ESPN's Ed Werder GOT OWNED!!!

superpunk;2486392 said:
I just checked out Sportscenter to see if they were still running the same piece - they're not. All Werder's initial face time is gone, lol. They just go straight to Newman.

NICE.. we all know they know of the video an decided to act.

Good.. Werder is an idiot.
I finally watched the video from home. That is some good stuff. I hoped that Werder gave the "I work for ESPN" guy a cookie for standing up for his honor. The walks down to the street were kinda pathetic and makes me wonder how emotionally would he have gotten if CowboyChris had been standing on the property instead of in the street.
vta;2485861 said:

You should have told that clown to get a new line, after the 58th time he said 'get a life'.


I have always hated that quote. It is so stupid.......Get a Life? we all have a life. we try to do what makes us happy. everyone's version of life is different, unless we are talking about cereal or boardgames. IMO, get a life is the stupidest popular phrase I have ever heard.

I thought it was especially foolish coming from someone who worked for Erroneous Sports Propaganda Network
:lmao2: That is absolutely awesome. I wish I could've been there. Everyone make sure that Ian and Chris don't buy a single beer on their trip. I'd buy you 2 cases if I was there.

Werder's been waiting in the weeds trying to conjur up something ever since T.O. embarrased him in front of his peers. He deserves every bit of Chris's rant.

The sound guy is classic - made it sound like he was 3rd in line for the Presidency.
Ian and Chris should be given field passes for Sunday night's game. That was absolutely classic! I love how freedom of the press is complaining about freedom of speech. :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
I say we lobby Jerry to replace Rowdy with CowboyCHris on game days!! He'd bring pride and fun to the fans! Seriously that'd be awesome haha
EPL0c0;2486565 said:
I say we lobby Jerry to replace Rowdy with CowboyCHris on game days!! He'd bring pride and fun to the fans! Seriously that'd be awesome haha
CowboyChris: Ed Hochuli is an embarassment to the league!

Hochuli: *flexes muscles*

CowboyChris: I'll shut up now.
That was crazy.

Does Cowboy Chris follow the cowboys for a living? or did he make the trip to Valley Ranch just to catch Ed Werder?
theogt;2486569 said:
CowboyChris: Ed Hochuli is an embarassment to the league!

Hochuli: *flexes muscles*

CowboyChris: I'll shut up now.
Thanks all (well most) for all of the kind words about the video :) Thanks to DCFanatic for editing the video (I didn't realize that I couldn't link to it, so I'm sorry) but go to YouTube and search for it - the unedited version is still king! (no kids allowed though).

Anyways, we are up and about and going to check out the new stadium, the JFK assisination area & try to find some good Dallas Cowboys shops with merchandise and that sort of stuff. Anyone know of the better spots to look for Cowboys stuff while in Dallas (selection, price, etc)??? Also, what else should we check out while in Dallas other than the above mentioned??? Last night we hit the Ghost Bar and saw Michael Irvin & Leon Lett partying out there - that was cool. The bar was great and we are thinking of returning there tonight for a little bit depending on what else is going down in Dallas tonight (Iceberg, we'll probably stop by your show tonight, thanks!)... sorry for the slight diversion from the topic but just needed to ask what's up in Big D :) PM me if you want so that we don't get away from this post's reason.

Can't believe that ESPN edited down the video on their website and took Werder talking out... kind of funny and this says that obviously ESPN knows about it and THEY are embaressed. Looking forward to look around the internet and see where else this video is linked to and posted... it is making it's rounds. I wonder if ANYONE knows Werder's assistant producer'a name so that we can all complain about his disrespectful language towards Chris & I. I mean WE WERE OFFENDED
bbgun;2486579 said:
Someone's 15 minutes are juuuust about up.

Would trade those 15 minutes for just some plain honest reporting...period.

We are fans...short for fanatics obviously. We love, and defend our team...

YOU ALL would have done the same (except some of you may have actually slapped the little sound goof) :)

We have had a great time here in Dallas...YOU GUYS, VALLEY RANCH, GHOST BAR, THE BLONDES, WHATTABURGER, THE BLONDES, (i saw abigail), THE BLONDES... :D

If you are going to the game Sunday and you see Werder...let him have it!!!
ethiostar;2486572 said:
That was crazy.

Does Cowboy Chris follow the cowboys for a living? or did he make the trip to Valley Ranch just to catch Ed Werder?

We are from Orlando Florida and made the trip to the St Louis game (my brother lives there so it was easy to find a place to stay) and to this game. Chris & I have never been to Texas Stadium so we wanted to make sure that before they tore it down, we'd get to see at least ONE game there. We chose this one because we knew it would have some importance but, of course, we thought be a battle for the division, not to save our Playoff hopes - but hey, it IS the most important game of the season right now, so at least we got that and we are going to give every last ounce of cheering for the Cowboys on Sunday... GO COWBOYS!!!

We ran into Werder while taking pictures of Valley Ranch (never been there, only seen it on TV)... we waited for about 30 mins until we saw him go live and then OUR cameras went on and Cowboys Chris went off!
Dallas22;2486639 said:
We are from Orlando Florida and made the trip to the St Louis game (my brother lives there so it was easy to find a place to stay) and to this game. Chris & I have never been to Texas Stadium so we wanted to make sure that before they tore it down, we'd get to see at least ONE game there. We chose this one because we knew it would have some importance but, of course, we thought be a battle for the division, not to save our Playoff hopes - but hey, it IS the most important game of the season right now, so at least we got that and we are going to give every last ounce of cheering for the Cowboys on Sunday... GO COWBOYS!!!

I hope your trip will be a joyful one. I will be going to only my 2nd game at the stadium for the Baltimore game. Here is to back to back wins;)

We ran into Werder while taking pictures of Valley Ranch (never been there, only seen it on TV)... we waited for about 30 mins until we saw him go live and then OUR cameras went on and Cowboys Chris went off!

Your buddy is a trip. Very passionate, if not a little scary:D
Quarterback Coach;2486627 said:
Would trade those 15 minutes for just some plain honest reporting...period.

We are fans...short for fanatics obviously. We love, and defend our team...

YOU ALL would have done the same (except some of you may have actually slapped the little sound goof) :)

We have had a great time here in Dallas...YOU GUYS, VALLEY RANCH, GHOST BAR, THE BLONDES, WHATTABURGER, THE BLONDES, (i saw abigail), THE BLONDES... :D

If you are going to the game Sunday and you see Werder...let him have it!!!
Hey dude i wanna thank you for your great videos well you and the dallas guy! You have a great passion for this team that i love to see fans show their loyalty to the team. Some people here criticized you for the video after the Rams game but i was not one of those. i loved it because it was an embarassing performance from a team that is loaded with talent even without Romo at the time and for them to not even show up against the Rams was plain pathetic. i think the players and coaches sometimes lose that edge they need when playing because some of them (not all) but some just look at the check they get and they let go of the passion that they played with before they entered the NFL whether it was high school football or college. i think sometimes they just need a spark from some of us that are not quite as fortunate to have been millionares lol for just playing a game and that have a passion for watching our team play and win!

Dont ever let anybody convince you that your passion for this team is wrong!

OH and i gotta say this. that guy that played the "i work for ESPN' guy is freakin tool haha what a joke! i respect your patience with that guy because if he would have played that card on me i probably would have lost it and gone off on him haha...
Quarterback Coach;2486627 said:
Would trade those 15 minutes for just some plain honest reporting...period.

Yes, it was a proud day for censorious Neanderthals everywhere. Good job.

FYI, Ed is honest. Or as honest as his sources. If they lied to him, then he's been duped. However, a barrage of stories from other news outlets have confirmed his initial report. You just can't handle the implications of what he's reporting. Wallowing in ignorance ain't bliss.

We are fans...short for fanatics obviously.

No, I'm a fan, you're a fanatic. Big difference. I see the team as it really is, whereas you throw a tantrum in the broad daylight and make fools of the fanbase. Bravo.

We love, and defend our team...

Aren't you the same guy who pulled a similar stunt outside the dome in St. Louis? Maybe it's just me, but I'm sensing a disturbing pattern here. Drawing attention to yourself via thuggish, lowbrow behavior seems to be your raison d'etre. When you're not shouting people down or looking for trouble, what do you do with your time? Poke bears at the zoo?

YOU ALL would have done the same (except some of you may have actually slapped the little sound goof) :)

No, some of us have class. Some of us respect others' right to earn a living. Some of us have enough good sense not to post vids that look like they were snipped from an episode of "*******." Better yet, some of us have heard of a "letter to the editor."

If you are going to the game Sunday and you see Werder...let him have it!!!

Please don't. You've done enough damage as it is. Put down the camera and read a book.

P.S. Your 15 minutes are officially up.

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