Fans who would rather their team lose so they can trash the player they hate make me sad

If you know the story, in 1988 it was Green Bay or Dallas vying for the first over-all pick. The last weekend of the season Green Bay played the Cardinals in Phoenix and brought Aikman to their game, just knowing they would lose and he would be their pick.

Dallas played the 9-6 Philadelphia Eagles. Green Bay won the early game, Dallas lost the late game, and Troy Aikman came to Dallas.

As a side note Troy was playing in the Cotton Bowl that year. I got tickets from Miller Brewing and sat on the fifty yard line. However, if you know much about the Cotton Bowl, there are seats under the above stands. They were held up by large pillars. That pillar blocked the view of most of the middle field. But it was bitter cold that day and there were plenty of empty seats so we moved.
This is a great story. I remember watching every play of that Cotton Bowl and told everyone Aikman would be the next great Cowboy QB. I just know the Cowboys had several scouts there to watch him. As the months passed some said we would take Mandarich and have a All-Pro LOT for the next 12 years. I knew otherwise. I was so happy when we took Aikman.
I will speak up on this topic because I feel it’s something that negatively impacts this forum and frankly, my enjoyment of it.

There’s a significant, and loud, faction of fans on this forum who basically only speak up to cry about the QB and nothing else. I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that varied points of view bring richness to this forum which exists to discuss the Cowboys. However, at a certain point, when no real new discussion is presented and the same complaints are brought forth ad nauseam regardless of context, regardless of how the Cowboys are performing, regardless of anything, I have to wonder what I am doing here. I come here to read and discuss with my fellow Cowboys fans throughout the season, and to cheer them on, win or lose. When I read the game thread half of them are whining about the QB or complaining about how the Cowboys will lose the next game. I am not complementary of everything the cowboys organization does, far from it, but I do root for them every time they take the field, and I support our players. There are many ways to support our team, but I don’t think they are so nuanced as to be able to hate and root for our players to fail in the process. I, for one, am tired of sifting through the comments of not one or two, but the majority of our threads to weed out vitriol against the team we purport to support.
I love beating the crap out of teams. I love winning. But I shouldn't be obligated to kiss Dak's butt or start worshiping at his alter just because he had a good game today. And I won't.

Let's see if he can do the same against better competition. Lets see if he can step up in the playoffs. Maybe then we'll start talking about giving him deserved props. Right now I still don't trust him. You know who else was able to beat up on the bad teams but could never get it done in the playoffs? Yep, #9.

Go ahead and call me every name in the book - I don't care. I'm entitled to my opinion as much as any other member of this site.

I get where you are coming from. Of course you are entitled to your opinion. It's as valid as anyone else's. I think the frustration for a lot of posters is your (and other's) incessant need to post the same opinion after what seems like , every win. Some, actually probably most just want to enjoy the feel good factor that a win brings to a Sunday afternoon after a long week or before a new one begins. Maybe just hold off until a better time to give the same ad nauseum opinion on Dak. That's not a lot to ask. If holding off is not an option for you, then that says more about you than anything you can share about Dak ever will. There's a time and place.
so they can trash the player they hate make me sad. Lucky I’m old enough to remember when most fans rooted for the team regardless if they loved or disliked the QB or any other player.

Yeah I can't stand weak, low IQ coward *** fans like this.

If I ever saw them at a game, I'd probably smack the hell out of them in front of their wife and kids just for being a loser in life.
I would love to see one of reality’s polls, where there is no escape from an opinion.

Do you root for the Cowboys to win every week?
Yes or no.

Put people on record.

There are plenty of our “fans” who would simply ignore the poll rather than go on record that they actually root for wins
So I can't root for our team to win every week but still be critical of certain players at the same time? Why not?

What keeps you from being able to comprehend that this ain't contradictory?
It does amaze me that we have so many people posting on this site, who’s life seems to revolve around hoping the Cowboys lose, so that they can come on here triumphantly revelling in the defeat so that they can attack individual players, coaches or the owner.
They are, quite frankly, pathetic.
By all means criticise when it’s deserved, but give the credit when it’s deserved.
There are two in particular who I won’t mention directly by name… One who came over with a lot of us when the Ranch site closed, pity Snoopy didn’t come here instead… And the other needs to stay up his hill, constantly gloats in a Cowboys loss. Pathetic.
You root for Dallas to lose? You suck !!!

I will admit there were times back in the Garrett days I rooted for losses. I wanted Garrett gone in the worst way and losing was the only way Jerry was going to finally see the light.

And this is why you're a weak *** loser. A true fan NEVER roots for their team to lose or their players to have bad games under ANY circumstances.

Can't stand weak fraudulent cowards like you pretending to be a fan.
Absolutely terrible assessment. Don't hate Dak and never did.

I would say that you are the one acting ignorant here.
If you don’t have the same view of the QB you’re a hater negative Nancy and not a fan, but when be was spewing hate and vitriol against Romo every day and basking in losses he was a true fan because he knows football and everyone else was a ignorant troll. 99% of folk’s here are looking for wins and want more than stats beating up on scrub teams and failing come crunch time.
No. There were a two handful of us who would get silenced repeatedly in the old threads if we questioned Romo's play on the field or decision making both on and off the field. It was 85% hard-core pro-Romo and y'all didn't want anyone saying anything negative about him or y'all would start the attacks. It's the same thing here today: 85% anti-Dak, and y'all attack anyone who supports or likes Dak around here.
I guess you’re to blind to see the irony, so you admit you were a hater and rejoiced in his bad games and cheered his injuries. Looks like you’re one of fake fans you don’t like.
The fact is that this is a chat board and we need things to talk about. Unlike the Dallas FO, we give this team a full work over after every game. I do not accept the premise that as fans all we need to do is cheer. This isn’t the Pom Pom squad. The most boring threads are where we all agree how wonderful a player is or how great a game we just played.
I wish the Mods would bane both sides who spend all their time defending Dak and attacking Dak.

They are both equally annoying.
Yeah, ban true fans of this franchise's QB. You know how horrible that sounds? Completely destroys the meaning of being a fan.

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