ESPN rankings of QB's and RB's

DragonCowboy said:
buddy, read the rest of my posts. You didn't understand what I was getting at.

MB3 > Betts, are you kidding me? We're talking about running out of the LOS, not kick returning.

Under what circumstance is MB3 that much better??? Marion Barber has better totals, but the averages remain about the same. The reason for this being is JJ hasn't proven he can carry the load whereas Portis has proven he's more then capable. So are we to fault the back-up for the starter not being fragile? On averages, it's about even with 3.8 vs. 3.9 YPC with Barber having the slight edge. So it's roughly a draw, with a slight advantage going to Barber. Then you bring in #3 and Cartwright is EASILY the better #3. The only bit of real sustained action he saw is 100 yards in one of the games (forgot which one) which easily beat out Thompson who only got 149 yards all season on twice as many carries as Cartwright (199 yards). So Cartwright is easily much better then Thompson. Anyways, we win 2 out of 3 positions in a head to head. Combine that with a better o-line and you can see why most people would rank our RB corps above yours.
DragonCowboy said:
Actually, ESPN gave us a worse ranking than the Commanders on EVERYTHING.

According to ESPN:

Brunell >> Bledsoe
Portis >> JJ and MB3
Moss + Lloyd + Cooley > Owens + Glenn + Witten
Commanders Pass D >> Cowboys Pass D
Commanders Run D >> Cowboys Run D

Talk about really, really one sided...So you're telling me that the Commanders are better than us at EVERYTHING? Hardly..

Uhhh. They swept us and outscored us like 48-21 last year. Do the math.
Doomsday101 said:
To the victor goes the spoils. Skins beat us both times last season so it is to be expected that some will rate them as the better team. It is up to the Cowboys to go out there and prove people wrong.

Exactly, to be fair, give credit where it is due. If we sweep the Skins and dominate this year, then we'll be ranked above them next year.
kartr said:
Exactly, to be fair, give credit where it is due. If we sweep the Skins and dominate this year, then we'll be ranked above them next year.

We don't agree often but we do on this point.
SultanOfSix said:
Another fallacious argument. We beat many teams the only time we played them. Does that mean we have better parts than they do in all facets of the game?

Brunell was a more efficient qb than Bledsoe last year in terms of td to int ratio and less sack prone and less fumble prone and Portis was more productive than our combo rb's.
dargonking999 said:
oh really, well in same situtaiuoni we beat the eagles twice last year, does that mean we're better thna them in every regard?

not according to ESPN

The Eagles had an injured McNabb last year and the TO situation. That wont be the case this year. And since the Eagles have had our number more often than not over the last 5 years, that's why.
The Deadskin with they're Snyder owner ship and old man senility Gibbs and outlaw tipes pulling guns on atvs are a freak show-- BUT Portis is a freak show within a freak show.

Portis put on them costumings for his interviews but what I begun to reality on is that he do this in the locker room privacitly to and prolly has a whole subgroup of players what like to put on dresses and heels and do all tipes of unright nastiness on themselves in a sinful state of wrechedness beyond imaginings.

Compare them shaniganins with the upright and true Texican America the "Boys represent. Wear a a real man wears manly gear like groucho pants and boots with silver spurs twissling in the wind and a red scarf hung round the neck and muscularitee bulging as the bronc busting ride begins a new.

Portis represent all that wrong with libral belt way tipes free spending big government tax raising lewinski loving low down sinnin money grubbers.

JJ may has not had as many games and yardagings as Portis but he plays them well and with honor. And no one has too wonders if he got a dress on underneath his uniform like they do on Portis.

Vote for JJ! Vote for desentsy! Vote for Texas!
kartr said:
The Eagles had an injured McNabb last year and the TO situation. That wont be the case this year. And since the Eagles have had our number more often than not over the last 5 years, that's why.

WE had an injured LT, no FS, Injured RB, but that didnt change the fact that the skins drumme dus 35 -7 please dont give excuses there like a-holes, everyones got one

:D gawd i love my new favorite saying
dargonking999 said:
bledsoe out played Mcnabb.. our RB's are better... our WR are better... and our defense was better than there's

but again they sitll rank phili higher thanus in that regard, admit it, the ESPN hatred for the cowboys continues, it doenst change cuase they hire some former cowboys

McNabb was injured last year. The Eagles have a consistently good offense more years. McNabb is a consistentent playoff qb,Bledsoe is consistently not in the playoffs.
Actually, ESPN gave us a worse ranking than the Commanders on EVERYTHING.

According to ESPN:

Brunell >> Bledsoe

Last season Brunell outplayed Bledsoe.

Portis >> JJ and MB3

Portis had 1516 yards and 11 TD's
Jones had 992 yards and 5 TDs
Barber had 538 yards and 5 TD's

Combined, Jones and Barber accounted for 1530 yards and 10 TD's.
Portis had 1516 yards and 11 TD's

Seems to make sense to me.

Moss + Lloyd + Cooley > Owens + Glenn + Witten

This I disagree with...

Commanders Pass D >> Cowboys Pass D

The Commanders were 10th in pass defense. We were 11th.

Commanders Run D >> Cowboys Run D

The Commanders were 13th in run defense. We were 15th.

Talk about really, really one sided...So you're telling me that the Commanders are better than us at EVERYTHING? Hardly..

Maybe they are....?


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