FB Message from Dez

Not only should Dez ignore critical fans, he should ignore all fans. Dez should ignore every fan asking for an autograph and every parent putting their kid in his face for an autograph. Yup. And hopefully he never speaks to the media again. Just play football Dez!
It's why I wish none of the players would read their twitters. They are in the public eye and are going to get criticized unfairly or not. Best to ignore everyone. Can't win a words battle with fans.

If it were up to me, I'd make all the players shut down their twitter accounts and all the other social media crap.

I know it's old fashioned and unrealistic, but that's how I feel. They would be better off without that garbage.
Tony Romo gets bashed more than any athlete in the world, but guess what? Tony Romo never complains about it. Don't tell me that these athletes can maintain themselves when they get criticized because plenty of them do.

And plenty of people react differently. They aren't robots and if people want to go at them, they run the risks of being called out. Lots of posters here are quick to call out people like Dez, but can't even deal with a little criticism from a post on a message board.
Doesn't matter what good it does. Nobody here knows what it's like to have thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people talking down about you for weeks on end. They are human and being beat down is going to draw a reaction from people sooner or later.

That's why they should not read them. If they can't handle it they should quit posting on them.
And plenty of people react differently. They aren't robots and if people want to go at them, they run the risks of being called out. Lots of posters here are quick to call out people like Dez, but can't even deal with a little criticism from a post on a message board.

Who cares if a fan gets "called out" no one even knows who the fan is. Dez has much more to lose than some fan typing behind a keyboard.
What exactly has he lost?

I don't know what he has lost but he certainly didn't gain anything by acting the way he did off the field or how he played on the field. What exactly happens to some anonymous fan that he responds to?
Nice timing....Championship weekend and all...don't know why his statement was necessary.
I don't know what he has lost but he certainly didn't gain anything by acting the way he did off the field or how he played on the field. What exactly happens to some anonymous fan that he responds to?

If he hasn't lost anything than who cares what he says to anyone on his FB, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat or whatever else? People do and say things daily that doesn't benefit or hurt them. If it makes him feel better, I couldn't care less about people wanting him to act a certain way.
If he hasn't lost anything than who cares what he says to anyone on his FB, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat or whatever else? People do and say things daily that doesn't benefit or hurt them. If it makes him feel better, I couldn't care less about people wanting him to act a certain way.

I never said he has lost anything yet, but Dez has more to lose than some anonymous kid on the internet.
I never said he has lost anything yet, but Dez has more to lose than some anonymous kid on the internet.

Cole Beasley has said much worse than anything Dez has said. Unless he goes way overboard to the point of getting fined or suspended I really don't care what he says. Thats jmo, and of course everyone else is entitled to there own as well.
I don't hate on Dez ,but it just sounds like another excuse to me. If that injury messed with him THAT much mentally, he doesn't have the mental capacity to play in the NFL. I defended him for the longest but this season has made me change my tune a little. The guy is a mental midget....err "little person."

*bring on the hate
If it were up to me, I'd make all the players shut down their twitter accounts and all the other social media crap.

I know it's old fashioned and unrealistic, but that's how I feel. They would be better off without that garbage.

We've only had social media for 7-8 years. We've sucked for 20. Doesn't matter
So Dez standing on the feild jawing with a DB while an interception is being returned is because of the fans being mean?

What about dropping easy 3rd down passes that hit you right between the 88s, that is on the fans as well?

Look, I get that the man was playing hurt, but he also needs to be a man about things and take responsibility for poor play and not point the finger elsewhere.
Im tired of Dez being so sensitive

Why? You don't like his jab at the short memories of some of our fans? They deserve the criticism. If they don't like it, they can go buy some other jersey and complain about that player when he gets hurt or has a bad game.

As long as it doesn't become a big enough issue that the Cowboys PR machine has to get involved, the players ought to be free to defend themselves and to respond to criticism. If the criticizers don't like it, they go eat a breath mint or whatever it was that Beasley suggested earlier.

And it's not exactly oversensitivity to say 'hey, by the way, my foot was broken,' either. That's the Dez equivalent of 'get your facts straight if you're going to complain.'
Why? You don't like his jab at the short memories of some of our fans? They deserve the criticism. If they don't like it, they can go buy some other jersey and complain about that player when he gets hurt or has a bad game.

As long as it doesn't become a big enough issue that the Cowboys PR machine has to get involved, the players ought to be free to defend themselves and to respond to criticism. If the criticizers don't like it, they go eat a breath mint or whatever it was that Beasley suggested earlier.

And it's not exactly oversensitivity to say 'hey, by the way, my foot was broken,' either. That's the Dez equivalent of 'get your facts straight if you're going to complain.'

That's all fine and good, but it goes both ways.

Beas having a tamptrum on Twitter after he muffs the game away is equally as childish.
That's all fine and good, but it goes both ways.

Beas having a tamptrum on Twitter after he muffs the game away is equally as childish.

I don't agree. He's out there. His name. His work on the field. The other guys are throwing turds anonymously over the internet.

Plus, the players actually have the benefit of knowing what's going on in a way that these average fans do not. They know what plays were called, what the responsibilities were, what the reads should have been. If not when they run the plays, then the day after, when they cover the footage in the meeting room. The fans are just guessing or, in most cases, going off of who's in the frame of the tv shot they happened to see. They might have been drunk. They might not really know much at all about football. Yet they consider it their prerogative to log onto twitter and go after a guy, or a guy's family, and justify it because they spent money on beers and a jersey at some point along the line.

It doesn't go both ways at all. Now, if Beasley's tweet to your account, drunk, telling you how much you suck at your job when he doesn't really fundamentally understand what you do for a living or why, well, then I take it all back. In which case, I'd say you have a right to tell him to eat a breathmint, too.

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