Explain your handle

If you were to take I-20 East from Dallas, you would cut straight through my neck of the woods in NE LA. DallasEast.
Nors said:

Combo living in the Nor East, Noreaster storms that hit us here in Metro Boston / Cape area near the Shore.

So your username comes from a big wind that leaves everyone cold?:D
wxcpo said:
Mine is a combination of my choosen profession and what at the time was my rank in the Navy.

wx is an abreviation for weather (I am a Naval Meteorologist) and cpo stands for Chief Petty Officer (E7) if I could I'd change to my current rank which is Senior Chief Petty Officer (E8). But I have used wxcpo for so long now that's what everyone knows me by.

hurrah, Senior... ex-cto2...
Multiple choice

A) Because I'm broke, and would like to be able to buy enough gas to get home.

B) Because I'm friends with Antonio Alfonseca.

C) Because Dallas has only won five Super Bowls, and I'm greedy.

D) All of the above.
Bobo said:
Just my nickname. I probably should type it as Bobbo or Bob-O, since no one pronounces it like "Bobo the Clown". Since I mispelled it, I should just use my other nickname which I like better, Bobert.

No one has called me by my real name since I was born ;p
I can change it for you if you ever want.

No reason really....I tried other things but they were already taken on another board that I post on (a financial board).

I'd like to say that the 31 is because of RW, but there really is no reason for it.
silver because i'm a horse and my master is the lone ranger
Now HH but most recall my days as "TNT" Tyree...

Given to me when I played way back when because I would hit you on offense or defense & try to take your head off...Blow you up...TNT...

2 High school football records, 21 tackles in the Detriot Lions old "Silverdome" in the high school championship game... Sounding like Al Bundy yet?
Mine was given to me back in the early 80's by a girl I went to school with... Right after the movie "Urban Cowboy" came out, she and everyone else knew that I loved the Cowboys and since my last name is Irving she started calling me the "Irving Cowboy", it was only dumb luck that the Cowboys play in Irving, TX.

Hey wxcpo, you've got a fellow goat locker member here, I'm currently an ABEC on good ol Chucky V... CVN-70, hence my location, Cellblock 70 while we are out here on deployment. I know several of your old wx (now AG) counterparts on here.
YN1SCOTT is my RATE (JOB), RANK (pay grade) and name in the Navy. I am a SUBMARINE YEOMAN who has been in for 10 years and as it looks now should be in for the next 10.
Because I was concerned that

Oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical being with the spiritual.. The most sacred syllable, the first sound of the Almighty - the sound from which emerges each and every other sound, whether of music or of language. It is the sound not only of origination but also of dissolution. The past, present and future are all included in this one sound and even all that transcends this configuration of time is also implied in OM.

Might sound a bit presumptuous. :)

Okay, not really. I needed something that fit on a golf scorecard.
Been a Florida Gator fan since grade school, University of Florida alum, and my favorite Gator is also one of the best Cowboys ever--Emmitt Smith.
Nors said:
The perfect storm

1 fifth Johnnie Walker
1 1/2 cup mild Honey
2 tsp dried and chopped Angelica root
1/4 tsp crushed Fennel seeds
2 2 inch strips Lemon peel (zest)
Mixing Instruction
Combine all ingreds in aging container. Cover tightly and shake gently several times during the first 24 hrs. After 24 hrs, remove the lemon zest. Cover again and let stand in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, shaking gently every other day. Strain through a wire sieve to remove the angelica root and fennel. Return to aging container, cover and let stand undisturbed in a cool dark place for 6 months. Siphon or pour clear liqueur into a sterile bottle. The cloudy dregs may be saved for cooking.

or.... if you prefer, in Jepordy formate, What is, "How you make a Perfect Storm."

Next question please, Johnny.
TwoDeep...It has been mispelled and mistook by many.

Defensive formation where the safeties play deep so nothing goes over their heads.

A play on words indicating I am pretty sharp.

You may agree or not.
Hostile said:
I can change it for you if you ever want.

Thanks. I'll probably keep it that way since I use it on other boards too. Or maybe we could just make an addition to the handle....Bobo, the guy that can't spell for **** :p:
We'll im a diehard boys fan from miami. plenty of us down here trust me. The number 21 was random, i guess im on the julius jones bandwagon. Should have gone with deuce deuce. Emmitt and irvin were always my favorites. Been following emmitt since his days as a gator. Just like gatorgirl, im a diehard gators fan as well.

go cowboys!!!!!

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