JustDezIt;4393293 said:
i will admit i got a lil bit bored reading on about page three, so i might have missed some things. but ill stand by if downloading a song is stealing, taping a song from an open source. Mediocre artists have suffered because they put out mediocre product and people are no longer forced to pay 20 bucks for the three songs they like on the CD. Are there not still multimillionaire music artists? Whats the going rate for a top of the line movie star? 20-25 million a movie? did avatar make a billion dollars? not to mention that the artists never made their money off the physical product anyways. i'm not going to argue oer the legality or morality of it, to each his own. my point is, i never thought when i was a kid an borrowed the jetsons meets flinstones movie vhs from my neighbor, that he taped off tv, that i was a thief or a pirate.
Put out high quality product, you'll make yours regardless of file sharing.
let me tell you about faktion.
this was one of the first major bands i started working with. great bunch of guys who were signed by roadrunner and hit the road with the likes of hinder and rev theory.
one night i was talking to marshall before they went on locally and he said while on tour people would come up to him and ADMIT they were stealing their music.
this music cost them a ton in studio time and money. it's an investment to be sure and a very risky one just to get noticed, much less paid.
much less earn the respect to buy their work vs just take it cause you like it.
before long roadrunner drops faktion citing low sales. if all the people who downloaded their music actually bought it, they'd still be around.
back then you couldn't "steal" nearly as easily but hey, people love to run to that connection cause stealing is stealing. of that i don't disagree, but the level that the digital age makes it easy, this is NOT the same comparison. in 1988 i don't think i could even hit what, 14.4 on a modem?
million dollar artists. well this lets you bypass reality and go straight to fantasy land. now many artists do you think make millions in sales these days?
i'll wait - name some that are not part of pop culture and we'll talk.
this is not "back then" this is today and a whole new world. every comparison i see people make to the 80s just tells me how stupid they are in 2012.