Explain your handle

Mine is from my favorite Sci-fi writer,Andre Norton. There is a sergeant from a space ship cruiser by the name of Kartr who is in charge of a team of star rangers.
kartr said:
Mine is from my favorite Sci-fi writer,Andre Norton. There is a sergeant from a space ship cruiser by the name of Kartr who is in charge of a team of star rangers.
I read some of her novels as a child too, tho I was not really into the genre.

But Ms. Norton (she died just this year, very old) and Ray Bradbury, I just loved.

I remember kartr, came from some other planet. :eek::
mocowboyfan - Lifelong Cowboy fan in Mizzourah (Missouri is actually the correct spelling but no one pronounces it that way). I don't post much but drop by daily to read the news. Some great fans show up here.

Geez - don't post much?! 6 posts since the new board opened? That's pretty pathetic. Guess I'm a regular lurker...............
Just a name I made up many years ago while playing what they call an MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) which I've done on and off now for about 18 years. This handle is so unusual I don't have to worry about someone already having my name, so I use it most everywhere now.
The name DA FAN originated in March 2002 when I got my “Officially Licensed” Dallas Cowboys license plates. When I first applied for the plates, I was required to include my 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices for names. Instead, I included 9 choices so as not to delay getting my license plates. I waited in anticipation for several weeks to find out what name was going to be on my plates. When the plates finally arrived I found out it was my 7th choice (lucky #7), “DA FAN”. I borrowed the idea for the name from a Saturday Night Live skit in which they referred to the Chicago Bears as “Da Bears.”
My Name is Devan, my father added the "man" and i was born in '90
snugrooster said:
I'm probably as old as you so can I walk on your lawn?

In that case be my guest.......watch out for the alligators :D
My line name when I pledged Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated is Abdullah Da Butcher, hence adbutcher.

To make a long story short, one night after a heated "pledge session” we were told to get the “F” immediately. As we were leaving two of the older bruhz tried blocking our paths...I gave one a forearm shiver and head butted the second and never broke stride all the way to the car.

Well my dean of pledges said it look like something he saw this old time wrestler do (it was on some show he was watching one drunken night). Anyway, his name was Abdullah and I was called that every since.
adbutcher said:
My line name when I pledged Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated is Abdullah Da Butcher, hence adbutcher.

To make a long story short, one night after a heated "pledge session” we were told to get the “F” immediately. As we were leaving two of the older bruhz tried blocking our paths...I gave one a forearm shiver and head butted the second and never broke stride all the way to the car.

Well my dean of pledges said it look like something he saw this old time wrestler do (it was on some show he was watching one drunken night). Anyway, his name was Abdullah and I was called that every since.

:signmast: :nervous:

Something really weird just happened. What a coincidence! I got PM's from Winicki and trick. They almost wrote the same thing, "adbutcher thinks he's a tough guy but here's what I think.. :nana: I'm not the least bit afraid of him" and they both used that same smiley! Wow, amazing!

Normally, I would never post anything about a PM but this coincidence was so amazing, I just had to. :D
Juke99 said:
:signmast: :nervous:

Something really weird just happened. What a coincidence! I got PM's from Winicki and trick. They almost wrote the same thing, "adbutcher thinks he's a tough guy but here's what I think.. :nana: I'm not the least bit afraid of him" and they both used that same smiley! Wow, amazing!

Normally, I would never post anything about a PM but this coincidence was so amazing, I just had to. :D
Not tough but far from soft. Just stay on my good side. :)

Edit: Beating up Winicki and Trick will cost you, you remember the fee we discussed...uhhh..I mean the sum we discussed about you know what and you know who, lol.
adbutcher said:
Not tough but far from soft. Just stay on my good side. :)

Edit: Beating up Winicki and Trick will cost you, you remember the fee we discussed...uhhh..I mean the sum we discussed about you know what and you know who, lol.

Which side is your good side...uh, you're rather large so I don't wanna be on the bad side because it'll take so long to get to the other side. :D

Uh, and trust me, the day I can't beat up Winicki and trick is the day I can't beat up BP and jt...
Juke99 said:
Which side is your good side...uh, you're rather large so I don't wanna be on the bad side because it'll take so long to get to the other side. :D

Uh, and trust me, the day I can't beat up Winicki and trick is the day I can't beat up BP and jt...
Sounds like you are throwing down the gauntlet for a mod/admin battle royale. :fight:

If that is the case my money is on Hos. :)

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