Explain your handle

Juke99 said:
I got very heavily into the Chicago blues harmonica sound...played for hours on end every day...listened to all the greats...and of course, Little Walter was my fav.

Each one of the great players had a signature song...Walter's was called "Juke"....I added the "99" because that was the year I first used the handle and because 9 is my favorite number.

Excellent taste in music dude; I love Littel Walter. One of the all time greats in Blues and perhaps the greatest ever on the blues harmonica
When I was a kid, my dad would occasionally call me Chief.

About 25 years later -- out of the blue -- one of the younger guys where I used to work started calling me that.

It's the closest thing I have to a nickname.
My favorite genre of literature is Sci-Fi / Fantasy and in my early days on the Internet in the early 90's I was a regular on a Sci-Fi / Fantasy message board. One of the other posters there dubed me Jack-the-Magist (a magist is another word for wizard, mage, etc.) due to my general knowledge of wizards and the general workings of magic in the fantasy realms. I shortened it to JackMagist and it has been my handle ever since.
K is the spiritual symbol for love. M is the spiritual symbol for maturity. P is the spiritual meaning for peace. 77 is a pure number that represents a person's oneness with the environment.

Or.....kmp is my initials and 77 is the year I was born. So whichever meaning is more believable :)
coco is short for Colorado (where I live) Cowboy.

The 2 was added a few weeks ago when I somehow lost my password. :tantrum:

Can one of you mods help me out in getting back to just coco? :pray2:
Great thread and an interesting read...

Mine is pretty basic, my tribute to my childhood hero and the backbone of the Dallas Cowboy's... Coach Landry, who was born in Mission, Texas!
I live in Fort Dick, Ca. It is a little bitty town that used to be named Fort Richard, but the locals changed it when it was a logging camp many years ago.

It is most well known as the home of Pelican Bay State Prison, California's SuperMax.
"Big D" is an actual nickname of mine because my name is Dennis and I'm pretty big (6'2" 200lbs). Obviously, it's also a nickname for the city of Dallas. My original user name back in the day at the Silver Star was "Big D", but there was a guy that used to post there all the time and his name was "BigDBoy" and people would refer to him as "BigD" so I changed my name to "BIGDen" to keep the "BigD", but also to make it less confusing to other posters. Ask a simple question..... :D
LaTunaNostra said:

Juke, Tuna's mom's maiden name was Naclerio. (according to the Bill Gutman bio).

Parcells was of course, his dad's name. But his dad was adopted (by the sister of his 'real' mom who got married later to a guy named Parcells.) Bill's dad's birth name was O'Shea.
Explains why Dwayne...err...Bill has no problem with just picking a name out of the blue to use.
Phoenix, you have alot of knowledge. You'd think somebody so smart would know better than to be an Eagles' fan. :p:

By the way, gracias for the insight into my name. Pretty damn cool.
HeHateMe said:

Self explanatory.
Actually it's not. I have probably wondered about your handle more than any other on the board. Which "He" exactly is it that hates you? Why does he hate you?

Perhaps there is some pop reference culture that I am missing, I am getting a little old now.
godofwar said:
Phoenix, you have alot of knowledge. You'd think somebody so smart would know better than to be an Eagles' fan. :p:

By the way, gracias for the insight into my name. Pretty damn cool.

i agree and same here
Phoenix-Talon said:

Silver's real name was "Traveler." The Horse's first master was Tonto -- who gave the horse to the Lone Ranger. Here's more trivia ...

...Silver#1 was personally picked by Clayton from the ranch stock at the Hugh Hooker horse ranch in the San Fernando Valley in 1949 for use on the show just prior to the series launch.

...The white stallion Clayton decided on was a very large mount that stood a strong 17+ hands tall and presented a very majestic image. This white horse, whose true name was "White Cloud", was said to be 12 years old at the time, well trained and gentle

...The second Silver(Silver#2) of the TV series was actually purchased personally in about 1949 by George W. Trendle (the owner of the Lone Ranger show at that time).

...Trendle immediately renamed the horse "Hi-Yo Silver" which he had registered.

...A third white horse was "rented" from the Spahn Ranch for the episodes featuring "Dan Reid", the Lone Ranger's nephew. Dan's horse, per the story line, was named "Victor" and sired by Silver.

Myths about Silver:
Some sources say Clayton's first Silver from the Hooker Ranch is the same white horse that Thomas Mitchell rode in "Gone With The Wind". The truth is: the white horse in Gone With The Wind was actually "Silver Chief" from the Hudkin Brothers Stables. Silver Chief had portrayed Silver in the 1938 and 1940 Republic Serials, "The Lone Ranger" and "The Lone Ranger Rides Again". Thus, it was a "Silver" but not Clayton's TV "Silver"

Another partially true myth is that Silver's real name was Traveler and he was disturbed by the sound of camera motors and would act up if he heard them. Truth is: There was a horse from Studio Stables that was a stand-in stunt and chase double for Silver, named "Traveler", used on the Lone Ranger show but it was Silver#2 that had the 'camera reactions.

HI Ho Silllvvveeeerrrrr! ;)


actually i was supposed to be silver_and_blue in an old forum (NFL RANTS) but for some reason only silver_ appeared. i still use silver_ (with the underline) on other cowboys boards both it was dropped on this board.
JackMagist said:
Actually it's not. I have probably wondered about your handle more than any other on the board. Which &quot;He&quot; exactly is it that hates you? Why does he hate you?

Perhaps there is some pop reference culture that I am missing, I am getting a little old now.

In the XFL players had nicknames on the back of their uni instead of their last name and one player's was He Hate Me. I'm not sure if anyone ever figured out what it meant, but it did receive a fair amount of media coverage because it was just plain odd.
Just wanted to honor my favorite Cowboy from the recent glory years. Although he did get a lot of credit for what he did here I still think he was a bit under appreciated being in the shadow of the triplets. Plus whenever he caught a pass in the open field it looked like he was ready to fall over when he ran and I always thought that was hilarious. Great team guy.
bobtheflob said:
In the XFL players had nicknames on the back of their uni instead of their last name and one player's was He Hate Me. I'm not sure if anyone ever figured out what it meant, but it did receive a fair amount of media coverage because it was just plain odd.

I believe it was a refernce to "The Man"... The Man had him down... I think he had a bit of an authority issue when he was younger...
kmp77 said:
K is the spiritual symbol for love. M is the spiritual symbol for maturity. P is the spiritual meaning for peace. 77 is a pure number that represents a person's oneness with the environment.

wow, that's cool.


:toast: :beer2:
godofwar said:
Phoenix, you have alot of knowledge. You'd think somebody so smart would know better than to be an Eagles' fan. :p:

By the way, gracias for the insight into my name. Pretty damn cool.

If being smart means not being an Eagles fan -- then I gues I'll settle for not being so smart after all;)

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