Video: ESPN: Photos of Greg Hardy's former girlfriend show multiple injuries

I don't get involved in these things..however I will say our society is very pro female and anti male in general. I don't condone this woman getting beat but I don't have the facts nor was I there. The media wants Jerry to cut him and that he condones his actions by keeping him. I won't comment on that, I'll just walk away before I say something politically incorrect.

Nope, you are absolutely correct.
Wrong!! Not a lack of evidence. Only reason is she didn't show as witness. Know the facts.

Well, that and the fact that her testimony changed and the DA was unable to vouch for it since she told two different stories. But that's a minor detail.

So let me ask you something related to one of your other posts, if a woman falls into a tub without help (other than drugs and alcohol) and another woman falls into a tub in the exact same manner with help, do they have different bruises? You seem to be able to read the bruise patterns, so I'd just like to know you expert opinion.
As I've echoed numerous times, the lengths that some here will go to for Greg Hardy is absurd and hypocritical.

We all knew what he did, people want to give him the benefit of the doubt and rationalize why he had to throw around his girlfriend but we all know that none of these arguments would be made in his favor if he were playing for a different team right now. People want to say "well no one really knows what happened" well, there's a lot more evidence out there supporting the victim rather than Greg Hardy. This guy is a lowlife scumbag, no better than any of the other players that did similar things that people here have pretty much burned at the stake because all because they weren't wearing a star on their helmet.

Go back and read up on the "We should have signed Mike Vick thread" that was posted in the rant zone. See how many people are letting him "move on with his life". The constant bringing-up of Big Ben and others as if to say "well other teams have bad apples so it's okay that we have them too." Since returning from his suspension, this guy has done nothing but further cement the fact that he's a bonehead and is very lucky and fortunate to be on an NFL team and not in prison. So please, go to the same lengths to defend Joseph Randle...please do because I'd love to see how much effort (if any) would be put into that project...

He's filth. He might be a great player, but I'm sorry, being a great football player does not hold more value than being a great human being.

People out there defending Hardy like he's the latest victim of the biased mediots that want to do nothing but tear a guy down who's simply misunderstood and didn't really do anything wrong...

Yep - I just got a reply from Frank Schwab who is a writer on Yahoo and he was not aware of the DA's problems with the case and her credibility. It gave him pause - he thanked me.

That's all that can be asked - that people evaluate it from both sides.

What was his facebook response?
I would love to extend this research to all media types too -- there are many, many, many examples where these same folks didn't come close to showing the same level of indignation they're showing towards Greg Hardy. The level of hypocrisy and inconsistency is truly staggering. Hey Tom Jackson, how does it feel working with Ray Lewis? Oh, he wasn't found guilty? Neither was Hardy. Oh, because Hardy paid the accuser off? Lewis paid the families of the murder victims. And what exactly was Lewis paying for, if he had absolutely nothing to do with the murders? And why can't he tell you where that gosh darned white suit ended up? Why aren't you directly questioning a guy you work with every day?

The amount of evidence against Ray Lewis is every bit as damning as the evidence against Hardy. But for some reason, Tom Jackson can sit there and spout off about the horrors of domestic violence and what an evil guy Hardy is, when an accomplice to murder is sitting right next to him.

And don't forget Keyshawn Johnson calling and threatening to kill a man for flirting with his girlfriend.
More hysteria - beaten silly? Really? That's your idea of beaten silly? To me that looks like the aftermath of a physical confrontation with a man who is literally twice her size. Had he beaten her ******** wouldn't have needed to show the same dozen photos over and over, there would have been a lot more bruises to photograph.

So because she wasn't beaten enough to live up to your standards of what a good whoopin' should look like, that means it's alright? That it should be ignored and not made into such a big deal?

Keep that in mind the next time people are victims of domestic violence issues. "well she's bruised but she could have been beaten a lot worse so I guess there's nothing to see here"
This is hard for me coming from a Family where any violence even of a verbal kind is a complete no no.
.however I will say our society is very pro female and anti male in general.

That's why women earn more than their male counterparts for the same work, are disproportionately represented in politics and higher positions in corporations, and why people universally condemn instances of violence against women instead of victimizing the perpetrators ... oh wait.
That's why women earn more than their male counterparts for the same work, are disproportionately represented in politics and higher positions in corporations, and why people universally condemn instances of violence against women instead of victimizing the perpetrators ... oh wait.

Earn more, key word. EARN. Less time at work earns you less money, surprise surprise. Women elect men into these political positions, we live in a democracy.

Next you'll be complaining about the lack of women in the STEM field.
So because she wasn't beaten enough to live up to your standards of what a good whoopin' should look like, that means it's alright? That it should be ignored and not made into such a big deal?

Keep that in mind the next time people are victims of domestic violence issues. "well she's bruised but she could have been beaten a lot worse so I guess there's nothing to see here"

Not at all. I never said it was alright. But I have a different perspective than you do. Growing up my parents went out every weekend, they never drank during the week but on Friday and Saturday nights they'd go out and have dinner and drinks. They'd come home in some sort of alcohol fueled argument maybe 30% of the time. Sometimes the arguments would blow over quickly and every once in a while they'd escalate. Maybe 10% of those arguments became physical confrontations. By the time I was 12 I became the defacto peace keeper, because my sister was younger and someone had to step in and act mature when the adults were behaving like children. Now when they had those physical confrontations my mother would typically end up with some bruises, my father would as well but far less.

Had my mother been on the internet at the time and taken pictures and posted them people would say she was abused. They could even point to a history of abuse because the bruises spanned years. But that would be from an outside perspective, without really knowing anything about what transpired. My perspective was a little different, because I was the person standing between them. I was the one holding someone back. I was the one who had to restrain someone from acts of violence. Luckily for me, my mother was only 5' and 100 lbs, so even at 12 I was able to keep her from the fray. Had it been my father who was the aggressor I wouldn't have been able to intervene nearly as much. There were a couple of times in their years of marriage when he did, and they were horrible. He was a lot harder to hold back.

I lived the violence as a child. I know who was likely to become physically confrontational when the alcohol flowed and the arguments escalated. I can remember my tiny mother jumping up and reaching around my head and swinging at my father like it happened yesterday.

So don't preach to me. Don't tell me how very righteous you are. I don't care about your indignation, because you are every bit as ignorant about what happened in his apartment as everyone else. You just create a different scenario based on your own experiences. And I create a scenario based on mine.
Earn more, key word. EARN. Less time at work earns you less money, surprise surprise. Women elect men into these political positions, we live in a democracy.

Next you'll be complaining about the lack of women in the STEM field.

...and in academia, tech, etc, etc. Poor males under assault and unfairly treated by our gynocentric society. My heart weeps for you as it does for poor Greg Hardy bullied by the big bad media.
Speaking from a LEO pov the evidence and testimony of all parties is so difficult to wade through. It's really hard to ascertain what occurred without a "smoking gun". It's obvious Hardy or someone grabbed her arms. But some of the other bruising can be argued either way.

I've worked and seen too many DV cases where police have jumped the gun and arrested someone in only to find out later it wasn't the way the evidence or testimony pointed.

As far as this case goes, there's an argument that can be made that it was a fight between two people who have serious issues.
Not at all. I never said it was alright. But I have a different perspective than you do. Growing up my parents went out every weekend, they never drank during the week but on Friday and Saturday nights they'd go out and have dinner and drinks. They'd come home in some sort of alcohol fueled argument maybe 30% of the time. Sometimes the arguments would blow over quickly and every once in a while they'd escalate. Maybe 10% of those arguments became physical confrontations. By the time I was 12 I became the defacto peace keeper, because my sister was younger and someone had to step in and act mature when the adults were behaving like children. Now when they had those physical confrontations my mother would typically end up with some bruises, my father would as well but far less.

Had my mother been on the internet at the time and taken pictures and posted them people would say she was abused. They could even point to a history of abuse because the bruises spanned years. But that would be from an outside perspective, without really knowing anything about what transpired. My perspective was a little different, because I was the person standing between them. I was the one holding someone back. I was the one who had to restrain someone from acts of violence. Luckily for me, my mother was only 5' and 100 lbs, so even at 12 I was able to keep her from the fray. Had it been my father who was the aggressor I wouldn't have been able to intervene nearly as much. There were a couple of times in their years of marriage when he did, and they were horrible. He was a lot harder to hold back.

I lived the violence as a child. I know who was likely to become physically confrontational when the alcohol flowed and the arguments escalated. I can remember my tiny mother jumping up and reaching around my head and swinging at my father like it happened yesterday.

So don't preach to me. Don't tell me how very righteous you are. I don't care about your indignation, because you are every bit as ignorant about what happened in his apartment as everyone else. You just create a different scenario based on your own experiences. And I create a scenario based on mine.

Preach to you, no....I'm just simply pointing out that previous posted where you kind of swept her bruises under the rug because they didn't quite measure up to what you considered significant.

I understand that everyone has different perspectives on this matter and I realize that a lot of these opinions are based on what we've experienced throughout our lives. You are certainly entitled to have a different outlook on this matter than me, but when you tell me that no one really know what happened in that apartment, there's clearly more evidence out there in support of Greg Hardy's enemies rather than his defenders.

My main problem has been the hypocrisy of everyone out there who are going to bat for this guy knowing full well in their hearts that if he were suiting up for another team, he'd be villianized to the 'th degree. That being a good football player is more important than being a decent human being and keep in mind, this bonehead has done NOTHING to paint himself in a better light considering everything that's surrounded him over the past year.
...and in academia, tech, etc, etc. Poor males under assault and unfairly treated by our gynocentric society. My heart weeps for you as it does for poor Greg Hardy bullied by the big bad media.

Men have a tough time with domestic violence as well. Now we can sit here and discuss the severity of domestic violence against men, but men certainly do have violence against them in relationships that is often scoffed at. There is a lack of shelters for men in the US and Canada. Men make up most of the suicide rate. Circumcision here in America is still a big problem. Biased court systems that sentence men to harsher sentences than women for the same crime. I won't even get into custody laws.

You're here talking about academia? Haha
Speaking from a LEO pov the evidence and testimony of all parties is so difficult to wade through. It's really hard to ascertain what occurred without a "smoking gun". It's obvious Hardy or someone grabbed her arms. But some of the other bruising can be argued either way.

I've worked and seen too many DV cases where police have jumped the gun and arrested someone in only to find out later it wasn't the way the evidence or testimony pointed.

As far as this case goes, there's an argument that can be made that it was a fight between two people who have serious issues.

What a mess this is............we all knew what probably happened and now the media is circling like buzzards. None of us were there and no one really knows what did happen.........not sure if the two parties involved remember it in their altered states.

Hardy is probably not an upstanding citizen
Holder is probably not an upstanding citizen

They both probably have major anger issues, mix that in with drugs and alcohol and bad things will happen. It seems that they both went at it, kicking and screaming..............both were in the wrong.

It is not certain that Hardy beat here like a rented mule and it is not certain that Holder antagonized him, we do not know!

Hardy has a short fuse, that can't be denied and doesn't seem to bright. Looks like he went into a jealous rage and pushed her around, but was she pushing his buttons to get something out of it? Again, we do not know!

I do know one thing, if Hardy is really this bad guy who likes to beat on will happen again at some point and karma will win.

I don't condone what happened, should have not put himself in that place to begin with but nothing can bring out the worst in an unstable man than a scornful woman.............especially drunk and on narcotics.

Bottom line: they both have problems and was taken to the next level rather than just a drunken argument.

I question the timeline of the releasing of these pictures.........someone(media?) has an agenda.

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