Extending Dak = Drafting Ellis over Moss = No Excitement


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Moving on from Dak was not possible the past two years due to the salary cap. The opportunity is there. There was also the hope that a better defense would be the cure. But even that was not enough the two previous years.
There is zero to no chance of moving on from Dak in 2024.


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One of the biggest mistakes the Cowboys ever made was drafting Greg Ellis over Moss. The Cowboys are staring at another Moss-like decision. I remember screaming at Jerry for not taking Moss. The whole fan base wanted Moss. Moss was exciting, a highlight reel. No matter what Ellis did, he was boring in comparison. I just did an internet search on Greg Ellis and I get some actor, not even the football player.

If the Cowboys extend Dak or let him play the final year here, there will be no excitement in the draft, at camp, and throughout the season. It will be the same blah, blah, blah we saw the past 7 years. Same vanilla preseason games, same press conference cliches, same Dak dominating garbage teams and choking against good teams.

New and different is exciting. No one wants to watch the same movie for the seventh time with the same leading character, with a slightly different cast, and with a slightly different anticlimactic ending.

The Cowboys with Dak at the helm risk boring the fans.
This is a really odd comparison and honestly doesn’t make much sense.

The Taco - Watt is a much better comparison to Ellis - Moss

Unlike Taco, Greg Ellis was a good football player.


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Do that draft over right now today with all that history and 32 of 32 GMs take Moss, even Jerry.
Agree. I just think it's funny that Cowboys fans treat Moss as a Savior when he himself never reached the promise land, even when playing on some GREAT teams.

That's all.


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One of the biggest mistakes the Cowboys ever made was drafting Greg Ellis over Moss. The Cowboys are staring at another Moss-like decision. I remember screaming at Jerry for not taking Moss. The whole fan base wanted Moss. Moss was exciting, a highlight reel. No matter what Ellis did, he was boring in comparison. I just did an internet search on Greg Ellis and I get some actor, not even the football player.

If the Cowboys extend Dak or let him play the final year here, there will be no excitement in the draft, at camp, and throughout the season. It will be the same blah, blah, blah we saw the past 7 years. Same vanilla preseason games, same press conference cliches, same Dak dominating garbage teams and choking against good teams.

New and different is exciting. No one wants to watch the same movie for the seventh time with the same leading character, with a slightly different cast, and with a slightly different anticlimactic ending.

The Cowboys with Dak at the helm risk boring the fans.
This is exactly my thoughts too.

People are like dak is top ten it’s hard to find good guys !
Whatever, you had your shot. This ain’t a birthright


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Only way would be to rebuild.
A) How long did it take for them to rebuild?
B) You don’t have to rebuild this team. The cupboard is not empty.
C) Are you saying this team is built around Dak? I don’t see that at all. Dak is one piece. A replaceable piece in my opinion.


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This is a really odd comparison and honestly doesn’t make much sense.

The Taco - Watt is a much better comparison to Ellis - Moss

Unlike Taco, Greg Ellis was a good football player.
It is about a watershed moment and excitement. Don’t require an equal position to equal position comparison.


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Not a mistake. Ellis was a good player. The mistake was not putting people around him. Look at how Ellis broke out in 07 when he finally had someone on the other side of him who was a threat. This revisionist crapp is weak.
“Broke out”…. He had Ware for years. Greg was always average..


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People acting like 12-5 is guaranteed when the OL is older and Quinn just left. Our defense led the league in TOs 2 of those 4 years and was top 5 this last season. That’s why we were a 12 win team, plus the NFC East sucked. The Eagles don’t have incompetent coaches now either.

The trajectory is down with Dak. Now the league has a year of tape on the dumbed down Texas west coast offense as well, meaning they know MMs tendencies.


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One of the biggest mistakes the Cowboys ever made was drafting Greg Ellis over Moss. The Cowboys are staring at another Moss-like decision. I remember screaming at Jerry for not taking Moss. The whole fan base wanted Moss. Moss was exciting, a highlight reel. No matter what Ellis did, he was boring in comparison. I just did an internet search on Greg Ellis and I get some actor, not even the football player.

If the Cowboys extend Dak or let him play the final year here, there will be no excitement in the draft, at camp, and throughout the season. It will be the same blah, blah, blah we saw the past 7 years. Same vanilla preseason games, same press conference cliches, same Dak dominating garbage teams and choking against good teams.

New and different is exciting. No one wants to watch the same movie for the seventh time with the same leading character, with a slightly different cast, and with a slightly different anticlimactic ending.

The Cowboys with Dak at the helm risk boring the fans.
The pain & agony of the Ellis > Moss debacle.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:


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One of the biggest mistakes the Cowboys ever made was drafting Greg Ellis over Moss. The Cowboys are staring at another Moss-like decision. I remember screaming at Jerry for not taking Moss. The whole fan base wanted Moss. Moss was exciting, a highlight reel. No matter what Ellis did, he was boring in comparison. I just did an internet search on Greg Ellis and I get some actor, not even the football player.

If the Cowboys extend Dak or let him play the final year here, there will be no excitement in the draft, at camp, and throughout the season. It will be the same blah, blah, blah we saw the past 7 years. Same vanilla preseason games, same press conference cliches, same Dak dominating garbage teams and choking against good teams.

New and different is exciting. No one wants to watch the same movie for the seventh time with the same leading character, with a slightly different cast, and with a slightly different anticlimactic ending.

The Cowboys with Dak at the helm risk boring the fans.
Who are you taking at QB at 24? Can’t trade up


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A) How long did it take for them to rebuild?
B) You don’t have to rebuild this team. The cupboard is not empty.
C) Are you saying this team is built around Dak? I don’t see that at all. Dak is one piece. A replaceable piece in my opinion.
The only way you take advantage of a QB contract is by having a strong balanced team around them in place. A young QB can survive and grow as bus driver, making a few plays here and there.

We don't have any balance. We don't play complimentary football. Yes, we have arguably some of the best players in the league and then some really big holes.

Jeruh won SB's in the 90's by having multiple super stats, but they played complimentary football and they all made each other better because of it.

We will not win the 10 games with this team and Trey Lance. If Jeruh thinks he can, then he should go all in on that.


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When 6-8 of those teams suck, winning 12 games isn’t very exciting. Also, whatever excitement you felt with those 12 victories vanished after the GB beat down of epic proportions.
But the way they win is always exciting. They BLOW teams out. It gets everyone waving the white flags. :flagwave:


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When 6-8 of those teams suck, winning 12 games isn’t very exciting. Also, whatever excitement you felt with those 12 victories vanished after the GB beat down of epic proportions.
I try to look at it this way every year. 1/3 of the league sucks, 1/3 of the league is about average, and 1/3 is talented and makes the playoffs.

The playoffs are a new season. Do or die tournament. The previous 17 games mean absolutely nothing.

The tournament comes down to, who is healthy, who is playing well and peaking at the right time, and who wants it more while executing their game plan.

The more 1 dimensional you are on offense or defense the more predictable you become and the easier it is to eliminate you from the tournament.