fiesta bowl

2much2soon;1281008 said:
I live about a mile from BSU's stadium and the fireworks are going off

:lmao2: That's awesome. Unfreakingbelievable coaching and execution!
And then the star RB foir BSU proposes the head cheerleader after the game.

And she accepts........................
Okay so I've watched three football games this Christmas break. Two Dallas and one OU. And all three games the team I was rooting for lost. I think I may need to skip Saturday's game. Maybe Dallas will win. Oh well at least our women's basketball team is still doing well. Of course with my luck they'll lose their next game Wednesday.
Wow! See a great game, and a proposal. This game has everything. :lmao2:

She's pretty hot too. Good job
Hostile;1281018 said:
Dude just proposed.

That's awesome.

yeah after chris meyers ruined it for him i think that was supposed to be a suprise and he ruined the moment
Mr Cowboy;1281024 said:
And then the star RB foir BSU proposes the head cheerleader after the game.

And she accepts........................
That was class wasn't it?

Man, what a story and game.
Chris Peterson's sack needs to be bronzed and displayed in the Smithsonian. Hire that guy Jerry!
felix360;1281028 said:
yeah after chris meyers ruined it for him i think that was supposed to be a suprise and he ruined the moment

I noticed that too. Good job Meyers, ya goof.
BlueStar22;1281034 said:
Chris Peterson's sack needs to be bronzed and displayed in the Smithsonian. Hire that guy Jerry!

or at Valley Ranch at the very least........................people there won't know what they are!
BlueStar22;1281034 said:
Chris Peterson's sack needs to be bronzed and displayed in the Smithsonian. Hire that guy Jerry!
Disturbing, but he is good.
As soon as Johnson got down on one knee, 10 Disney execs picked up the phone to secure the movie rights to this story.

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