I don't know if it's me but I jut feel kind of dirty after reading that article. Did Jerry just let this reporter into his world for the whole summer to print such a negative article with many words twisted or inferred as to have some negative connotation?
For example, "Down a long hallway I notice a framed photo of Jerry, Gene and Kevin Costner, all looking at least a decade younger. "Look at her," Jones says, deadpan. "I've never seen Gene looking happier as she is right there looking at that other man." I can see where Jerry may have been joking over a drink and made the off-hand comment but was that really worth printing? Was the fact that a couple of ladies walked up to him at a bar and/or restaurant really that news worthy except to add to his womanizing persona story line?
And, worst yet, was it really necessary to mention the call from AP through a mutual friend that seems to be making it's way around the media now? Really?
I hate Jerry. I despise the man and what he's done to this franchise. I hope my son outlives this dolt and his offspring and, when he does, he'll have to deal with Spaulding and his family tree.
BUT, I just found that certain parts of this article had no place in a sports journalism piece that only served to create innuendos and reinforce the writer's predisposition and prior opinions.
Kudos for the part about Jimmy and Jerry's true feelings; kudos to his reporting on Jerry and Johnny Football. Kudo's to Jerry's GM regrets (although he took a swipe at that too). There's a lot of good stuff in this piece but there's a ton of horse**** too that just wasn't necessary when someone gives you that kind of access to his personal life.
Don Van Natta is a weasel who weaseled his way into the interview and access of a lifetime. Hey idiot, we know Jerry is a womanizer. We know he's a billionaire that attracts tail everywhere he goes. We know he's an eccentric ego maniac. But he's our eccentric ego-maniacal dolt of an owner. The sports piece, which could have been epic with the amount of access you were given, was no place for some very personal information or personal backhands at his wife's expense.
Just my two cents.