FB Message from Dez

Jerry was the one talking about Dez needs to practice more. He didn't care about that broken foot and was trying to get Dez back on the field as soon as possible. He did the same with Romo and that Collarbone.

Yes Jerry was the one talking....however, I just wish the coach of the team would stand up and say " NO!! Be quiet Jerry and let me handle it". I'd would really respect in a coach and know that he's not just a "yes" man.
Why? You don't like his jab at the short memories of some of our fans? They deserve the criticism. If they don't like it, they can go buy some other jersey and complain about that player when he gets hurt or has a bad game.

As long as it doesn't become a big enough issue that the Cowboys PR machine has to get involved, the players ought to be free to defend themselves and to respond to criticism. If the criticizers don't like it, they go eat a breath mint or whatever it was that Beasley suggested earlier.

And it's not exactly oversensitivity to say 'hey, by the way, my foot was broken,' either. That's the Dez equivalent of 'get your facts straight if you're going to complain.'

I don't agree. He's out there. His name. His work on the field. The other guys are throwing turds anonymously over the internet.

Plus, the players actually have the benefit of knowing what's going on in a way that these average fans do not. They know what plays were called, what the responsibilities were, what the reads should have been. If not when they run the plays, then the day after, when they cover the footage in the meeting room. The fans are just guessing or, in most cases, going off of who's in the frame of the tv shot they happened to see. They might have been drunk. They might not really know much at all about football. Yet they consider it their prerogative to log onto twitter and go after a guy, or a guy's family, and justify it because they spent money on beers and a jersey at some point along the line.

It doesn't go both ways at all. Now, if Beasley's tweet to your account, drunk, telling you how much you suck at your job when he doesn't really fundamentally understand what you do for a living or why, well, then I take it all back. In which case, I'd say you have a right to tell him to eat a breathmint, too.

Couldn't agree more with any of this. I actually like it when the players say stuff back. Media and fans think they can do and say anything they want now. I know if I was in these players shoes it would piss me off too. Especially with media. Those people are completely disingenuous. Making up stories, hiding behind "sources" and selectively choosing quotes to paint the picture they want. After the way fans and media went after Dez all offseason about the Walmart tape and have turned on him this season, he has a right to be pissed.
Couldn't agree more with any of this. I actually like it when the players say stuff back. Media and fans think they can do and say anything they want now. I know if I was in these players shoes it would piss me off too. Especially with media. Those people are completely disingenuous. Making up stories, hiding behind "sources" and selectively choosing quotes to paint the picture they want. After the way fans and media went after Dez all offseason about the Walmart tape and have turned on him this season, he has a right to be pissed.


Could you imagine playing all year on a broken foot and then having to listen to some drunken fool tell you to stop making excuses and just deliver on the field? After all the delivering on the field you do when you foot doesn't happen to be, you know, broken? It'd make me want to hammer somebody, for sure.

And then you defend yourself and get 'why's he so sensitive?' He's not sensitive. You don't know what you're talking about and he's letting you know it. He's doing you a favor so next time you don't sound like such an ignorant jackass (and I'm talking about the rest of the internet here and *not* calling anybody out who may or may not have similar opinions here on CZ. I'm talking here about your general garden-variety internet crazies).

Dez we deal with the same thing during our everyday lives,,so stop making excuses..were your hands broken also....caught the ball..
Dez we deal with the same thing during our everyday lives,,so stop making excuses..were your hands broken also....caught the ball..

Yes, your life is just like Dez. You deal with the same exact thing. Right. Tell me more.
Is this guy for real? Shut up and worry about yourself. We know why you sucked this year, no need to act like you have to educate the fans. This guy looks down at us from his oh so mighty horse. You chose to play, nobody made you play. It was your decision, you thought you could play at the same level and clearly you were wrong. Stop blaming the fans you pansy.
At this point. As a Cowboys fan. this is just my 2 cents. I dont care about the "why" anymore. That goes for T. Romo and Witten and Hardy and Garrett and Lee and T. Smith and Rowdy. Espeically Rowdy, who I think should be fragged.

I am just tired of losing. And Ive heard all the excuses as to why we lost, year in and year out, for about 20 years now. Dez, was not playing for the Cowboys 20 years ago. Neither were the rest of the guys.

So for me. Just one Cowboys fan. These guys have found themselves in a situation thats not entirely their fault. Well guess what, so do alot of other NFL players.

I have no patience for anything, that prevents us from winning. Broken foot? Concussion? Writers/people talking trash about your Monkey? Well, booo - hooo... Life is hard. Try having a 9-5.

I'll be watching next year, like I do every year, and rooting for the whole team to include Dez. "They know that, becuase they are getting paid regardless if they win or not......"

But, honestly, I dont expect much different. We might sneak in, only to get it handed to us in the playoffs;

Its not about YOU, Dez. Its about the Star.

Could you imagine playing all year on a broken foot and then having to listen to some drunken fool tell you to stop making excuses and just deliver on the field? After all the delivering on the field you do when you foot doesn't happen to be, you know, broken? It'd make me want to hammer somebody, for sure.

And then you defend yourself and get 'why's he so sensitive?' He's not sensitive. You don't know what you're talking about and he's letting you know it. He's doing you a favor so next time you don't sound like such an ignorant jackass (and I'm talking about the rest of the internet here and *not* calling anybody out who may or may not have similar opinions here on CZ. I'm talking here about your general garden-variety internet crazies).

ohhh poor dez, the media and fans are all 'after', poor poor dez. He didnt do anything worng!!! poor poor Dez

Could you imagine playing all year on a broken foot and then having to listen to some drunken fool tell you to stop making excuses and just deliver on the field? After all the delivering on the field you do when you foot doesn't happen to be, you know, broken? It'd make me want to hammer somebody, for sure.

And then you defend yourself and get 'why's he so sensitive?' He's not sensitive. You don't know what you're talking about and he's letting you know it. He's doing you a favor so next time you don't sound like such an ignorant jackass (and I'm talking about the rest of the internet here and *not* calling anybody out who may or may not have similar opinions here on CZ. I'm talking here about your general garden-variety internet crazies).

Dez gets compensated very well for the nonsense coming from fans. If he doesn't like what's being said about him, shut down your Twitter account, the other social media BS, get on with your life, enjoy your time off and get ready for next year. There is no reason for him to read or react to what idiots say about him on Twitter.

About 5 years ago, close friends of ours were extremely worried about their teenage kid being bullied on Facebook. He's a great kid, but was a bit nerdish. Red hair, skinny, glasses, etc. Her mother was beside herself with worry. So I point blank asked her why he has a Facebook account at all. Shut the damn thing down, along with the other social media BS he was involved in. Just focus on your real friends and forget the other crap.

To her it was like a revelation. To me it was common sense. That's what they did. They shut it all down. And while it wasn't the total answer, it went a long way to fixing the bullying issue. Now he's a well adjusted kid going to college and has a girlfriend. And no Facebook page.

The mother tells me she thinks I saved his life. I don't believe that, but whatever. The point is that if social media is bothering you and getting into your head, there is an obvious answer.....get rid of it.

That's what Dez.....and many others.....should do.
Dez gets compensated very well for the nonsense coming from fans. If he doesn't like what's being said about him, shut down your Twitter account, the other social media BS, get on with your life, enjoy your time off and get ready for next year. There is no reason for him to read or react to what idiots say about him on Twitter.

About 5 years ago, close friends of ours were extremely worried about their teenage kid being bullied on Facebook. He's a great kid, but was a bit nerdish. Red hair, skinny, glasses, etc. Her mother was beside herself with worry. So I point blank asked her why he has a Facebook account at all. Shut the damn thing down, along with the other social media BS he was involved in. Just focus on your real friends and forget the other crap.

To her it was like a revelation. To me it was common sense. That's what they did. They shut it all down. And while it wasn't the total answer, it went a long way to fixing the bullying issue. Now he's a well adjusted kid going to college and has a girlfriend. And no Facebook page.

The mother tells me she thinks I saved his life. I don't believe that, but whatever. The point is that if social media is bothering you and getting into your head, there is an obvious answer.....get rid of it.

That's what Dez.....and many others.....should do.

Some people can handle it. Others cant....and the number of people who cant handle it, is surprisingly large to me..... Known of us were "educated" on social media, and what it is. It just evolved. So, parents couldnt protect their kids. Educate them about all the..............."stuff";

Now, I think parents are getting it, and starting to pass down the 411 to their kids....but I couldnt imagine being in that range of age/time when it was...what ill call "wide open". It was difficult enough on Adults.......
Some people can handle it. Others cant....and the number of people who cant handle it, is surprisingly large to me..... Known of us were "educated" on social media, and what it is. It just evolved. So, parents couldnt protect their kids. Educate them about all the..............."stuff";

Now, I think parents are getting it, and starting to pass down the 411 to their kids....but I couldnt imagine being in that range of age/time when it was...what ill call "wide open". It was difficult enough on Adults.......


A lot of it is maturity as well. For most kids, bullying goes away after grade school. The perpetrators and victims go their separate ways and that's the end of it....in most cases.

For Dez it's different. We all know he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. His upbringing has resulted in him being very immature and not very smart for somebody his age. He's the type of guy who shouldn't be on social media because he can't handle it. This is exacerbated by the fact that he is in a very high profile profession and is a constant center of attention, be it from media, fans or haters. There will always be a maelstrom of voices around him.

All this is a toxic mix for trouble. He'd be better off if he'd just dump all the social media BS and got on with his private life and prepare for next year. But I'm not naive enough to think that will happen.
Dez gets compensated very well for the nonsense coming from fans. If he doesn't like what's being said about him, shut down your Twitter account, the other social media BS, get on with your life, enjoy your time off and get ready for next year. There is no reason for him to read or react to what idiots say about him on Twitter.

About 5 years ago, close friends of ours were extremely worried about their teenage kid being bullied on Facebook. He's a great kid, but was a bit nerdish. Red hair, skinny, glasses, etc. Her mother was beside herself with worry. So I point blank asked her why he has a Facebook account at all. Shut the damn thing down, along with the other social media BS he was involved in. Just focus on your real friends and forget the other crap.

To her it was like a revelation. To me it was common sense. That's what they did. They shut it all down. And while it wasn't the total answer, it went a long way to fixing the bullying issue. Now he's a well adjusted kid going to college and has a girlfriend. And no Facebook page.

The mother tells me she thinks I saved his life. I don't believe that, but whatever. The point is that if social media is bothering you and getting into your head, there is an obvious answer.....get rid of it.

That's what Dez.....and many others.....should do.

He doesn't get paid a dime to take nonsense from fans. He gets paid to deliver on the football field, which he does better than just about everybody else on the planet.

And he doesn't need to have a reason to read or react to twittiots. He's got the same rights anybody else does in that regard. You're making a huge reach to try to conclude from fact that he's setting people straight on Twitter re: his foot being broken that he's got an issue with being bullied. That's not what's happening here. Dez uses his social media like most major athletes do: to communicate with his hard core fans. Some of that is positive, fun stuff. Some of it is defending himself from unfair attacks. Some of it is saying 'my bad' for mistakes or bad games. It comes with the dinner, as JG would say. But the guy doesn't have to just sit there and take crap just because people want to dish it out.
Here's to throwing up the X 20 plus times in 2016, and more in the playoffs....
:clap:Jason approves this post....
ohhh poor dez, the media and fans are all 'after', poor poor dez. He didnt do anything worng!!! poor poor Dez

This is pretty much what I'm talking about here.

And I'm not saying 'poor Dez.' I'm saying he has a right to respond to this sort of thing if he wants to, just as you have a right to anonymously post it.
And he doesn't need to have a reason to read or react to twittiots. He's got the same rights anybody else does in that regard. You're making a huge reach to try to conclude from fact that he's setting people straight on Twitter re: his foot being broken that he's got an issue with being bullied. That's not what's happening here. Dez uses his social media like most major athletes do: to communicate with his hard core fans. Some of that is positive, fun stuff. Some of it is defending himself from unfair attacks. Some of it is saying 'my bad' for mistakes or bad games. It comes with the dinner, as JG would say. But the guy doesn't have to just sit there and take crap just because people want to dish it out.

Dez has the right to do whatever he wants. But just because he CAN be on social media doesn't mean he SHOULD be on social media.

The only reason I gave that bullying story is that some people can handle social and some can't. That red headed kid couldn't handle it, got off of it and is better off because of it. Those who can't are better off staying away from it. IMO, Dez belongs in that group.
Dez we deal with the same thing during our everyday lives,,so stop making excuses..were your hands broken also....caught the ball..


"We deal with the same thing during our every day lives".


Are you a pro football player or celebrity bro?
So Dez standing on the feild jawing with a DB while an interception is being returned is because of the fans being mean?

What about dropping easy 3rd down passes that hit you right between the 88s, that is on the fans as well?

Look, I get that the man was playing hurt, but he also needs to be a man about things and take responsibility for poor play and not point the finger elsewhere.

Where did Dez blame the fans for anything regarding his performance on the field this season?

Either I missed a direct quote of something Dez said, or there's not a shred of reading comprehension present in the posts I'm reading in this thread.

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