showing up is public record, how connected to the case are you to definitively say the evidence didn't support prosecution?

Amazes me the ends some of you will go to defend the guy. Neither getting a second chance nor being a Cowboy make him a saint. And if he wasn't an all pro talent he wouldn't even be in a position to face this scrutiny and get a second chance. So I personally don't feel bad for the guy. He played a part in all of this.

How do you know that the pictures along with her testifying would be enough to get a conviction in a jury trial? They had the pictures and they had all of her statements. They just didn't have her. If her side of what happened and these pictures were enough... then the DA would have gone ahead with the prosecution.

He didn't. That would make me think her testimony and the pictures aren't enough because they had that. They had everything that Holder had said and they had the pics but the DA wouldn't repeat in a jury trial what Holder had said because he didn't trust the testimony enough. She contradicted herself on numerous things and he couldn't use any of it because of that.

So the pictures didn't sway anyone and her testimony wasn't trustworthy... so I don't think those two things would be enough because they weren't.

I don't know what happened any more than you do (or anyone else). Do I know that the bruises aren't from Hardy striking her and knocking her around? No, I don't. However, we also don't know that Holder didn't attack him and cause the bruises herself either. Hardy and the other guy there both testified that Holder slammed the toilet lid down on her own arm multiple times and said that she jumped straight up in the shower and fell down on purpose. Do you know that isn't true? No, you can't.

At least both parties agree about the big bruise on her elbow... it is there because she slammed it back into the face of Hardy's friend.

So, just like I can't know what really happened, you can't know what really happened either. I think that either one or a combination of the two could have occurred, so I try not to speak in absolutes because nobody really knows.

Yet, most people speak in absolutes that Hardy is a piece of human filth and deserves either a long jail sentence of should never be allowed to play football again. That is harsh considering everything we know and don't know about what happened.

For me, it comes down to this... even if Hardy did rough her up and did react poorly to her coming over and raising hell in his house... what he was accused of was a misdemeanor and didn't even include any jail time. Even if he did all that, he has missed more than a season, lost nearly $4 million this year and really, lost much more than that because of the long-term contract he lost out on this past off season.... not to mention his reputation is shot at this point. All of that is plenty and then some for whatever happened there that night. But people want him to never play again. Want Dallas to cut him and some even want him in prison as well.

I have even heard a few people online say that they wouldn't mind capitol punishment for Hardy.

I mean all of that just is nuts and way, way overkill. The insanely PC environment that twitter, facebook, etc. fosters these days is ridiculous and probably colors every comment by anyone standing up for Hardy.

In short, this is all just nuts to me and doesn't follow even a semblance of common sense.
Prosecutors didn't have any qualms making that allegation. And when the victim "disappeared" it certainly makes it that much more believable.

Prosecutors making this allegation doesn't prove anything. Anything except the prosecutor irresponsibility makes accusations they can't prove based on their own bias.

The whole situation is unfortunate. It sounds like both Hardy and Holder lost their cool and the situation escalated into something it shouldn't have.
I don't believe 1 incident makes Hardy a domestic abuser. An abuser does it as a pattern or control and it continues. It's not a 1 time fight where things went to a bad place for both of them.

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