Everyone is writing Randy Gregory off. I'm not

I agree. It is on the players to blow that opportunity because of etc. It really comes down to whether that player has the drive in them; mj user or not. Some of these young men aren't mature enough to understand the importance/repercussions of their actions (aka **** mode) and only wise up until it's too late. But it is the still on the player until policy changes otherwise.

I agree it is on the player and this is why they address these matters with rookies and the pitfalls that await them. They are warned and frankly the NFL testing is not that difficult, heck you get 3 failed test before they issue a punishment. In Gregory case he was having these issue in college which is why his stock fell in the draft and now here we are once again. All I can say it he better grow up quick if not then he will be free to get a reg job like the rest of us and can sit there thinking about what could have been. People talk about weed as no big deal and I agree so then if it is no big deal why is it he continues to struggle with it? Evidently it is a big enough deal for Gregory to stop using
1. Why are we counting sacks? It's about interior pressure. Thornton provides it far more than Hayden.

2. Hardy's impact is vastly overrated. He wasn't double-teamed nearly as much as advertised. He didn't give a crap at the end of the season.

3. This defense created sacks and turnovers at a much higher rate in 2014. Hardy didn't play on that team. Lawrence barely played that year. Nobody of significance did that isn't here now.

1. Because it's the best measurable for pressure. The others are subject to interpretation and opinion.

2. Tell that to Rod Marinelli. He stated how important Hardy was and gave the actual numbers of times where Hardy got the double team, freeing up Lawrence. People can hate on the person all they want, but he was far and away this team's best and most feared pass rusher.

3. Mincey was that team's sack leader with 6. He's not here now. He was more "significant" than anyone else that year. Again, more opinion and wishful thinking.
I agree it is on the player and this is why they address these matters with rookies and the pitfalls that await them. They are warned and frankly the NFL testing is not that difficult, heck you get 3 failed test before they issue a punishment. In Gregory case he was having these issue in college which is why his stock fell in the draft and now here we are once again. All I can say it he better grow up quick if not then he will be free to get a reg job like the rest of us and can sit there thinking about what could have been. People talk about weed as no big deal and I agree so then if it is no big deal why is it he continues to struggle with it? Evidently it is a big enough deal for Gregory to stop using

Maturity...he's still thinking like a kid and acting as such. The counter is Bosa/Elliott who were both huge partiers but cleaned up bf the draft. So the kids all do it, some just don't stop bc they aren't mature (aka knuckleheads) enough to realize how stupid it is to not stop for a couple months before testing.
Problem is he is not a kid and is being paid as a man. Time to act like a man. Funny thing is they all want to be treated as men, well time to Cowboy up and act like one

Agree 100% with that. I'm not saying baby the kid. He acted like an idiot and has to show he is man enough to move forward and understands the opps he blew beginning with his failed test at the combine and definitely his rookie year he treated nearly the same, etc.
1. Because it's the best measurable for pressure. The others are subject to interpretation and opinion.

2. Tell that to Rod Marinelli. He stated how important Hardy was and gave the actual numbers of times where Hardy got the double team, freeing up Lawrence. People can hate on the person all they want, but he was far and away this team's best and most feared pass rusher.

3. Mincey was that team's sack leader with 6. He's not here now. He was more "significant" than anyone else that year. Again, more opinion and wishful thinking.

1. It's almost impossible in a quick-pass league to get sacks up the middle. Pressure from there, however, creates incompletions and interceptions. It makes QBs throw from their toes and short-arm throws. It gets in their head. We've seen it give Romo all sorts of problems. Sacks are a useless calculation because it often requires a QB be half brain-dead to hang on to the ball too long.

2. 32 teams, many of which are just as desperate as Dallas, are highly unimpressed with Hardy.

3. Mincey and Selvie. Lawrence and Tapper. Choose.
Agree 100% with that. I'm not saying baby the kid. He acted like an idiot and has to show he is man enough to move forward.

True and he has a staff member on the Cowboys who knows all to well and that is Leon Lett. I think Lett could have been a HOF player but wasted a lot of his career being suspended over getting high on weed. Weed for some is a very big problem if is was not they would not continue to allow it to kill their careers. It is one thing being immature it is another being stupid. Even a kid knows if you put your hand in the fire it will get burned. By now Gregory should know if testing positive will be costly to him
True and he has a staff member on the Cowboys who knows all to well and that is Leon Lett. I think Lett could have been a HOF player but wasted a lot of his career being suspended over getting high on weed. Weed for some is a very big problem it is was not they would not continue to allow it to kill their careers. It is one thing being immature it is another being stupid. Even a kid knows if you put your hand in the fire it will get burned. By now Gregory should know if testing positive will be costly to him

Naw, Lett was about as shy of a person you could witness in an NFL athlete bf Ricky Williams came around. Lett proved he was an up and coming star; mj didn't affect his play in any way. Guys got away with it back then. His suspensions got him in trouble, but he used weed instead of anxiety meds (benzos that are very addictive) and but do blame him for not cleaning up when necessary (just bc he HAD to, etc.). He should've followed the Stepnoski routine (why is he never brought up btw?). He debunks all the myths spouted on this forum regarding mj use but is conveniently left out of these conversations. I think I'm all done here:D
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1. Why are we counting sacks? It's about interior pressure. Thornton provides it far more than Hayden.

2. Hardy's impact is vastly overrated. He wasn't double-teamed nearly as much as advertised. He didn't give a crap at the end of the season.

3. This defense created sacks and turnovers at a much higher rate in 2014. Hardy didn't play on that team. Lawrence barely played that year. Nobody of significance did that isn't here now.

All three things you said are just dead wrong. At this point you are not even making sense. Go look up the sack totals for 2014, they were very similar to 2015. Turnovers, yes, but that is not pass rush.
Naw, Lett was about as shy of a person you could witness in an NFL athlete bf Ricky Williams came around. Lett proved he was an up and coming star; mj didn't affect his play in any way. Guys got away with it back then. His suspensions got him in trouble, but he used weed instead of anxiety meds (benzos that are very addictive) and but do blame him for not cleaning up when necessary (just bc he HAD to, etc.). He should've followed the Stepnoski routine (why is he never brought up btw?). He debunks all the myths spouted on this forum regarding mj use but is conveniently left out of these conversations. I think I'm all done here:D

Lett was suspended numerous times for violating NFL drug policy , sorry not going to make excuses especially when it happened so many times. I think the best way to pass a drug test. Don't do it to begin with. I am 20 or 20 on passing drug test because I stopped using. NFL career last a short period in a person life why risk it at all? Is it that important to get high if it is then that really is a problem doing something that can put your career at risk.
What a complete and utter fool you are. Do you think MJ, cigarettes or alcohol makes society better or worse? Just because ignorant people vote
for something doesn't mean it's good or healthy for them. I can only hope our children, which are our future, don't become a community of potheads
or alcoholics. What a terrible shame that would be.

Who said anything about giving it to kids? I suppose the MD's that prescribe it are ignorant fools?

See this is the thing, you make it some moral back brain absolute railing about the moral decline of the US. I argue on merit. You attack my character.
Who said anything about giving it to kids? I suppose the MD's that prescribe it are ignorant fools?

See this is the thing, you make it some moral back brain absolute railing about the moral decline of the US. I argue on merit. You attack my character.

I will say this only. MD's who hand out scripts for MJ do it for the money which is why most people do questionable things. There are other
legal drugs that can help with pain and anxiety but, it's popular to hand out MJ scripts in some states. I was wrong for attacking you personally so
for that I am extremely sorry.
I will say this only. MD's who hand out scripts for MJ do it for the money which is why most people do questionable things. There are other
legal drugs that can help with pain and anxiety but, it's popular to hand out MJ scripts in some states. I was wrong for attacking you personally so
for that I am extremely sorry.

:laugh: How do doctors make more money for prescribing something that can be grown in a persons home? What is the profit motive? Fact is that it works and more and more clinical studies are coming out to prove it. The reefer madness scare tactics ring hollow.

Barbiturates are much more addictive and have long term cognitive effects. If you think pot is worse than Xannax and some of the hypnotics I think you're delusional.
You do know the debt is also related to the Billions wasted in the failed drug war, no? Read up on the FED, debt will always be part of this game by nature of the how the US creates "money";)

What war. We have who knows how many tunnels that bring in drugs from Mexico. We let them come in now by the
millions with no oversight. There is an easy way to control illegal drugs and that is like Thailand does it. A 3 day
trial and firing squad for convicted drug dealers and drug pushers. Yep, that wouldn't cost billions. I have read up on
the debt. Most of our debt is entitlement debt for medicare, social security, ssi, welfare, food stamps and the
wars we shouldn't have gotten into.
Free country is just for some folks, etc.

No, it's free except your rights end where my nose begins. I don't want stoned nuts driving in
a car or doing anything else that might endanger me, my family or friends. Now if you want
to get stoned on MJ or drunk on alcohol and run your car at 100mph into a tree, have at it
with my blessing. Whatever makes you happy.
Who said anything about giving it to kids? I suppose the MD's that prescribe it are ignorant fools?

You've mentioned this a couple of times. Doctors are not prescribing weed, as they would risk losing their registration and ability to write perscriptions. They can "recommend" weed, but not on a prescription.

:laugh: How do doctors make more money for prescribing something that can be grown in a persons home? What is the profit motive?

Now look who's being ignorant. Doctors make money by selling their "recommendation" for hundreds of dollars which allows people to get "medical" marijuana. Same as how doctors get richer off the opiod epedemic; write prescriptions for opiods for hundreds of dollars per prescription for every "pain" your patient tells you about.
You've mentioned this a couple of times. Doctors are not prescribing weed, as they would risk losing their registration and ability to write perscriptions. They can "recommend" weed, but not on a prescription.

Now look who's being ignorant. Doctors make money by selling their "recommendation" for hundreds of dollars which allows people to get "medical" marijuana. Same as how doctors get richer off the opiod epedemic; write prescriptions for opiods for hundreds of dollars per prescription for every "pain" your patient tells you about.

It's a semantic argument between a 'written recommendation' and 'prescription.' Functionally they are the same.

They can sell a recommendation for your preferred barbiturates and hypnotics as well and charge for it. They choose to recommend marijuana. Further that is where the state comes in and charges a tax which is most of the card's cost.

Oh noes there is profit to be made out of the industry! Colorado didn't suffer the calamities you guys insist on.

Just to show how much your ship is sinking I pointed out how 20 states have marijuana legalization on the ballot this Novenber, I would also point to this:



The era of demonization is over.
It seems stupidity has become contagious in recent years. Just because something is poplular doesn't make it the right thing.
No, it's free except your rights end where my nose begins. I don't want stoned nuts driving in
a car or doing anything else that might endanger me, my family or friends. Now if you want
to get stoned on MJ or drunk on alcohol and run your car at 100mph into a tree, have at it
with my blessing. Whatever makes you happy.

Stoned 'nuts?' Can you please stop with the reefer madness rhetoric. It's foolishness.

1) No one is saying making DUI legal.
2) Since legalization, traffic accidents in Colorado are down.

Puritans like making up fictional stories not based in reality to try and fearmonger their way into policy. Facts do not bear out your scenario unfortunately. What is impinging on someone's rights is to incarcerate them for doing something that has no effect on you because you are scared.

More front brain. Less back brain please.
It seems stupidity has become contagious in recent years. Just because something is poplular doesn't make it the right thing.

Who gets to say what is right? You? Please point to me the amendment or clause of the constitution that justifies your puritanism.

You can whine about the inherent evil of a naturally occurring plant if you like but at the end of the day our republic is what it is. Thus legalization being on 20 ballots this year.

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