Extremeskins is getting testy...

Someone should create an account named ARTisGOD and then post a bunch of A+ draft grades and compliment each guy to such an extreme even the dweebs get it.

Something like:
I LOVE the Jason Campbell pick, every team in the league wanted the guy but we stole him out from under their noses. Snyder must have paid GMs off not to take such a talent. This kid is a Hall of Famer. He is lean and mean. If I were a chick I would date him.
et al.... lol. i am tears these guys crack me up so....
jterrell said:
Someone should create an account named ARTisGOD and then post a bunch of A+ draft grades and compliment each guy to such an extreme even the dweebs get it.

Something like:
I LOVE the Jason Campbell pick, every team in the league wanted the guy but we stole him out from under their noses. Snyder must have paid GMs off not to take such a talent. This kid is a Hall of Famer. He is lean and mean. If I were a chick I would date him.
et al.... lol. i am tears these guys crack me up so....
Their censored regristration process will not permit you to create an account with the name ArtisGod. As I recall you can't even register unless you list your favorite skins player, how lame is that?

Exrtremeskinz = **** death camp, cowboyzone = peace and tranquility.
jterrell said:
Someone should create an account named ARTisGOD and then post a bunch of A+ draft grades and compliment each guy to such an extreme even the dweebs get it.

Something like:
I LOVE the Jason Campbell pick, every team in the league wanted the guy but we stole him out from under their noses. Snyder must have paid GMs off not to take such a talent. This kid is a Hall of Famer. He is lean and mean. If I were a chick I would date him.
et al.... lol. i am tears these guys crack me up so....

adbutcher said:
Their censored regristration process will not permit you to create an account with the name ArtisGod. As I recall you can't even register unless you list your favorite skins player, how lame is that?

Exrtremeskinz = **** death camp, cowboyzone = peace and tranquility.
Easy enuff:)

name: GibbsisGODsoisART

fave Commander: Laverneous Coles.
Zaxor said:
thank Reality that our mods have to have proof positive of a brain before being giving the job...

I would never be able to post on ES

Well, I wouldn't go quite THAT far. :)

One thing that stands out in those posts like nails on a chalkboard is the use of the term "you people"...man oh man, how I HATE that quote....
Why is ExtremeSkins shut down? Have they decided to dissolve the site in the wake of a very Campo Like Draft? Or have I just been banned? When I try to connect, it says connection denied.....?
nOOb spam has finally gotten to the mods....Thank GOd......

Shut that beast down for a day or so.....

I tell ya this place would be just as bad if you had 29,000 of 30,000 members as teenagers.....
I have lurked there quite a bit today. It is sad, really. I believe that the great Sandler movie, "Billy Madison," classified it as "loser denial."

We had a bad case of loser denial once. It was called campo.

Wait - we weren't in denial about that.
KINGBRICE_28 said:
nOOb spam has finally gotten to the mods....Thank GOd......

Shut that beast down for a day or so.....

I tell ya this place would be just as bad if you had 29,000 of 30,000 members as teenagers.....
I respect your opinion, but no it wouldn't. I'm not trying to dig at that site or the Mods there or anything like that by saying this.

One of the things I disapprove of is Moderating in public like that. If someone is out of line here it gets addressed in private leaving the poster a chance to rectify it or at least save his/her dignity in front of peers. Did fpickering have that option? Others were banned for disagreeing with his being ordered to do something.

Moderating in private simply works better as a practice. It doesn't always work. There are some people who refuse to accept the fact that they may receive instructions to alter a post, opinion, etc.

I personally do not think any of the suspended earned it with the exception of Rowdy, who was trying to be funny as well as make a point. What you aren't considering is that most of them were suspended because it was in public like that and they were uncomfortable. I can understand why.

I have acted as a Mod in public one time here and that was when we got flooded with Eagles trolls posting insulting pictures, etc. I didn't do it to get slaps on the back from Cowboys fans or to flex my Mod muscles (stealing a phrase from a former poster). I did it to tell anyone else considering jumping into the fray that it wasn't going to go well for them.

Every bit of that could have been handled through PMs. If it had been, there is not a doubt in my mind that the results would have turned out better.

Again, not trying to dig at that site or the policies. I just don't think we'd have the same problems here because of the way things are handled. There's no way it can snowball without the public audience.
Hostile said:
I respect your opinion, but no it wouldn't. I'm not trying to dig at that site or the Mods there or anything like that by saying this.

One of the things I disapprove of is Moderating in public like that. If someone is out of line here it gets addressed in private leaving the poster a chance to rectify it or at least save his/her dignity in front of peers. Did fpickering have that option? Others were banned for disagreeing with his being ordered to do something.

Moderating in private simply works better as a practice.It doesn't always work. There are some people who refuse to accept the fact that they may receive instructions to alter a post, opinion, etc.

I personally do not think any of the suspended earned it with the exception of Rowdy, who was trying to be funny as well as make a pont. What you aren't considering is that most of them were suspended because it was in public like that and they were uncomfortable. I can understand why.

I have acted as a Mod in public one time here and that was when we got flooded with Eagles trolls posting insulting pictures, etc. I didn't do it to get slaps on the back from Cowboys fans or to flex my Mod muscles (stealing a phrase from a former poster). I did it to tell anyone else considering jumping into the fray that it wasn't going to go well for them.

Every bit of that could have been handled through PM. If it had been there is not a doubt in my mind that the results would have turned out better.

Again, not trying to dig at that site or the policies. I just don't think we'd have the same problems here because of the way things are handled. There's no way it can snowball without the public audience.

Not only that but when you do something stupid like art obviously did you can actually pull foot out of mouth and head out of behind without 30k witnesses. ROFL.
HeavyHitta31 said:

Poor poor Art. He really doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what a horses arse he really is.

How do you demand for someone to post a peticular thing against their will and threaten banning like that... All because of a point of view???

How totally stupid and moronic can Art get. Just when I think he's gotten as bad as he can, he trumps my thoughts
Extremeskins is the worst run message board in the NFL community. It's like they are trying to emulate Dan Snyder. I've been on alot of boards and never had problems until I tried hanging at Extremeskins.

On a side note, for an unofficial board, I'm impressed with the open mind of the mods on cowboyszone. You guys do a good job. My only beef is that Eagle fans aren't allowed to talk smack on game week :D , but I can live with that.

Congrats on the draft guys, I knew that you'd have a good one with two first rounders.
TobiasEagle77 said:
Extremeskins is the worst run message board in the NFL community. It's like they are trying to emulate Dan Snyder. I've been on alot of boards and never had problems until I tried hanging at Extremeskins.

On a side note, for an unofficial board, I'm impressed with the open mind of the mods on cowboyszone. You guys do a good job. My only beef is that Eagle fans aren't allowed to talk smack on game week :D , but I can live with that.

Congrats on the draft guys, I knew that you'd have a good one with two first rounders.

I don't care if you are a iggies fan... you are a class act TE77

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