What you still fail to understand is that some of us had no problem with you, until you started making generalized statements, throwing blanket criticism on everyone who didn't live in the DFW area, or have an excess of money to spend. I've never once read anything about you appreciating "afar fans", and certainly never saw you refer to them as some of the greatest fans you've known.
This "ganging" up mentality you have is crap. It's not ganging up, just because most people disagree with your point of view. It just means that your opinion was in the minority.
Going to other venues gave you a taste of what we go through, and that's a starting point. Now imagine that year round, game or no game, and consider that we continue to show pride for our team, with hats, jerseys, decals on our vehicles, etc. How can you possibly think we're lesser fans?
Please understand Gregg, I don't like being in conflict with other people, especially fellow Cowboys fans (and I don't recall ever questioning your fandom) but you can't just throw a hand grenade into a crowd, then get upset when someone lobs it back at you.
I think you have to admit, I tried several times to explain why you got as much flak as you did, and at times, it seemed like you got it. Maybe some day.