Everyone is writing Randy Gregory off. I'm not

Gregory was my favorite draft choice this past decade (for value). I thought he would be the second-coming of Ware (or maybe Simeon Rice). His college tape is just that good... But he has a weak character, nothing more. There is no such thing as a marijuana addiction. That is BS. He may be emotionally addicted. But when it comes down to it, it is a choice every time. He convinced me on draft day that he was changed. He has not. He is still on the roster, so of course, I will give him a chance. But if I were the GM, I would completely erase him from the depth chart and plan my team accordingly.

Serious dude...And, cigarettes aren't addictive either huh? You need to put the toke down, your agenda in the closet and get a clue.
These guys that self-medicate with weed are hooked and can only come back from it when they admit it and get continued help
and support. Beating addiction of any kind is tough work.
I also blame the NFLPA... The next time the CBA comes up for negotiations, they need to insist on not allowing the league to test players for THC (weed). It is not a PED, and as long as it's not giving the player an unfair advantage, then I dont see how it's the NFL's business what a player decides to put into his own body.

Baloney....Jerry said it. You can have all the talent and capability in the world but, if you're not available you're not worth the investment
in time, money or trust. By the way, this is employment and Weed is a Federal crime. Employers can test you any time they see fit and
if you had a regular job, you would know that. Oh, by the way, in most industries, you can be fired at will for failing a drug test.
Is this supposed to ease our concerns? This makes things even worse

"One NFL executive told Bob McGinn of jsonline.com, the website of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, that weed is but the “tip of the iceberg” with Gregory. Kid has trouble dealing with stress, he said, adding he’s got “no chance” of making it."

Failed 3-more drug test since this article was written. The kid has a problem and he isn't the first and will not be the last to throw millions away because they can't off the chronic.

*Charles Rogers
*Josh Gordon
*Justin Blackmon

The list goes on!
And to the medical community, that's addiction. I'm not trying to say marijuana is on par with heroin, but it clearly is an addictive substance.

I think there is a difference between psychological dependence and physiological addiction. If strong enough psychologically, someone can quit marijuana without a physical reaction.
Outside of the marinuana lobby im pretty sure its universally accepted as addictive. Addiction is not common and seemingly not directly harmful, but is seemingly real.
I have a bad feeling he cant help himself smoking because of his mental problems.The cowboys certainly were going to draft his replacement in the draft but they lost out on the players they liked.My problem is with Lawrence who has shown real promise but got caught the second time and now he is facing a suspension.
Serious dude...And, cigarettes aren't addictive either huh? You need to put the toke down, your agenda in the closet and get a clue.
These guys that self-medicate with weed are hooked and can only come back from it when they admit it and get continued help
and support. Beating addiction of any kind is tough work.

I don't smoke MJ or cigarettes. And I agree there can be MJ dependence. But literature I've read says MJ, unlike heroin, alcohol, etc., does not have physiological withdrawal symptoms, only psychological withdrawal symptoms. To me, that makes it a dependence not an addiction. But I agree with you, it is hard work to beat the dependence. But it starts with a choice to want to...
I don't smoke MJ or cigarettes. And I agree there can be MJ dependence. But literature I've read says MJ, unlike heroin, alcohol, etc., does not have physiological withdrawal symptoms, only psychological withdrawal symptoms. To me, that makes it a dependence not an addiction. But I agree with you, it is hard work to beat the dependence. But it starts with a choice to want to...

Similar to being addicted to video games. There are different levels of addiction, and including MJ with opiates, cocaine, and alcohol isn't fair because they are on different stratospheres in terms of physical addiction. Psychological addiction? Definitely; use it to relax all day due to anxiety or just like the euphoria from the substance, yes very likely.

Physical addiction; caffeine is proven to be worse but if that's what the hard liners need, yes it is physically addictive, similar to caffeine, etc. You'll going to start cutting out coffee...somehow I doubt it. But he failed all these tests; he's an immature kid who is used to self medicating. No one said he doesn't have maturity issues and now we find out he has a legitimate mental illness; Bipolar diagnosis' aren't just handed out like social anxiety disorders. Now I see posters dismissing his bi-polar diagnosis the same way when social anxiety disorder was hypothesized:eek:. Surprising...murica, etc.:rolleyes:
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This is the first of many suspensions for Gregory most likely.

We have a Josh Gordon situation here. Probably best to cut bait after the next failed test.

I doubt he plays a down next year.
Outside of the marinuana lobby im pretty sure its universally accepted as addictive. Addiction is not common and seemingly not directly harmful, but is seemingly real.

How about scientists? MJ lobby smh...how about the Big Pharmaceuticals and the Alcohol Industry lobbyists as the reason it has a dated description in the first place? No, it's the newly formed group w/no money and almost no political clout? It is currently classified as a schedule one drug while cocaine is schedule 2. No lobbying effect there?

The MJ lobby is a grassroots movement; little bribery money to hand out? It relies mainly on the public and use science as their primary justification for the legalization of marijuana. Btw, the two industry lobbyists mentioned earlier (Big Pharm/Alcohol) have been meeting with reps/senators in (try 10 decades) DC much longer and have MUCH more clout ($) in forming our laws/policy on drug classifications than any MJ lobby that may have sprung up in the last decade or so. Yikes...
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I doubt he plays another down in the nfl much less any for the boys was a huge waste of a second round pick he is hooked and cant help himself and he pretty much don't care much about his team or teammates.
It compares to caffeine in terms of physical addiction? Some people have addictive personalities.

I know the chart indicates that they are similar, but I would guess that the method of intake plays a role as well, case in point, caffeine is digested and if people only used marijuana by eating it, the high certainly isn't as strong and the addiction likely wouldn't be as strong either. As far as drug use goes, you typically will get the less high off something to eat, versus something you snort then something you inhale. I assume using a needle gets you the highest, but I'm more or less guessing there.
I know the chart indicates that they are similar, but I would guess that the method of intake plays a role as well, case in point, caffeine is digested and if people only used marijuana by eating it, the high certainly isn't as strong and the addiction likely wouldn't be as strong either. As far as drug use goes, you typically will get the less high off something to eat, versus something you snort then something you inhale. I assume using a needle gets you the highest, but I'm more or less guessing there.

Ingested MJ gets you MUCH higher btw (edibles) than normal smoking just more fyi, etc. That's where a lot of college kids who get rushed to the college ER after ingesting it; they think the same thing, first time, let me try is this way as a safer, less intense route, etc. Then they can't deal with the high and panic; no deaths related at all, just a panic attack from not used to being high basically. But MJ isn't sniffed or injected so don't see the connection there, etc.? Caffeine intake surely has an effect, the same as MJ.
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pot isnt addicting. I cant understand how with millions on the line and and failed tests as a warning why he kept smoking. And where where Jerry's troops that were suppose to be helping him.
I think this idiot thought that because he came into the draft admitting he smoked was some kind of green light to continue or he's not serious and just laughing at the system.
I've smoked cigarettes and pot. No comparison. There is absolutely zero addicting qualities in pot. A little will power is all you need and he has millions of reasons to hold off.
Jerry and his team has to sit him down and say "Look were not your babysitters. What do you want, pot or football. If you want pot that's fine but your gone. If you want football great, but next failed test you're gone." Period.
He couldnt even hold off till off season?
He wont change. He has zero will power. I say he's gone in 2 years at most