Foolish for pulling for my team? really
So any fan who supports and backs their team is foolish? what control do any of us have, running around slamming the team and anything they do I will not say makes you look foolish it just make you look pathetic, See you don't have to pull for the Cowboys, there are 31 other teams out there and according to you most are better than the Cowboys. really that is foolish to support a team you hate what is the point? As I said I get why some are a bit pessimistic. I freely admit is I am 100% Cowboys fan, I will side with them 100% because I am a fan, does not mean I do not see weakness and strength of this team but coming here daily to slam this team is beyond pathetic.
You thinking it makes you a surpieror fan because you're willing to think with your heart instead of your brain don't mean much. Being delusional does not make you better.
"If you don't think the Cowboys will be good then you must find a new team or you're just an Eagles fan trying to troll blah blah blah" - That's what ya'll do. That's ya'll's go to.
The foolishness comes in when you say things you don't really mean thinking if you give your honest opinion you're somehow less of a fan. That's as foolish as it gets. Say what you mean and don't allow your bias to speak for you.
You don't really believe Dak is great or the Cowboys are great, so why fake it? I've offered you and others to put my account on the line against yours to stand by what we mean. You and all those others refused every time. The fakeness is real and that's where I won't just sit back and let anyone bad mouth anyone else that doesn't share their thoughts, because they don't really believe them their selves. Maybe it upsets them to see people with the ability to post their honest thoughts without hiding being a biased curtain and they're jealous of that? I don't know, but a lot of them do seem to fall into that "Find another team" or "you're just an Eagles fan" talk when someone doesn't think 17-0 Super Bowl run for the Cowboys.
At the end of the day the doom and gloomers like myself are right while you guys are wrong. We'll stop being doom and gloom when we stop being right. When will you eternal optimist stop falling for the fools gold every year is the real question?