Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

Exactly some people love to sound noble on the Internet. These people always take the easiest position with little pushback. I live in Charlotte and plenty has been discussed how the girlfriend was a real loser. But her issues are not newsworthy.

I'm sure. The Panther fanbase probably. They didn't want him to go.
***Stop the name calling***

If you can't converse about this topic or with other's opinions not held by you then don't post.

Be civil. There will be no repeat warnings.
If you had ever known someone with a scheming wife/girlfriend you would likely be more concerned about his rights.

I have a friend that is wealthy and has a weakness for women. They've put him through all kinds of hell over the years and their go to move is to attempt to get him in trouble, then try to extort him. I've known the friends of some of these women and therefore know many of the details and intent.

It sounds all noble to take her side in the Hardy story but in reality it's right up there with sins of previous generations of lynch mobs and other such behaviour.

This country has laws to protect civil liberties. The legal process cleared him.

The pics don't prove anything. If he was abusing her the injuries would likely have been much worse.

Her iwn friend testified that she had an intent to cause trouble that night.

I seen it up close when a wealthy guy breaks up with a girl. It is often a bad situation when they realize the lifestyle they've become accustomed to is now gone.

I'm not taking anybody's side. I'm wondering why pictures are suddenly convincing a bunch of people that Greg Hardy is a creep when they already knew the facts of the case. For whatever reason, he threw his ex around. He was convicted. For whatever reason, she didn't show up to testify. The case was dropped. Hardy's record was expunged. The pictures don't change any of that, unless you believed it never happened.
I could care less. Not that I don't care about the woman, but I could care less about what the players do in there own time. If they want to rape and pillage that's on them, not me.

I am a fan of football and want to be entertained.

The only thing I do care about is it being a distraction this week when we have the biggest game of our season to date. I hope Hardy has 4 sacks, not to shut everyone up, but because he plays for the Cowboys!
No your defense of him shows what you are as a person and should embarrass those around you. Lowest common denominator is what you are

Your defense of a gold digging cokehead floosy shows what you are as a person and should embarrass those around you. LCD is what you are.
I could care less. Not that I don't care about the woman, but I could care less about what the players do in there own time. If they want to rape and pillage that's on them, not me.

I am a fan of football and want to be entertained.

The only thing I do care about is it being a distraction this week when we have the biggest game of our season to date. I hope Hardy has 4 sacks, not to shut everyone up, but because he plays for the Cowboys!

Somebody at ESPN or somewhere probably betting big on Iggles. Timing is suspicious day after record expunged.
Dude do you know how dumb your statements sound? She was hurt. She was bruised from head to toe. You know there are people who abuse their spouses for years and only leave bruises others can't see. Many women eventually end up dead. Please stop. It's embarrassing

Stop with the head to toe nonsense. What's embarrassing is that you're somehow equating this with long term abuse and eventual death. We've seen the pictures, we don't need your melodramatic embellishments to convince us he's a monster. Some of us are just less hysterical than you about bruising that looks typical of a coked up drunk chick in a brawl with a man who outweighs her by 150 lbs. Of course she's got some bruises, he's a freaking giant of a man. That's why it is generally not a good idea to get into physical conflict with giants.
This is knee jerk BS. You can research the percentage of abusive guys who call 911 if you want, but you're not going to come up with a very large number.

When Hardy got signed, I read up on everything was available, to see whether the team had signed a terrible low life. After checking it all out, it appeared that the gal was the low life, and imo should have been charged with attempted extortion. She was drunk, coked up, intended to extort her rent from Hardy, was 'going to show him what crazy was', had attacked his car a few days before, and later had real inconsistencies in her various stories to the police. And I think she has seriously profited from her chicanery. While Hardy is not a choir boy, in this instance, he's the one getting the shaft.

Also, in a radio interview, the ******** folks mentioned how this was their biggest story every, in terms of traffic. Hmnn. No incentive there.

If you haven't checked out all the evidence, read the transcripts, followed the stories heavily, you don't have an informed opinion on this. As exemplified by today's ton of high internet dudgeon.
Rice case

I'm saying you're incorrect in saying that it only applies to US law. It's something that can be collectively bargained for. It's kind of in the NFL CBA, as a team and Commish can't punish the player for the same act. The debate in the Rice case was whether that provision in the CBA applied to the Commish, and only the Commish, had the ability to punish Rice twice for the same conduct. A better worded and drafted CBA could have addressed that specific issue. Point being, it can be bargained for, not just in the NFL CBA , but amongst private employers/entities and employees as well.
Somebody at ESPN or somewhere probably betting big on Iggles. Timing is suspicious day after record expunged.

I was thinking the writer from ******** might be a Eagles fan!!
Rice case

You do know the Rice case was reversed on appeal, specifically because it didn't follow the CBA.

The Ravens even had to pay him his salary that was guaranteed when they released him Week 3.
Come to the conclusion if this is how people rationalize having a guy on the team then there is no hope in even talking football in a intelligent fashion. Dear Lord I hope some of you folks dont have wives or daughters. Out
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I'm saying you're incorrect in saying that it only applies to US law. It's something that can be collectively bargained for. It's kind of in the NFL CBA, as a team and Commish can't punish the player for the same act. The debate in the Rice case was whether that provision in the CBA applied to the Commish, and only the Commish, had the ability to punish Rice twice for the same conduct. A better worded and drafted CBA could have addressed that specific issue. Point being, it can be bargained for, not just in the NFL CBA , but amongst private employers/entities and employees as well.

And yet the commish is considering further action.
You do know the Rice case was reversed on appeal, specifically because it didn't follow the CBA.

The Ravens even had to pay him his salary that was guaranteed when they released him Week 3.

of course I do. That doesn't refute my point. The media will not be ignored until Hardy is punished more or gone. I'm not saying its right.

The fact they are leaking this info makes me wonder if they aren't considering releasing him.
I would assume that if Hardy has wounds on his face that the woman was trying to fight back. I'm not absolving Hardy from total blame, but, generally speaking, women who suffer sustained domestic abuse don't usually fight back unless they reach a boiling point when their striking back constitutes lethal retaliation.

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