Favor: Vid of T-New's TD return?


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Charles;1283066 said:
Sadly, you can't refure the point so you left guessing.

Lmao....your point has been refuted many times. The fact that you don’t listen, hold your hands over your ears screaming “Nyah, nyah, Newman’s not an impact player, the 5th pick in the draft should be more” leaves us guessing, since I wasn’t around to see you hammer him in the summer of 04. There’s clearly no winning for him with you. You trumpet a young champ and Hall, and Newman finally has a game like them (good and bad) and you refuse their warts - glossing over it with more bull. He finally leaves 21 players in his rearview - your rally cry, or don’t you remember? - and it’s “it was against the worst team in the league - so what?”

Have your opinion. It’s garbage, but it’s yours. Cherish it. I see no reason to continue with you. Newman can’t win - in any way. You’ve set some impossible standard that even your heroes (Champ and Hall) don’t live up to. So there’s no reason to try to discuss it reasonably - you’ve kicked reason to the curb. Ta-ta.


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Charles;1283046 said:
Champ Bailey has been lighting up the play-making scoreboard his entire career.

Except for his third, fourth, fifth and sixth seasons, right?

The only difference between Newman's first four seasons and Bailey's third, fourth, fifth and sixth seasons is that Newman has one more interception than Bailey did (12 to 11), has been a much better shutdown cornerback than Bailey was during those four seasons, has scored a touchdown on special teams and has two sacks (Bailey didn't score or get a sack in those four seasons).


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superpunk;1283078 said:
Lmao....your point has been refuted many times. The fact that you don’t listen, hold your hands over your ears screaming “Nyah, nyah, Newman’s not an impact player, the 5th pick in the draft should be more” leaves us guessing, since I wasn’t around to see you hammer him in the summer of 04. There’s clearly no winning for him with you. You trumpet a young champ and Hall, and Newman finally has a game like them (good and bad) and you refuse their warts - glossing over it with more bull. He finally leaves 21 players in his rearview - your rally cry, or don’t you remember? - and it’s “it was against the worst team in the league - so what?”

Have your opinion. It’s garbage, but it’s yours. Cherish it. I see no reason to continue with you. Newman can’t win - in any way. You’ve set some impossible standard that even your heroes (Champ and Hall) don’t live up to. So there’s no reason to try to discuss it reasonably - you’ve kicked reason to the curb. Ta-ta.


Yeah please point out one game where Bailey or Hall were responsible for taking a TD off the board, muffing a punt and giving up 2 TD passes in one game. That is hilarious. Yes this discussion is over, because you can't.......

I still luv Newman, but a spade is a spade. Up until this past weekend he hadn't done anything above and beyond the call of ones primary role to be considered an elite player. And in the game he does flash, he also proceeds to have his worst career outting.

later superpunk


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AdamJT13;1283101 said:
Except for his third, fourth, fifth and sixth seasons, right?

The only difference between Newman's first four seasons and Bailey's third, fourth, fifth and sixth seasons is that Newman has been a much better shutdown cornerback than Bailey was during those four seasons. And the fact that Newman scored a touchdown on special teams and has two sacks (Bailey didn't score or get a sack in those four seasons).

But coaches, players saw fit to vote him amongst the elite every season except one in his career.

How do you reconcile that with the fact that Newman can barely make it?

Take the homer glasses off. Stats don't tell the whole story. Newman gets owned in other facets of the game.


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Charles;1283106 said:
Take the homer glasses off. Stats don't tell the whole story. Newman gets owned in other facets of the game.

Such as what, not making enough big plays? The fact is, getting more interceptions while allowing more yards and touchdowns gets you on ESPN more and gives you a better chance to make the Pro Bowl (see DeAngelo Hall, Lito Sheppard and Ronde Barber), but it doesn't win more football games.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Is this seriously a debate? Newman allows 3 TDs in 2 years, and allows fewer catches and yards than ANY db in the league and his worth is being questioned? ridiculous


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Charles;1283106 said:
But coaches, players saw fit to vote him amongst the elite every season except one in his career.

How do you reconcile that with the fact that Newman can barely make it?

Take the homer glasses off. Stats don't tell the whole story. Newman gets owned in other facets of the game.

You care to tell us what "facets" he gets owned in?

Allowing 2 TD's in 35+ games is owned.........right?
Please elaborate on your statement.
As far as im concerned Newman is an elite shutdown CB in this league. How can he make "game changing plays" If the play is never thrown his way?


The Cult of Jib
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I've ripped on Newman in the past....

Mainly a lot after 2004. And then I called last year a fluke heading into the season and questioned whether or not we overrated him several times throughout the year. And the he follows his 2005 season up with another year that is impressive. Sure, it wasn't quite as good as 2005.

But it was great especially considering we have no pass rush. Last year, with a mediocre pass rush, he was phenominal.

I see a correlation. I was wrong about Newman not being as good as hyped here when I ripped on him early on in the season.

INT's are nice. I wish Newman would pick a few more off. But I am glad we have Newman. Its nice knowing we have a CB who holds up under all sorts of conditions.

Is he the best in the league? I don't know. But I challenge you to find me a CB who has been beat less in the past 2 years despite getting little help from their front 7.

Actually, I just challenge you to find me a corner that has been beaten less at all (starting CBs). Maybe that's not sexy to you. But it gets me off.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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superpunk;1283038 said:
My guess would be that after 04, Charles sourpussed on Newman and now can't let it go, like he does with any player he chooses to whine about. Now, he's got to defend an indefensible stance, rather than eat crow, and the only flaw in Newman's game was that he's not housing the ball all the time. So, he's got to take the style over substance route to defend his position. Some people can't fess up and say "I jumped too soon on that one."

Just a guess.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Charles has always been against Newman, no matter how big of a "fan" he claims to be now. Wasn't it Leftwich you wanted, Charles?

But anyway, there was a group of fans that were very anti-Newman, and are probably still looking for reasons to bash the guy. You know, those guys who fall in love with college players and when we don't get them, they don't like the guy we took instead? Even if he's a good player?

Charles can be a good poster, so I dunno why he intentionally tries to stir things up like this. Maybe he misses all the long threads and controversy defending his favorite player back when his username was "QCard". ;)


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McCordsville Cowboy;1283476 said:
EJ Whitley has Better acceleration than T-New...

EJ wouldnt have let the Punter touch him...
Is that a midget in your sig? :lmao2:
The image is a little out of proportion.