Extremeskins is getting testy...

I think this thread is starting to get off topic... it almost doesn't belong in smack talk zone anymore...

I hope the mods don't move or lock it... oh, I know how to get it back on topic :D


I think the mods are starting to listen to my smiley ideas!! :eek:
HeavyHitta31 said:
Do you really have a baby getting shot in the butt :eek: :D

WG gets it. She shuns my passes at her because she thinks I am too young.

I'm in the prime of my life!
Zaxor said:
thank Reality that our mods have to have proof positive of a brain before being giving the job...

I would never be able to post on ES

I'd never WANT to post on Extremeskins... but I'll tell ya what, if any of you guys sees Art posting on any of the boards in here, lemme know about it real quick, then sit back and watch the fun...

I'd just LOVE to engage that pompous little jerkoff someplace where he can't run and hide by hitting the "ban" button... I'd have him whining for his mommy inside of 3 days...

Any of y'all who does frequent that board is quite welcome to extend him an invitation for me, LOL...
adbutcher said:
Their censored regristration process will not permit you to create an account with the name ArtisGod. As I recall you can't even register unless you list your favorite skins player, how lame is that?

Put down Dexter Manley... or mebbe Mark Brunell... Laveraneus Coles would be a good choice, too... but make sure to spell Laveraneus right, that'll really confuse 'em...
Hostile said:
I respect your opinion, but no it wouldn't. I'm not trying to dig at that site or the Mods there or anything like that by saying this.

One of the things I disapprove of is Moderating in public like that. If someone is out of line here it gets addressed in private leaving the poster a chance to rectify it or at least save his/her dignity in front of peers. Did fpickering have that option? Others were banned for disagreeing with his being ordered to do something.

I can personally testify that this is the usual modus operandi for the mods in here... I'm on first name basis with most of 'em... in fact, I'm flabbergasted that I haven't been banned at some point already, LOL...

I truly appreciate that approach, and agree that it's the one with the best potential for a positive outcome...

I personally do not think any of the suspended earned it with the exception of Rowdy, who was trying to be funny as well as make a point. What you aren't considering is that most of them were suspended because it was in public like that and they were uncomfortable. I can understand why.

What, you don't approve of a moderator ordering somebody to post exactly what he tells him to?? :eek:

I gotta admit, that one would have shocked me-- if I hadn't seen him do exactly that before... trust me when I say that had ol' Art tried that BS with me, my final post would have been to tell him, in precise and very graphic detail, what he could do with his little **** board... I would have concluded with a friendly "Sieg heil, y'all"...
BrAinPaiNt said:
Well...who knows, maybe he is a very nice guy away from the boards.

Highly unlikely... oh, he might be quite civil if you met him face to face, but that wouldn't be because he's "nice", that would be because he's too gutless to act the way he acts on that board in real life, where somebody might take it out on his dental work...

Anybody who brags about intimidating a fan of another team, of basically throwing said fan out of the stadium, is nothing but a bully, and a punk... of course, having seen his picture, I KNOW that incident never did happen, because that guy couldn't intimidate a 4th grader...

Sorry, BP, but where I come from being a punk, probably a liar, and a bully does NOT make you a nice guy... Art is a jackass, 24/7/365...
Woody'sGirl said:
Shall we all hold hands and sing kumbaya now?:D

I think I'd prefer a round of "Art's the Mod is a big fat b*tch"... surely we have some South Park fans who could lead us??
silverbear said:
Highly unlikely... oh, he might be quite civil if you met him face to face, but that wouldn't be because he's "nice", that would be because he's too gutless to act the way he acts on that board in real life, where somebody might take it out on his dental work...

Anybody who brags about intimidating a fan of another team, of basically throwing said fan out of the stadium, is nothing but a bully, and a punk... of course, having seen his picture, I KNOW that incident never did happen, because that guy couldn't intimidate a 4th grader...

Sorry, BP, but where I come from being a punk, probably a liar, and a bully does NOT make you a nice guy... Art is a jackass, 24/7/365...
silverbear said:
I'd never WANT to post on Extremeskins... but I'll tell ya what, if any of you guys sees Art posting on any of the boards in here, lemme know about it real quick, then sit back and watch the fun...

I'd just LOVE to engage that pompous little jerkoff someplace where he can't run and hide by hitting the "ban" button... I'd have him whining for his mommy inside of 3 days...

Any of y'all who does frequent that board is quite welcome to extend him an invitation for me, LOL...
:fight: :skins: :fight:
silverbear said:
Highly unlikely... oh, he might be quite civil if you met him face to face, but that wouldn't be because he's "nice", that would be because he's too gutless to act the way he acts on that board in real life, where somebody might take it out on his dental work...

Anybody who brags about intimidating a fan of another team, of basically throwing said fan out of the stadium, is nothing but a bully, and a punk... of course, having seen his picture, I KNOW that incident never did happen, because that guy couldn't intimidate a 4th grader...

Sorry, BP, but where I come from being a punk, probably a liar, and a bully does NOT make you a nice guy... Art is a jackass, 24/7/365...

I don't know about that.

There are many people that exaggerate or flat out lie on the net, act like crazy fools, just stir up trouble, that have an online persona that is a great deal wilder then their real persona....

That in real life are just guys having fun on a computer.....now some people are just jerks as you have said, and who knows maybe art is that type of person, but I would also not rule out that he may be a nice guy off the net.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I don't know about that.

There are many people that exaggerate or flat out lie on the net, act like crazy fools, just stir up trouble, that have an online persona that is a great deal wilder then their real persona....

That in real life are just guys having fun on a computer.....now some people are just jerks as you have said, and who knows maybe art is that type of person, but I would also not rule out that he may be a nice guy off the net.

You still believe in the Tooth Fairy, don't ya, BP??

BrAinPaiNt said:
I don't know about that.

There are many people that exaggerate or flat out lie on the net, act like crazy fools, just stir up trouble, that have an online persona that is a great deal wilder then their real persona....

That in real life are just guys having fun on a computer.....now some people are just jerks as you have said, and who knows maybe art is that type of person, but I would also not rule out that he may be a nice guy off the net.

ummmm... bp... level with us here... are you leading a double life... could you... could it be... is there a ying-yang thing going on here?

Has Art and BP ever been same in the same room together?

Say it ain't so... :(
trickblue said:
ummmm... bp... level with us here... are you leading a double life... could you... could it be... is there a ying-yang thing going on here?

Has Art and BP ever been same in the same room together?

Say it ain't so... :(
Now it all makes sense! Who would have ever thunk it?
trickblue said:
ummmm... bp... level with us here... are you leading a double life... could you... could it be... is there a ying-yang thing going on here?

Has Art and BP ever been same in the same room together?

Say it ain't so... :(

I would NEVER claim to be a Commanders fan.
There is no way Art would come over here and let everyone know who he is. He will read this and act like he is above all this, but in reality he knows "the zone" would pick him apart.
CalMor said:
There is no way Art would come over here and let everyone know who he is. He will read this and act like he is above all this, but in reality he knows "the zone" would pick him apart.

He has been here as himself before.

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