Sorry, but that has got to be the stupidest post I ever seen coming from a Cowboy fan! The State of Texas doesn't like you either.
P.S. Some of my favorite Texas quotes:
“I shall never surrender or retreat”
William Barrett Travis, The Alamo, 1836
“Texas can make it without the United States, but the
United States cannot make it without Texas!”
Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas
“I must say as to what I have seen of Texas, it is the
garden spot of the world, the best land and the best
prospects for health I ever saw.”
Davy Crockett
“What Texans can dream, Texans can do.”
President GW
“Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession.
Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the
John Steinbeck
“I done drew the line. Just like the
Alamo. You’re either on one side of the line or the
other. I don’t want to ever leave Texas again!”
Bum Phillips
“If a man’s from Texas, he’ll tell you. If he’s not,
why embarrass him by asking?”
“Football is to Texas what religion is to a priest.”
Tom Landry
“A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set
of no retreat and no surrender”
“Never forget, son, when you represent Texas, always
go first class”
“Texas shall be free and independent , or we shall
perish in glorious combat.”
Juan Seguins, 1837
"Texas can make it without the United States, but the
United States cannot make it without Texas!
-- Sam Houston, President of the Republic of Texas
Juan Seguin's address at the burial of the Alamo Defenders, February
25, 1837: "Yes, my friends they preferred to die a thousand times rather
than submit themselves to the tyrant's yoke"