Fireside Chat

Hey look, ol starhart and Bryan Broaddus had a conversation about our old home. Check out what Broaddus said.

  1. I would LOVE to "hear" what Will McClay has to say about these players and situations. I appreciate that you take the time to share and communicate with the Twitter world, especially since the Cowboys site has removed the fan voices from their site.

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  2. Bryan Broaddus‏Verified account @BryanBroaddus 5h5 hours ago
    Fan’s voice? I remember reading some of those comments and walking away thinking how could folks be that disgusting? Maybe the best decision we made.
That's funny Mr. Broaddus, because we think the same thing every time we hear you speak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Members Present: Members Absent:
  • -Whip-
  • 5 Lombardis
  • 808cowboyfan
  • Ajuarez
  • AT&T4u&me
  • BenGone
  • BigSkyCowboy
  • Bleedsblue&silver
  • Bluesilver68
  • BorderlineCrazy
  • Bosd
  • Boutteman
  • Boysteamusa
  • Cali-c-boy19
  • Clydesmom
  • Coogiguy03
  • Coulda/woulda/shoulda
  • Cowboyfan927
  • CowboysRbest
  • Cowboyway6
  • Cummingswill22
  • DallasBoyz15
  • Dave.Nutz
  • DDDave
  • Deathevokation
  • Dezrespected
  • Dr. Shabobo
  • Dr. T
  • Emminator
  • E22
  • Fabio
  • Five Superbowls
  • Flamma
  • Flocko
  • Futurdoc
  • Gdogg24
  • Getfiredupnow
  • GoForIt
  • HeelsRedsCowboys053
  • Impatientsd
  • IronGoose
  • Ironman366
  • Jordanjssr
  • Kal-El of Krypton
  • LandrysHat
  • Lordnate
  • Math_Nerd_3_14
  • Mrsouthpaw
  • NAD
  • Nader
  • Natrlone
  • NDQ
  • Nubz-021
  • Oakclifford22
  • Oldschoolfan64
  • OldSkoolCreed
  • Original fan since 1975
  • Ozdcfan
  • Phillyboijr
  • PowerDraw
  • QB 09 2 81
  • Quincy88
  • Relayer
  • Robert Brewer
  • Rocknrollinhoneybadger
  • Ryanaustinh
  • Sick of the read option
  • Signalman Chief
  • Silhouette
  • Silvergrego
  • Shotty
  • Skinny Post
  • Spartacuslives
  • SSC
  • Staubach Fan
  • The Stick
  • Tksboys1
  • Tristar
  • Trout31
  • Trueblue68
  • Trufan
  • Unclefruitbat72
  • Ur86d
  • WeaponX
  • Ween54
  • Whirlwin
  • Zeus
Update: @cowboyscrzygal

My dear friend furdoc won't be here anytime soon. Members Present: Members Absent:
  • -Whip-
  • 5 Lombardis
  • 808cowboyfan
  • Ajuarez
  • AT&T4u&me
  • BenGone
  • BigSkyCowboy
  • Bleedsblue&silver
  • Bluesilver68
  • BorderlineCrazy
  • Bosd
  • Boutteman
  • Boysteamusa
  • Cali-c-boy19
  • Clydesmom
  • Coogiguy03
  • Coulda/woulda/shoulda
  • Cowboyfan927
  • CowboysRbest
  • Cowboyway6
  • Cummingswill22
  • DallasBoyz15
  • Dave.Nutz
  • DDDave
  • Deathevokation
  • Dezrespected
  • Dr. Shabobo
  • Dr. T
  • Emminator
  • E22
  • Fabio
  • Five Superbowls
  • Flamma
  • Flocko
  • Futurdoc
  • Gdogg24
  • Getfiredupnow
  • GoForIt
  • HeelsRedsCowboys053
  • Impatientsd
  • IronGoose
  • Ironman366
  • Jordanjssr
  • Kal-El of Krypton
  • LandrysHat
  • Lordnate
  • Math_Nerd_3_14
  • Mrsouthpaw
  • NAD
  • Nader
  • Natrlone
  • NDQ
  • Nubz-021
  • Oakclifford22
  • Oldschoolfan64
  • OldSkoolCreed
  • Original fan since 1975
  • Ozdcfan
  • Phillyboijr
  • PowerDraw
  • QB 09 2 81
  • Quincy88
  • Relayer
  • Robert Brewer
  • Rocknrollinhoneybadger
  • Ryanaustinh
  • Sick of the read option
  • Signalman Chief
  • Silhouette
  • Silvergrego
  • Shotty
  • Skinny Post
  • Spartacuslives
  • SSC
  • Staubach Fan
  • The Stick
  • Tksboys1
  • Tristar
  • Trout31
  • Trueblue68
  • Trufan
  • Unclefruitbat72
  • Ur86d
  • WeaponX
  • Ween54
  • Whirlwin
  • Zeus

Update: added Bornafan1981, Boys33 (Cowboy-33), CaliStar68, @cowboyscrzygal, Croomraider, Highrisk, Just_catch_it, Kevo (KevosCowboys), LegendaryLandry (SoupcanSam), NFLJUNKY, Robertfchew, Snadler, StuckMojo, TrojanHawk, and Vig454
Last edited:
Update: added Bornafan1981, Boys33 (Cowboy-33), CaliStar68, @cowboyscrzygal, Croomraider, Highrisk, Just_catch_it, Kevo (KevosCowboys), LegendaryLandry (SoupcanSam), NFLJUNKY, Robertfchew, Snadler, StuckMojo, TrojanHawk, and Vig454
Slowly they crept, one by one, stealthily entering the camp of the Friendlies with gifts of frivolity and good cheer and were welcomed with open arms. Little did the Friendlies know of their intentions of chaos and mayhem, heavy on the mayhem as the weekend approaches and their demented minds turn to hedonism. Their former gathering place left in ruins, they would build a new and better home among the Friendlies, blend in and then?
Juggernaut, I nominate you for Cowboys Zone Sainthood with all you've done to gather the flock name by name (new name).
He is a true treasure and deserves that designation. If I had known what a great poster he is, I might not have argued with him on
He is a true treasure and deserves that designation. If I had known what a great poster he is, I might not have argued with him on

I've argued with several that turned out to be GREAT posters. Conversely, a few posters I valued for a time turned out to be shmucks. Curse of the internet.

I will say though, I believe I'm fairly close to a carbon copy of you. You're a little smarter, a couple of years older, and a lot more cultured than my white trash idiot shtick. Wow, two Yiddish words in the same post! I'm rollin'!
I've argued with several that turned out to be GREAT posters. Conversely, a few posters I valued for a time turned out to be shmucks. Curse of the internet.

I will say though, I believe I'm fairly close to a carbon copy of you. You're a little smarter, a couple of years older, and a lot more cultured than my white trash idiot shtick. Wow, two Yiddish words in the same post! I'm rollin'!
Indeed, Yiddish to the max!

I was kidding because I don't think I ever did argue with Juggsy because he's funny and arguing with funny people endangers the environment. Divert them from being funny and we all suffer. Serious people f up the world.
Indeed, Yiddish to the max!

I was kidding because I don't think I ever did argue with Juggsy because he's funny and arguing with funny people endangers the environment. Divert them from being funny and we all suffer. Serious people f up the world.

Oy vey! We had SEVERAL overly serious types in the old house, many of which have migrated here. They prefer screaming coaches, make too much out of red hair and clapping as it pertains to coaching, carry on like it's THEIR job, and despise iconic organizations like the PJG.
Oy vey! We had SEVERAL overly serious types in the old house, many of which have migrated here. They prefer screaming coaches, make too much out of red hair and clapping as it pertains to coaching, carry on like it's THEIR job, and despise iconic organizations like the PJG.
It is their failure to be allowed in the PJG that fuels their fire. As well it should, we set our standards low enough to allow anyone in except for a very small % of those incarcerated.
Can someone tell me what PJG is? Is it Pre Jason Garrett, Post Jason Garrett or something else?
Can someone tell me what PJG is? Is it Pre Jason Garrett, Post Jason Garrett or something else?
Post Jackers Guild, we who post amok with disregard for law and order. You are a member in good standing and we realize it is harder for the ladies because more is expected of you. We can exchange recipes, talk about facials, manicures and pedicures and some have even talked about men's butts, used to insult Tony "Too Much Butt" Romo something awful. But you are part of the female species on a hairy knuckled Neanderthal football website and are expected to stay within the confines of football. The PJG is not only proud to have you as a member but if we had a house Mom, you and daboyz would be co-Mom's. Crazygal too but she doesn't come around as much anymore and I worry about her becoming normal again.
Can someone tell me what PJG is? Is it Pre Jason Garrett, Post Jason Garrett or something else?

The Post Jackers Guild was established by Couch Coach, RunWild, myself and a few others at the old site, mostly as a diversion to the constant handwringing by Those That Take Themselves Too Seriously. Just posting nonsense and irreverence for fun. The added bonus? It frustrated and INFURIATED those that seem more invested than many of the actual participants.

Wanna join? We have virtually no entrance requirements and value things like adult beverages, cars and cigars, copious amounts of unhealthy meats and cheeses, hunting, fishing, sports, movies, porn, and most of all, sarcasm.

gp_cowpolk supervises the annual Nude Car Wash, as well as The Dutch Oven Convention. CC is the Grand Poobah.
Thank you for clarifying, Coach. I've speculated it was something naughty about Jason Garrett but was afraid to ask. I've got a neat recipe for baked potatoes and more cook books than I know what to do with, but this is not the place for talk of facials, manicures or pedicures and Tony Romo's butt is not too big. QB butt muscles form differently for their specific and repetitive motions. It's like looking at horses before a race. It's like watching Olympic athletes and being able to tell the difference between gymnastic and swimming groups. I can't help it that football puts athletic men in tight pants. I don't care to watch other sports. Coincidence only... maybe. Nah, I've been a Cowboys fan since I was a kid.

As for house mom, who would or could take on this group? I only came out as female to avoid any sense of weirdness over possible comments I might make about Tony's butt or something.
Thank you for clarifying, Coach. I've speculated it was something naughty about Jason Garrett but was afraid to ask. I've got a neat recipe for baked potatoes and more cook books than I know what to do with, but this is not the place for talk of facials, manicures or pedicures and Tony Romo's butt is not too big. QB butt muscles form differently for their specific and repetitive motions. It's like looking at horses before a race. It's like watching Olympic athletes and being able to tell the difference between gymnastic and swimming groups. I can't help it that football puts athletic men in tight pants. I don't care to watch other sports. Coincidence only... maybe. Nah, I've been a Cowboys fan since I was a kid.

As for house mom, who would or could take on this group? I only came out as female to avoid any sense of weirdness over possible comments I might make about Tony's butt or something.
We have an opening for Department of the Derriere Director in the PJG and I am nominating you at the next executive meeting, if we ever figure out who the executives are and if they want to meet. Most don't want family to know they're even in the PJG, let alone an officer in it.

As far as house Mom, that's why I had co-Mom's because no one woman could be expected to handle this task, especially on pickled eggs, pork skins and Slim Jim nights with The Three Stooges re-enactments. We only do the high brow stuff but the pickled eggs have gotten us evicted several times.
We have an opening for Department of the Derriere Director in the PJG and I am nominating you at the next executive meeting, if we ever figure out who the executives are and if they want to meet. Most don't want family to know they're even in the PJG, let alone an officer in it.

As far as house Mom, that's why I had co-Mom's because no one woman could be expected to handle this task, especially on pickled eggs, pork skins and Slim Jim nights with The Three Stooges re-enactments. We only do the high brow stuff but the pickled eggs have gotten us evicted several times.

I existed on a diet of pickled eggs, beans, sauerkraut, canned sardines and beer for almost a year. I'm told I was a joy to have around.
We have an opening for Department of the Derriere Director in the PJG and I am nominating you at the next executive meeting, if we ever figure out who the executives are and if they want to meet. Most don't want family to know they're even in the PJG, let alone an officer in it.

As far as house Mom, that's why I had co-Mom's because no one woman could be expected to handle this task, especially on pickled eggs, pork skins and Slim Jim nights with The Three Stooges re-enactments. We only do the high brow stuff but the pickled eggs have gotten us evicted several times.
Nominate away!!!!! I'd be PERFECT for the job! I've been studying for years but my area of expertise is Dallas Cowboys. We talk trash about the other butts anyway.​

Yes, this group needs several house moms. It would help if there were one per member, but we know that won't happen.
Nominate away!!!!! I'd be PERFECT for the job! I've been studying for years but my area of expertise is Dallas Cowboys. We talk trash about the other butts anyway.​

Yes, this group needs several house moms. It would help if there were one per member, but we know that won't happen.
I want two of my own and have a Menage-A-Mom's.
He is a true treasure and deserves that designation. If I had known what a great poster he is, I might not have argued with him on
Maybe "Official PJG Archivist" isn't good enough...........Then again, maybe it is.

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