Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

Do you really not get this? Who cares what she ingests and what she does? It's not a defense. It's about beating women in general and abuse. If you don't get that then you are lost. Get a clue. Your comments on her show your caveman upbringing

I do get it. Who beat who? Prove it. I don't condone the beating of anyone but abuse is not necessarily a bruised gold digger full of lies and tears. Your bleeding heart betrays you. And my last point... If it weren't for cavemen, you wouldn't be here so please ease up on your bashing of cavemen.
He's got marks on his face. So its fair and square.

Same goes for Ray Rice...his GF shouldnt have spit on him and swung at him. Fair and square.

Abuse is when someone gets hit and did nothing to incite or deserve being hit.

So . . . the victims deserved it.
Mein gott!
Gott help us.
More hysteria - beaten silly? Really? That's your idea of beaten silly? To me that looks like the aftermath of a physical confrontation with a man who is literally twice her size. Had he beaten her ******** wouldn't have needed to show the same dozen photos over and over, there would have been a lot more bruises to photograph.

No black eye, no split lip, no lumps or mouses, no bruising from a choke hold. RRice knocked his girl unconscious with one swing.

There was definitely some pushing and shoving and grabbing and falling and throwing shoes and glasses. It looks like she got the worst of it but how much did she dish out. I have seen plenty of drunk people do more damage to themselves trying to fight.
Do you really not get this? Who cares what she ingests and what she does? It's not a defense. It's about beating women in general and abuse. If you don't get that then you are lost.

Let me start by saying I don't think men should lay their hands on woman violently. But I have to ask a woman. If you start swinging, what exactly do you expect the result to be?
I do get it. Who beat who? Prove it. I don't condone the beating of anyone but abuse is not necessarily a bruised gold digger full of lies and tears. Your bleeding heart betrays you. And my last point... If it weren't for cavemen, you wouldn't be here so please ease up on your bashing of cavemen.

He was found guilty on this evidence. She wouldn't be able to fake the severe bruising on certain parts of her body. People like you are what's wrong with society. Victim blame because she doesn't fit your standard. It's laughable
Anyone have the links to the original threads concerning Hardy? It would be funny to see how many people around here that are losing their minds now have been consistent from the minute he was signed.

I would love to extend this research to all media types too -- there are many, many, many examples where these same folks didn't come close to showing the same level of indignation they're showing towards Greg Hardy. The level of hypocrisy and inconsistency is truly staggering. Hey Tom Jackson, how does it feel working with Ray Lewis? Oh, he wasn't found guilty? Neither was Hardy. Oh, because Hardy paid the accuser off? Lewis paid the families of the murder victims. And what exactly was Lewis paying for, if he had absolutely nothing to do with the murders? And why can't he tell you where that gosh darned white suit ended up? Why aren't you directly questioning a guy you work with every day?

The amount of evidence against Ray Lewis is every bit as damning as the evidence against Hardy. But for some reason, Tom Jackson can sit there and spout off about the horrors of domestic violence and what an evil guy Hardy is, when an accomplice to murder is sitting right next to him.
That's it?

From the way I heard some people talking, and her saying she had the worst beating of her life, I thought I'd be seeing a fractured eye socket, bruises head to toe.

So, exactly what am I supposed to be doing here? Being outraged by something everyone already knew? She had marks on her, this was already reported.
Greg Hardy is playing well for this team. That's no reason to justify this garbage.

The fact that some of you think beating women is okay under ANY circumstances only shows how pathetic you are.
Gotta love how everyone thinks the NFL's golden boy, Tom Brady, is completely innocent with the deflategate situation even though there's tons of actual evidence that would suggest otherwise... yet everyone is convinced that Greg Hardy is 100% guilty with absolutely zero evidence. I know the two cases are completely different because Hardy's involves suspicion of criminal activity but still... if Brady was in Hardy's situation nobody would be talking about this anymore.
Let me start by saying I don't think men should lay their hands on woman violently. But I have to ask a woman. If you start swinging, what exactly do you expect the result to be?

People who have never been in a situation like this will not understand your take. When you have a violent woman trying to physically assault you, what is the acceptable response? People say just leave, but frequently that's not nearly as simple as people want to suggest. DV is looked at as a mans crime when a decent sized portion of these cases have more than enough culpability on both sides to go around.
He was found guilty on this evidence. She wouldn't be able to fake the severe bruising on certain parts of her body. People like you are what's wrong with society. Victim blame because she doesn't fit your standard. It's laughable

His conviction was overturn on appeal because of the lack of evidence. You always conveniently leave that out. Who said the bruises are fake? I just said there is no proof he caused them. People like you that put innocent folks behind bars. Hardy says he was the victim but you have no problem blaming him.. is that because he doesn't fit your standard?
Let me start by saying I don't think men should lay their hands on woman violently. But I have to ask a woman. If you start swinging, what exactly do you expect the result to be?

Yep - I just got a reply from Frank Schwab who is a writer on Yahoo and he was not aware of the DA's problems with the case and her credibility. It gave him pause - he thanked me.

That's all that can be asked - that people evaluate it from both sides.
More sudden and spontaneous outrage from people that quite honestly have been quiet for the most part until this point. Aren't people in general grand?

Did anyone not think something happened? They needed pictures to ignite their latent anger and then spew self-righteous contempt?

I think Hardy's case caught plenty of attention and condemnation the first time around, this is the media seizing an opportunity to put more mileage on a topic the want to keep alive.
I don't get involved in these things..however I will say our society is very pro female and anti male in general. I don't condone this woman getting beat but I don't have the facts nor was I there. The media wants Jerry to cut him and that he condones his actions by keeping him. I won't comment on that, I'll just walk away before I say something politically incorrect.
His conviction was overturn on appeal because of the lack of evidence. You always conveniently leave that out. Who said the bruises are fake? I just said there is no proof he caused them. People like you that put innocent folks behind bars. Hardy says he was the victim but you have no problem blaming him.. is that because he doesn't fit your standard?

Wrong!! Not a lack of evidence. Only reason is she didn't show as witness. Know the facts.
Greg Hardy is playing well for this team. That's no reason to justify this garbage.

The fact that some of you think beating women is okay under ANY circumstances only shows how pathetic you are.

It's not really okay to beat anyone under any circumstance. The genitals shouldn't matter.

But there is a difference of someone saying they got the "worst beating of their life" and then attaching that line to the pictures leaked. The pictures indicate a struggle, things got physical; something we ALL have already knew for months.

I don't understand why it's always so black and white with people; here's a wild idea, they both were in the wrong.

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