Not at all. I never said it was alright. But I have a different perspective than you do. Growing up my parents went out every weekend, they never drank during the week but on Friday and Saturday nights they'd go out and have dinner and drinks. They'd come home in some sort of alcohol fueled argument maybe 30% of the time. Sometimes the arguments would blow over quickly and every once in a while they'd escalate. Maybe 10% of those arguments became physical confrontations. By the time I was 12 I became the defacto peace keeper, because my sister was younger and someone had to step in and act mature when the adults were behaving like children. Now when they had those physical confrontations my mother would typically end up with some bruises, my father would as well but far less.
Had my mother been on the internet at the time and taken pictures and posted them people would say she was abused. They could even point to a history of abuse because the bruises spanned years. But that would be from an outside perspective, without really knowing anything about what transpired. My perspective was a little different, because I was the person standing between them. I was the one holding someone back. I was the one who had to restrain someone from acts of violence. Luckily for me, my mother was only 5' and 100 lbs, so even at 12 I was able to keep her from the fray. Had it been my father who was the aggressor I wouldn't have been able to intervene nearly as much. There were a couple of times in their years of marriage when he did, and they were horrible. He was a lot harder to hold back.
I lived the violence as a child. I know who was likely to become physically confrontational when the alcohol flowed and the arguments escalated. I can remember my tiny mother jumping up and reaching around my head and swinging at my father like it happened yesterday.
So don't preach to me. Don't tell me how very righteous you are. I don't care about your indignation, because you are every bit as ignorant about what happened in his apartment as everyone else. You just create a different scenario based on your own experiences. And I create a scenario based on mine.