Fans have a short memory - Tony Romo 2014 **merged**

Bleu Star

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Not sure how anyone could possibly compare Romo to Prescott. It's night and day right now. Will this kid continue to improve? Absolutely. Is he at Romo's level? Not even close. When Romo returns, the offense will open up, we'll be able to pass down field, and Elliott's production will increase even more.

Stunning how short people's memory's are and the media certainly doesn't want to help.

So funny. People just can't appreciate what's in front of us. But this emotional population is dwindling with each successive Cowboys win with Dak under center.


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They also said he had to "manage his back" before he broke it.
You don't think that older lower back herniated disc issue is the same as the compression fracture of the L1 do you?

Entirely different injuries. Not related. All doctors say so with no exception.

The dude is snake bit though. I've never even seen someone get compression injury like he got this year....just flat out fluky. I hear David Carr got it a few years ago, but haven't seen how.

I guess the point is that, he DID get injured. So those saying he's just flat out injury prone and will go down soon after his return do have ammo.


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You don't think that older lower back herniated disc issue is the same as the compression fracture of the L1 do you?

Entirely different injuries. Not related. All doctors say so with no exception.

The dude is snake bit though. I've never even seen someone get compression injury like he got this year....just flat out fluky. I hear David Carr got it a few years ago, but haven't seen how.
That is not my point at all. My point is there were still lingering old issues before there were brand new issues.


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That is no point at all. My point is there were still lingering old issues before there were brand new issues.
Yeah, I do agree that the older lower back stuff is a lifelong thing.
He even says he has to do special exercises for it every day.
If that was your point...I agree.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Not sure how anyone could possibly compare Romo to Prescott. It's night and day right now. Will this kid continue to improve? Absolutely. Is he at Romo's level? Not even close. When Romo returns, the offense will open up, we'll be able to pass down field, and Elliott's production will increase even more.

Stunning how short people's memory's are and the media certainly doesn't want to help.

You like many are still stuck in 2014 with Romo. Sure, Dak isn't playing at the level Romo did that season but that was 2 years ago. Romo has has suffered two broken collarbones and a broken back since and has missed 17 games. The Romo from 2014 is gone and likely won't be returning to that level again. Right NOW Dak is the better QB because he's been playing and improving every week. He's one of the top rated QBs this season. Even Romo at his best would have a tough time matching the play and efficiency we've seen with Dak this season. He's completed 69% of his passes, has 7 TD's rushing/passing and hasn't thrown a single INT in 155 attempts.

I doubt Romo has ever attempted that many passes without an INT. You're living in the past with Romo, what he did 2 years ago means nothing now, he'll be hard pressed to ever become that player again. We all remember how well he played in 2014 but that was then and this now. The last time we saw him play a regular season game was almost a year ago vs Carolina and it was one of his worst games of his career. Last season he tossed 7 INT's compared to 5 TD passes and had a career low passer rating of 79.4.


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Sometimes I wonder where winning stacks up as a priority on this board. They are winning. If they continue to win then what the hell would be a reason to change? Arguing over a 2014 version of Romo seems foolish if he is healthy but the team is 5-1 or 6-2 or whatever. Romo can sit and if things begin to stray then he can go in. Seems simple to me.


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Greenbay is one of the toughest teams on our schedule and if Dak can hang with Aaron Rodgers what more can you ask for? It doesn't get much tougher than Greenbay, the only other teams on our schedule that will pose as much difficulty is Minnesota and Pittsburgh. Interestingly, Minnesota and Pittsburgh both run a similar style of offense to Greenbay.

The Cowboys have lost their last 5 games against Green Bay. Romo can't beat them. And GB will likely be in the playoffs again this year. If Dak can put up a win against Green Bay at Lambeau he will have proven he can do things Romo can't.


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If Dak plays great at Lambeau, I'm convinced. You stay with him
I'm a Romo homer and want to see Romo out there when healthy. but this is a good point. If we go to GB and win then that would be hard to pull Dak. Even for me, who's probably as big a Romo fan as there is. With Romo being one of my favorite all time cowboys, or maybe even my favorite of all time, if we go into GB and blow out the Packers the way we blew out the Bengals and Dak doesn't throw a interception then I'm on the side to play Dak until he loses his job. and if he doesn't, then he doesn't.

But I'll always wonder if the offense would expand with Romo due to being able to go deep more. Romo has a more accurate deep ball.

It's a good problem to have.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It AMAZES me how many keep bringing up Romo's 2014 season, like that's the Romo we'll be getting back. :facepalm: Most seem to want to forget what happened last season with him and that he's currently recovering from a broken back. He's 2 years older now and has become a china doll. Why not just dig up a video from 2009 and prior so we can watch how well he moved and how slippery he was so we can get excited about his return.


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Well, I guess if you wish to include everything.....add up all of his years from 2006 thru 2015 and you get the 3rd highest rated passer in NFL history.

hey, if they want to keep Dak in there I'll be pulling for him in a big way.
But those thinking Romo has been a the problem are off-base.

I'm sorry. I was still of the belief that you win super bowls on the field by winning playoff games and then scoring the most points in the final game of the year. I didn't know teams could win it with career passer ratings. I stand corrected.

I don't think anyone believes Romo has been the problem but that doesn't mean people with a brain and eyes can't conclude that right now Dak is the better option if the objective is to win football games.


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I keep hearing people say that Romo is not the same player as he was in 2014.. my question, is how do you know? He may be better than he was in 2014. You are making your case off a 2015 where he got the same bone broken twice (only because he rushed back before it was fully healed). Romo played pretty dang good in 2014. Super Bowl level good. I think Dak has proved he is far better than most thought, including myself. He is the future, or at least it sure seems that way today. But Romo is an elite level QB. Romo may not be able to play anymore, he might fall apart when he gets hit again,,, then again, maybe not.. maybe just maybe he will play as we have been blessed with in the past and if so, look out. This team would be unstoppable.


Stick N Move
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I'm a Romo homer and want to see Romo out there when healthy. but this is a good point. If we go to GB and win then that would be hard to pull Dak. Even for me, who's probably as big a Romo fan as there is. With Romo being one of my favorite all time cowboys, or maybe even my favorite of all time, if we go into GB and blow out the Packers the way we blew out the Bengals and Dak doesn't throw a interception then I'm on the side to play Dak until he loses his job. and if he doesn't, then he doesn't.

But I'll always wonder if the offense would expand with Romo due to being able to go deep more. Romo has a more accurate deep ball.

It's a good problem to have.
Same here.. very staunch Romo supporter. Hell, I was clamoring and screaming from the rooftops for Romo in preseason 2005 and nearly got laughed off this board (who's laughing now) lol

But after watching Dak yesterday and the chemistry he has with the entire offense, I just don't see how you go away from that. If they did start Romo vs. Philly I would still feel good about the offense, but if things go south very quickly, I think you might have Romo on a very short leash.


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We wont know any of his until Romo plays again, but I'm all for winning and love this kid, so if Romo has to wait a while to play because the Cowboys keep winning, I don't have a problem with that.


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Sorry, you already staked your ignorant ground when you disrespected Romo's career. You want to compare Dak adapting to changes to the OL or WR that have resulted in zero drop off to all those years Romo adapted to having no protection and no running game? Please! Romo is and was the king of adapting to all the crap around him. Good grief.

Why does it have to be disrespect to Romo to conclude Dak is a better option at this point? I want the team to win and Dak is getting that done. For all of Romo's stats what has the team ever won with him? Nothing because he eventually folds or fails to lead the team to victory. I'd be happy to see Romo back on the field but only after Dak falters.


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Romo has had a running game. Barber, Murray.
Not necessarily true. Barber was hurt a lot and after 2007 was not the same player. He had that foot injury that he didn't seem to recover from. and his back up was felix jones who sucked. Far cry from Zeke and Alfred Morris combo. Murray never stayed healthy for 16 games until 2014. but prior to that season he missed significant time with injuries as well.


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Fact is no one knows what version of Romo Dallas will be getting back. We can all speculate based on injury history or age, but you dont know until he's on the field. If its vintage 2014 Romo, then this team is a legit Super Bowl contender and the rest of the league should be put on notice.

If not, then you move on to Dak and let him develope and then Dallas could be that legit Super Bowl contender in 1-2 years.

Dallas has to know what Romo has left. That is why Romo starts when he gets healthy. You don't throw away a opportunity at a championship run just because you want to groom the young guy.


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I'll just leave this here.

First 5 games of 2014 for Romo vs first 5 of Dak 2016. A remember, one is a rookie and the other was a 10yr vet.
