Extremeskins is getting testy...

silverbear said:
And he didn't last too long, did he?? :banghead:

A few days or so...but I doubt it was because someone scared him...probably just because he got bored.
BrAinPaiNt said:
A few days or so...but I doubt it was because someone scared him...probably just because he got bored.

I seem to recall he had his problems... but I'm old, and the memory ain't what it once was...

Mostly, I just like raggin' on that massive bag of pus...
BrAinPaiNt said:
He has been here as himself before.

Must have missed that.... Its hard not to like someone you havnt even met. But Art makes it easy. He must have took alot of fat jokes as a kid.
Tio said:
he isn't listed as a member.

It must have been when we were still thecowboys.net, prior to this past draft.
Henry did indeed post at the old board and I dont know if he got banned or not but he was the biggest Skin homer to have ever posted anywhere.

The threads chewing up his loony arguments were pages long so I doubt he got bored.

Chances are he got banned by some of the old mods.

If I recall he was defending Spurrier and talking up that Commanders offense. ROFL. I am fairly certian I pointed out how that offense would detract from the defense and running game which had been the soul of the team under Shotty and was leading them to wins at the end of the season.

He can't really post here or at any site he isn't a mod of until the Skins stop looking like idiots unless he wants to be laughed outta the place.
JT, you talking about me or Art?

I haven't been banned. I just don't post in these insipid Art/Extremeskins rant threads anymore.

Art I don't think bothered to sign up when you all switched servers. I'm sure your mods could easily verify whether or not he is actually banned from here ... if you all really care that much. Shrug.
jterrell said:
Henry did indeed post at the old board and I dont know if he got banned or not but he was the biggest Skin homer to have ever posted anywhere.

The threads chewing up his loony arguments were pages long so I doubt he got bored.

Chances are he got banned by some of the old mods.

If I recall he was defending Spurrier and talking up that Commanders offense. ROFL. I am fairly certian I pointed out how that offense would detract from the defense and running game which had been the soul of the team under Shotty and was leading them to wins at the end of the season.

He can't really post here or at any site he isn't a mod of until the Skins stop looking like idiots unless he wants to be laughed outta the place.
I think you mean ARt, henry is an ok guy...
Henry said:
JT, you talking about me or Art?

I haven't been banned. I just don't post in these insipid Art/Extremeskins rant threads anymore.

Art I don't think bothered to sign up when you all switched servers. I'm sure your mods could easily verify whether or not he is actually banned from here ... if you all really care that much. Shrug.
Well, as long as your here...

COuld you explain to me why Art can go on this natzi run and noone do anything about it? I mean, none of the other mods act like that, unless they are defending him in a thread. I think your site gets a bad rep because of the way he acts and how he is allowed to act that way.

Henry said:
JT, you talking about me or Art?

I haven't been banned. I just don't post in these insipid Art/Extremeskins rant threads anymore.

Art I don't think bothered to sign up when you all switched servers. I'm sure your mods could easily verify whether or not he is actually banned from here ... if you all really care that much. Shrug.

Yeah I think he meant art.

Futhermore Art, to my knowledge was NEVER banned on the old site, nor was he given a head up his butt avatar or sigline.

I do not think he ever signed up once the site moved over.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Futhermore Art, to my knowledge was NEVER banned on the old site, nor was he given a head up his butt avatar or sigline.

I have visited that site before and I was amazed that Cowboy fans are disparaged left and right and it is continued by even the moderation.

I do not see that here, thankfully. It just goes to show you what can be done when you are comfortable with the size of your genitalia.
Tio said:
Well, as long as your here...

COuld you explain to me why Art can go on this natzi run and noone do anything about it? I mean, none of the other mods act like that, unless they are defending him in a thread. I think your site gets a bad rep because of the way he acts and how he is allowed to act that way.


I cannot and will not get into what we mods discuss behind closed doors, but I will say you all don't see everything that goes on there.

What I see from this board is one or two guys making a hobby of picking out a thread a month, posting it here, and holding it up as an example of how we moderate the board on a day to day basis, or how Art is some board **** who does nothing but bait posters into petty arguments all day long, so that your peanut gallery can join in on the hate-fest. Say what you want about our board, but we've never conducted such a prolonged and nasty smear campaign of another board as your membership currently is.

I'd like to think this board's membership is smart enough to know when statements or ideas are taken out of context, and if not, I am long since past trying to explain my side. If you really are interested I'm sure you can search through my old posts where I've written pages and pages on this subject.

If you guys instead want to keep on hating Art go ahead. I guarantee you he doesn't care.
Henry said:
I cannot and will not get into what we mods discuss behind closed doors, but I will say you all don't see everything that goes on there.

What I see from this board is one or two guys making a hobby of picking out a thread a month, posting it here, and holding it up as an example of how we moderate the board on a day to day basis, or how Art is some board **** who does nothing but bait posters into petty arguments all day long, so that your peanut gallery can join in on the hate-fest. Say what you want about our board, but we've never conducted such a prolonged and nasty smear campaign of another board as your membership currently is.

I'd like to think this board's membership is smart enough to know when statements or ideas are taken out of context, and if not, I am long since past trying to explain my side. If you really are interested I'm sure you can search through my old posts where I've written pages and pages on this subject.

If you guys instead want to keep on hating Art go ahead. I guarantee you he doesn't care.

You know you make a good point...it always is the same 3-4 people that spend time over there and have to run back here with links.

I won't lie and say I don't laugh at some of the threads or things said over there, but at the same time I have gotten past the idea of going over there, complaining and then bringing it back here....at one time it may have been fun, but that was then and this is now. lol.
Henry said:
I cannot and will not get into what we mods discuss behind closed doors, but I will say you all don't see everything that goes on there.

What I see from this board is one or two guys making a hobby of picking out a thread a month, posting it here, and holding it up as an example of how we moderate the board on a day to day basis, or how Art is some board **** who does nothing but bait posters into petty arguments all day long, so that your peanut gallery can join in on the hate-fest. Say what you want about our board, but we've never conducted such a prolonged and nasty smear campaign of another board as your membership currently is.

I'd like to think this board's membership is smart enough to know when statements or ideas are taken out of context, and if not, I am long since past trying to explain my side. If you really are interested I'm sure you can search through my old posts where I've written pages and pages on this subject.

If you guys instead want to keep on hating Art go ahead. I guarantee you he doesn't care.

I'm not one to continuously smear other boards, but I did visit your board and read the thread where one of your members didn't like a peticular decission made by the skins and posted such. He didn't do it in a rude or non polite manor. Art ripped him a new one and demanded that he read a peticular article and that he post that item in the terms that Art set or he would be banned if it weren't his next post. I can see where others would reference the "****" mentality. That type of behavior cannot be something you would stand behind, right henry? I thought message boards were for discussing differences of opinion. I am in no way bashing you or posting this with disrespect. I would honestly like to understand why demanding a member to post a reply against his beliefs and against his will is a mature way for a mod to approach a differing view of a subject.
Did you read many other threads where someone was critical of the Commanders and was threatened by Art, or just that one? I guarantee you that for every one thread like that there are dozens that Art (or any mod for that matter) lets go. There was a specific reason he said what he did in that particular thread.

Do you all ever have posters who make statements based on false information? What about repeat offenders. What about one or two hundred repeat offenders during high traffic times like draft day?

Other than this chronic need to trash Extremeskins I like your board, and I'm glad you all are happy with your level of discourse and moderation, but a board with 31,000 members and 1.3 million posts is going to have different issues than a board with 3,800 members and 360,000 posts, and we'll deal with them differently.

Like I said, I've written about this before. This is your house and you all can think what you want. I didn't post in this thread to defend my board's moderating ... I simply saw my name come up. And since I think that's been cleared up I will return you to your regularly scheduled bashing. Have fun.
Extremeskins moderators have the right to do as they see fit... but you would think that the members would get sick of the way the site was run. Unless skins fans like the philosophy of only allowing one side of an argument to be presented.

I know my opinion means little to you, and probably nada to the moderators of extremeskins - since I'm an Eagles fan. But I can tell you that I'm not a troll... and most of the people I've seen banned from ES weren't either. Most board users, regardless of team affiliation, don't mind visiting fans as long as they keep it clean.

It's not just cowboyszone, I think everyone (who's been there) agrees that Extremeskins is run like a **** camp. It's a nice place to lurk... there are good posters there and interesting topics, but I wouldn't recommend posting there.
TobiasEagle77 said:
Extremeskins moderators have the right to do as they see fit... but you would think that the members would get sick of the way the site was run. Unless skins fans like the philosophy of only allowing one side of an argument to be presented.

I know my opinion means little to you, and probably nada to the moderators of extremeskins - since I'm an Eagles fan. But I can tell you that I'm not a troll... and most of the people I've seen banned from ES weren't either. Most board users, regardless of team affiliation, don't mind visiting fans as long as they keep it clean.

It's not just cowboyszone, I think everyone (who's been there) agrees that Extremeskins is run like a **** camp. It's a nice place to lurk... there are good posters there and interesting topics, but I wouldn't recommend posting there.

While I have seen things I deem to not be a reason to be banned.....I have also seen many cowboys fans go there just to troll...then they get banned and go and complain about it.
Zaxor said:
thank Reality that our mods have to have proof positive of a brain before being giving the job...

I would never be able to post on ES

Your next post WILL be a retraction of this statement. You will post this retraction RIGHT NOW.



BrAinPaiNt said:
While I have seen things I deem to not be a reason to be banned.....I have also seen many cowboys fans go there just to troll...then they get banned and go and complain about it.

The incident I am aware of occurred on draft day when skins fans were upset at the direction the team was going-

trading away next years first round pick

drafting 2 fullbacks etc

Art indicated in his banning threats that all reports that the skins stretched or reached on a player include more than one site as supporting that conclusion.

Until that point the posters had been including at least one reference for most of their concerns-

Art then went on a completely tyranical tryrade in which he threatened anyone challenging the Commanders drafting and demanded that all future draft criticisms include at least 2 sources-

It was quite frankly the most dictatorial set of events I have seen on a forum....I was both shocked and amazed at the level of his emotional instability.
Most fans were disappointed in the skins drafting two fullbacks when their needs are more than that.time will show that were errant decisions on the skins part.

Whether or not ART cares is neither here nor there----the fact that he is in charge over there is cause for concern----

Henry- Art may not care but if his emotionally guided responses continue than you are looking at decreased hits,usage etc and a decrease in open discussions-if thats what you are after than Art is your man.

Someone please post that thread here so everyone can view the level of his incompetence and the lack of checks and balances over there.

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