Or, players might try harder to live up to their mouths and paychecks. Roy Williams wants to be 'elite' so he say's. Well, by all means be elite. Don't tell me what you want to be, be what you're being paid to be. Until then he's anything but and is behind Crayton, who isn't telling us he wants to be elite.
I know Carpenter is everybody's whipping boy, but you can't pretend expectations are the same for him and Roy. He isn't a high priced starter, costly in picks and money. You might want to compare Roy to his equivocal counterparts, like Ware and Spencer or Adams and Gurode. Starters.
Which is why it's worse having Crayton looking better this season. The perception of Williams is one thing, what he has done is entirely another Outside of the Tampa game he hasn't done much.