First 39 Starts of career- Romo/Prescott


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Do you have a reference to this idea?

the fact that they wouldn't allow Romo to compete for his job again, once cleared to play?

Whose call was that? I can't imagine anyone but the head coach making that call.


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That's one opinion. Admittedly, it's a more valid one than "We found our new franchise QB" so let's cut Romo.

I don't agree with your reasoning but the reality is, the team didn't cut Romo for the reasons you mentioned.
They let him go because they (mainly, Garrett) were convinced they had a once in a lifetime guy in Prescott.
Well, we really don't know the reason, we can just speculate at this point. I'd like to one day really know the actual reason. I was hoping it would be stated on the A Football Life episode but it was never brought up.


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Well, we really don't know the reason, we can just speculate at this point. I'd like to one day really know the actual reason. I was hoping it would be stated on the A Football Life episode but it was never brought up.

Kind of surprised that they didn't ask him about that

My guess is he declared that off limits due to his responsibilities in the booth.

I'm not defending Romo or Dak on this particular statement. Just saying, generally, that if that question was asked and Romo answered it, there would be an inevitable swirl of controversy surrounding the next time Nantz/Romo did a Cowboys game. I think this would be the case no matter what Romo's answer was, and I Think they probably wanted to avoid that possibility at all costs (wisely so)

but you are right, I also wished that would have been covered. With you on that one.


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This sentiment is intensified by the fact that we jettisoned a legitimate franchise quarterback to pave the way for Dak.

There's a lot more than a 4th round pick and $500K a year invested in this guy.
There are a lot of people in team management, the fanbase, etc, that are going to have a helluva lot of egg of their face when this thing eventually completely fizzles out.

He was the promised messiah. He was the chosen one. He made Romo, Witten, Dez, all of them, expendable. He was that good. Just give it time.

I think the overall jist of your post, doesn’t account for Romo’s injury issues.

IMO the front office was FOOLISH for not investing more, and sooner, to finding Romo’s future heir. Even if Romo could have come back again, how much time did he realistically have left? 1,2 seasons?

The front office has invested practically nothing in the QB position the last 20 years. And the results show.

Then, yes the coaches and FO thought they got lucky with Dak. I thought they somehow lucked out with Dak too. I wanted a QB so badly that draft. I was disappointed they waited until the 4th to take Dak. And sadly after a great rookie campaign he looks like a 4th rounder.

So they need to get their crap together and invest in the most important position in sports again.


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I think the overall jist of your post, doesn’t account for Romo’s injury issues.

IMO the front office was FOOLISH for not investing more, and sooner, to finding Romo’s future heir. Even if Romo could have come back again, how much time did he realistically have left? 1,2 seasons?

The front office has invested practically nothing in the QB position the last 20 years. And the results show.

Then, yes the coaches and FO thought they got lucky with Dak. I thought they somehow lucked out with Dak too. I wanted a QB so badly that draft. I was disappointed they waited until the 4th to take Dak. And sadly after a great rookie campaign he looks like a 4th rounder.

So they need to get their crap together and invest in the most important position in sports again.

Totally agree on the bold
Even as a huge Romo fan--my thoughts were that after the 2014 season was the time to select and start grooming the heir.

I Figured at that point, Romo was still playing at a high level and could groom a replacement for some years.
Kind of a Favre/Rodgers type scenario was what I envisioned.

Totally with you here. No question the FO completely frigged it up and the team suffered (what's new, right)?


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The media stunt was to boost his rap career?

That's actually funny. Well done

Seriously though, why go to the media?
I could be missing something but where I stand, there's only one reason.

He knows there are certain people who won't take the fall for this deal.
And he isn't one of those people.....


Taco Engineer
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That's actually funny. Well done

Seriously though, why go to the media?
I could be missing something but where I stand, there's only one reason.

He knows there are certain people who won't take the fall for this deal.
And he isn't one of those people.....
It comes down to the questions he was asked in my opinion. I'm not going to speculate that is was anything more unless Cole said so. The WR group was taking heat from fans and media for not being productive. I wouldn't expect him to say anything else.
He's not wrong, WRs are getting open and Prescott need to find them. But what is conveniently ignored is the offense isn't the same as it was in 2016.
Prescott has been taking the same, if not more heat for not hitting open WRs. Is he pointing out that he has, and blaming it on drops or pressure or sacks?
WR's are divas. Take it with a grain of salt.


Taco Engineer
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the fact that they wouldn't allow Romo to compete for his job again, once cleared to play?

Whose call was that? I can't imagine anyone but the head coach making that call.
I think it's blown out of proportion. I can't give you a scenario asking you if you would do the same because I don't think you're being fair and will just suggest Romo got screwed.


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Just to add a little something to what you said. Prescott's rookie year he had the benefit of a great line and also Elliott lead the league in rushing. Now Prescott has only 40% of that line and that has had a bad effect on both him and Elliott. Prescott has already been sacked more time this season than all of 2016. Now some, not that much is due to holding the ball to long but he also did that as a rookie and wasn't sacked very often. This season he has dropped back and hasn't had time to even get past his first read and has been sacked. That's not Prescott's fault, that's O-line's fault.

Yah-- the OL was counted on to be dominant-- and it has been sub par in 2018. Particularly in pass pro. I have no idea why Alexander was hired if his teaching technique was actually working against the known strengths of the line-- but it has put us into a giant hole this year. Will the addition of Cooper and a return to a "mauling" type of OL be enough to spark the offense? Maybe-- but that is a lot to ask of the offense in the middle of the season.

I anticipate the team coming out tonight with their hair on fire-- and if they put together a great offensive performance-- they could gain some much needed confidence and swagger as they head into this season-defining stretch of games.


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A player comparison..

Player A ) 961 Yards - 5 Tds , 4 Int

Player B ) 508 Yards - 5 Td's , 1 Int

Player A is Dak's first 5 games of this season. Player B is Romo's week 5 game vs the Broncos a few years back.


Taco Engineer
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Yah-- the OL was counted on to be dominant-- and it has been sub par in 2018. Particularly in pass pro. I have no idea why Alexander was hired if his teaching technique was actually working against the known strengths of the line-- but it has put us into a giant hole this year. Will the addition of Cooper and a return to a "mauling" type of OL be enough to spark the offense? Maybe-- but that is a lot to ask of the offense in the middle of the season.

I anticipate the team coming out tonight with their hair on fire-- and if they put together a great offensive performance-- they could gain some much needed confidence and swagger as they head into this season-defining stretch of games.
I still have concerns with the O line. No one is playing great. Martin is injured, Smith has been up and down, Collins the same, a rookie and Freddy out....Not sure a coaching change will get them back into 2016 shape. I do think it helps though.


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A pointless comparison.

Why compare two quarterbacks with different coaches, different players and during a different period of the NFL!?

What were Tom Brady's stats over his first sample of games or Big Ben etc.

If Prescott's stats are comparable with Brady then would people say/claim...


People continually miss the point.

It was never about loving or hating one quarterback over another.

What annoyed me and it still eats away at me as in my view it cost us a chance at playing in the Superbowl, was Romo not being inserted back into the fold after he returned from injury in 2016.

A rookie QB had and still has not won the Superbowl, Romo played exceptionally well in the 2014 play offs which was the last realistic time he should have been judged on, he still had the team's support so the whole it would break the team up if Romo started was ridiculous.

I'm just gutted as whilst Prescott didn't play poorly, given Romo's years of experience of reading defenses and shredding a Secondary made up of guys off the street, I'm convinvced Romo puts 40+ points on that Packers D like Matt Ryan did the following week. We were built to beat the Falcons, especially at home then it would have been a one off game against the Patriots which ok given the STATE of our coaching staff would have been a big ask but one off game you never know.

For people who would respond well Romo wouldn't have lasted one more snap - so what! Prescott would have just come in as the backup as was his role when drafted whilst Romo was still playing.

The above is and always has been the issue. It isn't about love or hate, it's about wanting the team to have had the best chance of winning.


Taco Engineer
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Romo was never able to win past the 1st round in the playoffs, yet somehow he's a shoe-in to win the Super Bowl in 2016? Yeah, no.
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Bloody brave you are.

Back when Romo was our offense..

no All Pro OL

no All Pro RB

no All Pro WRs other than TO's appearance which was brief

Witten was the focus of the passing game..

No defense to protect leads..

Romo was the whole show.

He made the most with what he had and we accepted it becuz..

there was nobody else.

Now with DAK their is all manner of support for him Romo never had.

This raises expectations to unreasonable levels.

Personally, I have watched too much football to get crazy about wanting DAK replaced.

He has to blend his own style of play with the game plan before we know who we have at QB.

This has yet to happen consistently under Linehan.

He is a pocket passing OC which DAK is not.

So either this all changes or coaches are going to be looking for jobs.

DAK ain't leaving nor is Garrett.

And Jerrah has stated he doesn't want to start over with a new HC.

So its easy to see what is going to happen.

As fans we are tied to the mast and forced to watch everything unfold.

Can somebody give me some of that popcorn and some koolaid so I can watch it all in peace?

Obviously you missed my posts in this thread detailing all of the talent around romo during this time period.


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Romo was never able to win past the 1st round in the playoffs, yet somehow it's a shoe-in to win the Super Bowl in 2016? Yeah, no.

Matt Ryan was 1-4 in the Play Offs until he had a team good enough to reach the Superbowl and in reality, had the coaching staff used their heads and taken three knees before allowing their kicker to shoot a what 48 yarder (kicker was 92% from field goals that season) then they would have won the Superbowl.

Ryan was 9-7 in TD to interceptions prior to 2016 and then 9-0 in the play offs in 2016.

It's about assessing all of the information and the quality of the teams QB's play on and play against.

It's quite amazing how people simply think what about x and y.

Would Brady have won 5 Superbowls and be considered one of the greatest QB's of all time had he been drafted by the Cleveland Browns, obviously not.

How did Romo play in the 2014 play offs?


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A pointless comparison.

Why compare two quarterbacks with different coaches, different players and during a different period of the NFL!?

What were Tom Brady's stats over his first sample of games or Big Ben etc.

If Prescott's stats are comparable with Brady then would people say/claim...


People continually miss the point.

It was never about loving or hating one quarterback over another.

What annoyed me and it still eats away at me as in my view it cost us a chance at playing in the Superbowl, was Romo not being inserted back into the fold after he returned from injury in 2016.

A rookie QB had and still has not won the Superbowl, Romo played exceptionally well in the 2014 play offs which was the last realistic time he should have been judged on, he still had the team's support so the whole it would break the team up if Romo started was ridiculous.

I'm just gutted as whilst Prescott didn't play poorly, given Romo's years of experience of reading defenses and shredding a Secondary made up of guys off the street, I'm convinvced Romo puts 40+ points on that Packers D like Matt Ryan did the following week. We were built to beat the Falcons, especially at home then it would have been a one off game against the Patriots which ok given the STATE of our coaching staff would have been a big ask but one off game you never know.

For people who would respond well Romo wouldn't have lasted one more snap - so what! Prescott would have just come in as the backup as was his role when drafted whilst Romo was still playing.

The above is and always has been the issue. It isn't about love or hate, it's about wanting the team to have had the best chance of winning.

Romo played on an offense just as good in 2014.

He still lost to the packers in the playoffs.

Romo never made it to the Super Bowl in his career. So I find the insinuation that the cowboys definitely make the super bowl and win it, if he plays, to be a huge huge assumption.

It certainly wasn’t a guarantee.


Go Seahawks!!!
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A pointless comparison.

Why compare two quarterbacks with different coaches, different players and during a different period of the NFL!?

What were Tom Brady's stats over his first sample of games or Big Ben etc.

If Prescott's stats are comparable with Brady then would people say/claim...


People continually miss the point.

It was never about loving or hating one quarterback over another.

What annoyed me and it still eats away at me as in my view it cost us a chance at playing in the Superbowl, was Romo not being inserted back into the fold after he returned from injury in 2016.

A rookie QB had and still has not won the Superbowl, Romo played exceptionally well in the 2014 play offs which was the last realistic time he should have been judged on, he still had the team's support so the whole it would break the team up if Romo started was ridiculous.

I'm just gutted as whilst Prescott didn't play poorly, given Romo's years of experience of reading defenses and shredding a Secondary made up of guys off the street, I'm convinvced Romo puts 40+ points on that Packers D like Matt Ryan did the following week. We were built to beat the Falcons, especially at home then it would have been a one off game against the Patriots which ok given the STATE of our coaching staff would have been a big ask but one off game you never know.

For people who would respond well Romo wouldn't have lasted one more snap - so what! Prescott would have just come in as the backup as was his role when drafted whilst Romo was still playing.

The above is and always has been the issue. It isn't about love or hate, it's about wanting the team to have had the best chance of winning.
I'm convinced if Romo put up 48 points, the defense would have found a way to give up 51 points. If Romo were the QB the defense would be blamed, but since it was Dak, the QB becomes the focal point of where the team needed improvement that day.


Taco Engineer
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Matt Ryan was 1-4 in the Play Offs until he had a team good enough to reach the Superbowl and in reality, had the coaching staff used their heads and taken three knees before allowing their kicker to shoot a what 48 yarder (kicker was 92% from field goals that season) then they would have won the Superbowl.

Ryan was 9-7 in TD to interceptions prior to 2016 and then 9-0 in the play offs in 2016.

It's about assessing all of the information and the quality of the teams QB's play on and play against.

It's quite amazing how people simply think what about x and y.

Would Brady have won 5 Superbowls and be considered one of the greatest QB's of all time had he been drafted by the Cleveland Browns, obviously not.

How did Romo play in the 2014 play offs?
Not good enough. Should have went for a 1st and short IMO. The team was good enough. Meanwhile we are supposed to suggest Romo would have even won 13 games and beat GB, hell or even stay healthy? No. It's a big fat maybe.


Taco Engineer
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A player comparison..

Player A ) 961 Yards - 5 Tds , 4 Int

Player B ) 508 Yards - 5 Td's , 1 Int

Player A is Dak's first 5 games of this season. Player B is Romo's week 5 game vs the Broncos a few years back.
Lmao. "Week 5 vs and AFC team in which we lost, never forget."


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Romo played on an offense just as good in 2014.

He still lost to the packers in the playoffs.

Romo never made it to the Super Bowl in his career. So I find the insinuation that the cowboys definitely make the super bowl and win it, if he plays, to be a huge huge assumption.

It certainly wasn’t a guarantee.
I didn't intend to make out that the Cowboys would have definitely made the Superbowl in 2016 but i'm convinced that they would have beaten the Packers and the team was built to beat the Falcons at home - whether they would have done is another question of course.

The offense had a stronger offensive line and a better running back in 2016. Plus without wanting to sound like Skip Bayless (dear God), the defense had Sean Lee which all joking aside makes a huge difference having your team's best defensive player.