Fireside Chat

Perhaps if You repeated this just once more, We'll all suddenly have a lightbulb moment and realise how amazingly wonderful You truly are.
If the usual pattern occurs, expect a contradiction by the fourth retelling....and somehow, a denial of ever having said this....followed by a complete lack of acknowledgement that it's even being pointed out to him.
of course .. and why I don’t regret elevating my fandom above them.

At first I thought they were idiot fans and was trying to inform them then I realized they didn’t care. And it was only a small group. Interestingly most didn’t make the trip over.

I was too serious a fan for them. They could only dream of the experiences I had. I was on a mission to plant my seed and spin my narrative.

Fortunately most of my experiences were good and enjoyed those fans which all made the trip over. It was my first experience in a chat forum in that type of setting. I hadn’t even joined FB then.

My fighter instincts kicked in and the rhetoric created something much more than I intended. Much of the personal aspects I regret sharing but I truly thought explaining my situation would help. Naive on my part and inexperience of Internet.

Most of it should have never been allowed and wouldn’t in a forum like this here. In the end it ruined that forum and was its undoing.
LMAO at it's undoing, think all of the negative stuff relating to the owner didn't play into it? At one time, I was in the very small minority of Booger detractors and that reversed over time and while I do not think that led to it's demise, it wasn't deemed worth saving because of it. To me, the coolest thing about was trashing him while he paid for it. That just seemed to make sense to me. Did to you too.

Greg, please just let this go because over here, you stand just as good a chance of getting booted as the "bullies". One thing you never seemed to grasp was the real reason behind the altercations, boredom. 'Damn, I'm bored, there's nothing new. Oh I know, I'll go poke Greg, he's always down for a cyber scuffle". You fed the beast and you seemed to enjoy every minute of it. We all have our different definition of fun and you like being the gazelle in the pride of lions. The difference is the gazelle doesn't ***** about being cornered because it knew when it ventured out onto the prairie there were lions present.

Hell, I have you to thank you for one of my funnest times over there. The night Jumbo finally snapped and let loose a torrential outgoing of spectacular cussing not seen since Noah hit his hand with the hammer.
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LMAO at it's undoing, think all of the negative stuff relating to the owner didn't play into it? At one time, I was in the very small minority of Booger detractors and that reversed over time and while I do not think that led to it's demise, it wasn't deemed worth saving because of it. To me, the coolest thing about was trashing him while he paid for it. That just seemed to make sense to me. Did to you too.

Greg, please just let this go because over here, you stand just as good a chance of betting booted as the "bullies". One thing you never seemed to grasp was the real reason behind the altercations, boredom. 'Damn, I'm bored, there's nothing new. Oh I know, I'll go poke Greg, he's always down for a cyber scuffle". You fed the beast and you seemed to enjoy every minute of it. We all have our different definition of fun and you like being the gazelle in the pride of lions. The difference is the gazelle doesn't ***** about being cornered because it knew when it ventured out onto the prairie there were lions present.

Hell, I have you to thank you for one of my funnest times over there. The night Jumbo finally snapped and let loose a torrential outgoing of spectacular cussing not seen since Noah hit his hand with the hammer.
That was a classic!
of course .. and why I don’t regret elevating my fandom above them.

At first I thought they were idiot fans and was trying to inform them then I realized they didn’t care. And it was only a small group. Interestingly most didn’t make the trip over.

I was too serious a fan for them. They could only dream of the experiences I had. I was on a mission to plant my seed and spin my narrative.

Fortunately most of my experiences were good and enjoyed those fans which all made the trip over. It was my first experience in a chat forum in that type of setting. I hadn’t even joined FB then.

My fighter instincts kicked in and the rhetoric created something much more than I intended. Much of the personal aspects I regret sharing but I truly thought explaining my situation would help. Naive on my part and inexperience of Internet.

Most of it should have never been allowed and wouldn’t in a forum like this here. In the end it ruined that forum and was its undoing.
The forum was still going strong when they shut it down.

However, some of what you're referring to goes on at all sites that have a decent number of people, you're simply not involved in it here. Which I'm very glad to see, dude!!!!!!

And your explanations were good and did help, just not w/ the people you were fighting w/. Most of that was fighting just to fight, not fighting w/ purpose.

On any frequently visited site, you are going to have those types. Those types just want to fight, to prick your skin, to play little games. If you ignore them, they pretty much go away, or at the very most are left squeaking in a corner while the world rushes by. Since they have no real mind, you're never going to get to them, and if you let them get to you, they win.

I learned this the hard way myself, BTW. Which was a great lesson because I learned two key methods from the stupid fights. 1) Walk away. If you're in a conversation going nowhere, it simply doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, they aren't listening anyway and are mostly trying to get under your skin. It's actually amazing how the vitriol leaves your system when you simply go to another topic and start conversing about something else, and how if you go back a week or two later, you have almost no feeling at all about the whole schmeer. And often what you said in anger sounds pretty lame at that point.
2) Ignore. Those little annoying squeakers are always on the site and always will be. This is prolly the most helpful strategy I've ever learned for internet use. Simply pass over their posts. It is hard at first, because it's the old trainwreck thing, you just have to look. However, you can train yourself not to. Just don't. After a few times, it actually gets a lot easier to just not read the crapp!!!
LMAO at it's undoing, think all of the negative stuff relating to the owner didn't play into it? At one time, I was in the very small minority of Booger detractors and that reversed over time and while I do not think that led to it's demise, it wasn't deemed worth saving because of it. To me, the coolest thing about was trashing him while he paid for it. That just seemed to make sense to me. Did to you too.

Greg, please just let this go because over here, you stand just as good a chance of betting booted as the "bullies". One thing you never seemed to grasp was the real reason behind the altercations, boredom. 'Damn, I'm bored, there's nothing new. Oh I know, I'll go poke Greg, he's always down for a cyber scuffle". You fed the beast and you seemed to enjoy every minute of it. We all have our different definition of fun and you like being the gazelle in the pride of lions. The difference is the gazelle doesn't ***** about being cornered because it knew when it ventured out onto the prairie there were lions present.

Hell, I have you to thank you for one of my funnest times over there. The night Jumbo finally snapped and let loose a torrential outgoing of spectacular cussing not seen since Noah hit his hand with the hammer.
It wasn’t that type of entertainment for me. I took it on because I thought it was the right thing to do. That the Homers with Emperor leading the way needed to be put in their place for ganging up on those who wanted to vent within the rules.

I have let it go until it’s rehashed again. In the end I felt victory with the forum being closed. It’s a done deal for me. Lol

It’s them that will never get over me elevating my fandom over them. Jumbo was and is still a great contributor. Never challenged my fandom and I didn’t his. Our social differences divided us.

Coach you were always a sound voice. And several others including a couple of the Mods here. So many more great fans than these others who toyed with me for fun or out of boredom as you suggested. I was always up for the debate but I’d rather not waste the time on it .

I peeked in on this thread for how long and didn’t peep a word until I was mentioned. I was ready to leave it alone .I’ll always respond if I feel I have something to ad. Thanks
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It wasn’t that type of entertainment for me. I took it on because I thought it was the right thing to do. That the Homers with Emperor leading the way needed to be put in their place for ganging up on those who wanted to vent within the rules.

I have let it go until it’s rehashed again. In the end I felt victory with the forum being closed. It’s a done deal for me. Lol

It’s them that will never get over me elevating my fandom over them. Jumbo was and is still a great contributor. Never challenged my fandom and I didn’t his. Our social differences divided us.

Coach you were always a sound voice. And several others including a couple of the Mods here. So many more great fans than these others who toyed with me for fun or out of boredom as you suggested. I was always up for the debate but I’d rather not waste the time on it .

I peeked in on this thread for how long and didn’t peep a word until I was mentioned. I was ready to leave it alone .I’ll always respond if I feel I have something to ad. Thanks
Yup. You should have seen the vitriol I caught via PM when they appointed me as mod and I shut down a ton of the attacks. It really got to be funny at how they'd try so hard to insult me, because it just washes over after a while.

I actually was able to dig out the fact that they were planning these attacks via PM's. Sad stuff.
The forum was still going strong when they shut it down.

However, some of what you're referring to goes on at all sites that have a decent number of people, you're simply not involved in it here. Which I'm very glad to see, dude!!!!!!

And your explanations were good and did help, just not w/ the people you were fighting w/. Most of that was fighting just to fight, not fighting w/ purpose.

On any frequently visited site, you are going to have those types. Those types just want to fight, to prick your skin, to play little games. If you ignore them, they pretty much go away, or at the very most are left squeaking in a corner while the world rushes by. Since they have no real mind, you're never going to get to them, and if you let them get to you, they win.

I learned this the hard way myself, BTW. Which was a great lesson because I learned two key methods from the stupid fights. 1) Walk away. If you're in a conversation going nowhere, it simply doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, they aren't listening anyway and are mostly trying to get under your skin. It's actually amazing how the vitriol leaves your system when you simply go to another topic and start conversing about something else, and how if you go back a week or two later, you have almost no feeling at all about the whole schmeer. And often what you said in anger sounds pretty lame at that point.
2) Ignore. Those little annoying squeakers are always on the site and always will be. This is prolly the most helpful strategy I've ever learned for internet use. Simply pass over their posts. It is hard at first, because it's the old trainwreck thing, you just have to look. However, you can train yourself not to. Just don't. After a few times, it actually gets a lot easier to just not read the crapp!!!
So true, it was like all of the complaints when 43Harris would show up, just what he wanted. I loved having him there, I thought he was a kick in the pants and looked forward to his "Afraid" threads. I think a lot of posters liked having him there. And guessing who he was with each different disguise was fun as well although, I missed a couple of times and hit an innocent bystander but in my defense, I got tired of being the last one to find out. I had to start taking risks.

The key for me enjoying these types of sites is figuring out who wants to play and who doesn't. And I do not assume those that seem to not want to play do not want to, some just have so much time to spend here. They view it either as investment or a waste.

We all come here with a purpose. Some to impress others with their knowledge of the game, some to gain knowledge of the game, some to be swayed from their negative thinking (not to be reprimanded for it), some to joust around and some like me, for fun. But in the end, we're all looking for the same thing. Reassurance that there are others like us and that it is perfectly OK to be a little crazy about our favorite team. I'm OK, You're OK.

When I first came to, I came to discuss the Cowboys but what I did not realize is that I would have fun, laugh and make some new friends and become so attached to something I cannot describe to someone else. A friend asked me "why do you go there? What do you get out of interacting with a bunch of strangers on the internet"? I told him "like Will Rogers said, a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet". He also said "I never met a man I didn't like". I am 1 for 2 with ole Willie Boy.

I don't know if it says something about me or not but I feel closer to some here than the friends I've known for many years. If I don't get to see them here, I am not as happy. We laugh a lot but then one of us falls on hard times or has something go amiss in their life and there are people for them here. I've seen that on both sites and that is the bond, not being a fan of the same team. I regret never using that when my life was in a spiral as it could have helped. I should have leaned on y'all because I needed it. I am glad to see others do that, gives me the feeling of a greater sense of purpose about the forums.
So true, it was like all of the complaints when 43Harris would show up, just what he wanted. I loved having him there, I thought he was a kick in the pants and looked forward to his "Afraid" threads. I think a lot of posters liked having him there. And guessing who he was with each different disguise was fun as well although, I missed a couple of times and hit an innocent bystander but in my defense, I got tired of being the last one to find out. I had to start taking risks.

The key for me enjoying these types of sites is figuring out who wants to play and who doesn't. And I do not assume those that seem to not want to play do not want to, some just have so much time to spend here. They view it either as investment or a waste.

We all come here with a purpose. Some to impress others with their knowledge of the game, some to gain knowledge of the game, some to be swayed from their negative thinking (not to be reprimanded for it), some to joust around and some like me, for fun. But in the end, we're all looking for the same thing. Reassurance that there are others like us and that it is perfectly OK to be a little crazy about our favorite team. I'm OK, You're OK.

When I first came to, I came to discuss the Cowboys but what I did not realize is that I would have fun, laugh and make some new friends and become so attached to something I cannot describe to someone else. A friend asked me "why do you go there? What do you get out of interacting with a bunch of strangers on the internet"? I told him "like Will Rogers said, a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet". He also said "I never met a man I didn't like". I am 1 for 2 with ole Willie Boy.

I don't know if it says something about me or not but I feel closer to some here than the friends I've known for many years. If I don't get to see them here, I am not as happy. We laugh a lot but then one of us falls on hard times or has something go amiss in their life and there are people for them here. I've seen that on both sites and that is the bond, not being a fan of the same team. I regret never using that when my life was in a spiral as it could have helped. I should have leaned on y'all because I needed it. I am glad to see others do that, gives me the feeling of a greater sense of purpose about the forums.
Harris should never have been banned. He didn't break the rules.
Harris should never have been banned. He didn't break the rules.
I guess that depends on your definition of "inciting". Personally, as CC said, it was fun for me to have him around, because he always left himself open to a good swift kick in the ego....but he most definitely intentionally posted threads with the sole purpose of starting trouble.
I guess that depends on your definition of "inciting". Personally, as CC said, it was fun for me to have him around, because he always left himself open to a good swift kick in the ego....but he most definitely intentionally posted threads with the sole purpose of starting trouble.

That guy LOVED to rattle the cages!
I guess that depends on your definition of "inciting". Personally, as CC said, it was fun for me to have him around, because he always left himself open to a good swift kick in the ego....but he most definitely intentionally posted threads with the sole purpose of starting trouble.
Inciting means intent and making it personal. I saw no intent, and he never made it personal.
43Harris43.. wow. I don't know how many PMs I got from members wanting me to remove him because they felt he was a Giants fan. It got to be ridiculous. The guy didn't break any rules but was constantly being verbally beat up. You wanna talk about questioning someone's fanhood. If I wanted, I could have given a timeout to at least a dozen people for breaking the rules, yet I didn't. The problem was, they didn't get the fact that they were breaking rules and wanted someone who wasn't removed because he was an odd poster.

I gotta hand it to the guy, he kept coming back. That to me is more a sign of a diehard (no pun intended Gregg) fan than someone who continuously bashes Jerry, the coaching staff and/or the players.
Again. It all started with me attacking Jerry and then they becoming frustrated and attacking me. If you count that as first blood then fine but I was allowed to attack anything Cowboy without taking personal insults and questioning my fandom.

Yes, I fought back ranking fandom elevating myself above them. I’m sure they’d taken on critics before attacking them but none probably went after their fandom like I did. I thought it was very effective defense against bullying. Ha
How many games did you attend last season?

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