Twitter: Fish: Jones coaching search will feature a wide cabinet and large net


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Hard to believe not everybody blames the coach, huh?
Honestly, Garrett has faults. Sometimes I wish he would be harder on his players. However, he isnt at blame here. Its the gutless players who roll over and ask for Buffalo jerseys.

Garrett is going to get hired by another team and embarrass us.


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Hard to believe not everybody blames the coach, huh?
Question for you, sir. Do you believe this roster is to blame as well? Like the attitude and the mindset of our players?

I believe our players are to blame for at least 40% of our failure this year. They don’t care. They are soft as butter and don’t stand up for themselves or each other. The Bills just mocked them yesterday. The Bills embarrassed them yesterday and our players don’t care. Do you agree with the fact that our players only care about money, fame, stats, money, and partying? Because that’s what I believe. I believe we should just trade, cut, and/or fire this roster and go through free agency, draft, and trading for new players.


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Honestly, Garrett has faults. Sometimes I wish he would be harder on his players. However, he isnt at blame here. Its the gutless players who roll over and ask for Buffalo jerseys.

Garrett is going to get hired by another team and embarrass us.

Say we fire our roster. Do you believe Garrett would do better with a team of players that actually care about more than money, fame, and stats or no? I mean look at our 2016 season. We had two rookies that wanted to win and didn’t care about being paid at the time. Look at them now. I dislike Garrett, but he cannot be blamed for the celebrity attitude shift of our team. Something has went wrong in that locker room.


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Say we fire our roster. Do you believe Garrett would do better with a team of players that actually care about more than money, fame, and stats or no? I mean look at our 2016 season. We had two rookies that wanted to win and didn’t care about being paid at the time. Look at them now. I dislike Garrett, but he cannot be blamed for the celebrity attitude shift of our team. Something has went wrong in that locker room.
I think its definitely possible. This roster is terrible attitude wise and just like you said they don't care. I hate NE, but with as many rings as they have they could be acting like celebrities. They don't. Our roster does and its embarrassing.

Im too old to watch this locker-room. Im Cowboys for life, but enough is enough.


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I think its definitely possible. This roster is terrible attitude wise and just like you said they don't care. I hate NE, but with as many rings as they have they could be acting like celebrities. They don't. Our roster does and its embarrassing.

Im too old to watch this locker-room. Im Cowboys for life, but enough is enough.

Agreed. The celebrity status this team carries is awful. They don’t care about winning yet they think they are all that just because they play for the Cowboys. Little do they know that they are the laughing stock of the NFL. Sports shows, media, and NFL fans don’t look up to them, or talk about them, they laugh at them. That’s not what being a celebrity is, yet our team truly believes they are that cool. What a shame. They will get a reality check sooner or later. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


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Agreed. The celebrity status this team carries is awful. They don’t care about winning yet they think they are all that just because they play for the Cowboys. Little do they know that they are the laughing stock of the NFL. Sports shows, media, and NFL fans don’t look up to them, or talk about them, they laugh at them. That’s not what being a celebrity is, yet our team truly believes they are that cool. What a shame. They will get a reality check sooner or later. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

100% agreed. I would like your post but cant find like button.

I hope reality hits when Philly wins division!!!


Fattening up
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Question for you, sir. Do you believe this roster is to blame as well? Like the attitude and the mindset of our players?

I believe our players are to blame for at least 40% of our failure this year. They don’t care. They are soft as butter and don’t stand up for themselves or each other. The Bills just mocked them yesterday. The Bills embarrassed them yesterday and our players don’t care. Do you agree with the fact that our players only care about money, fame, stats, money, and partying? Because that’s what I believe. I believe we should just trade, cut, and/or fire this roster and go through free agency, draft, and trading for new players.

I don’t understand why this current team isn’t a lot better. I mean, it’s the turnovers that get us beat, but I don’t get why we can’t take the ball away, and I don’t get why we cough it up as much as we do.


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Jerry picked Wade because of the defense, while hiring Garrett as OC.

Wade was a stop gap until Garrett got his feet wet and Wade was always coaching with this fact hovering over his shoulder. This is why Wade couldn’t ever stop the bleeding on the offense.

I do believe Wade was starting to have influence with Jerry, which is why they went to horse races together, but Stephen was Garrett’s biggest backer in the organization along with Father Garrett.

Wade’s auto-biography sections on Garrett and Jerry saying he was on the verge of letting Jason go somewhere else is an interesting read.


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Yes, they do. But seriously. Ask yourself.

Does it matter?

Do you buy that "just get into the tournament" nonsense they are spewing out now?

I know I don't.

Dallas gets either San Francisco or Seattle the way things are going.

That is a one and done. About what we are used to. And all for the bragging rights to say we got in.

And don't forget that middle of the first round draft pick.


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Honestly, Garrett has faults. Sometimes I wish he would be harder on his players. However, he isnt at blame here. Its the gutless players who roll over and ask for Buffalo jerseys.

Garrett is going to get hired by another team and embarrass us.

There were rumors that the Rams were going to hire Garrett years ago and the FO was inundated with fans in fits of rage that the Rams had to then, publicly deny it.

Garrett was given years of protection by Jerry and years to prove himself over and over again, while he completely failed over the offense and Jerry had to strip him of play calling. Jason hires his brother as TE coach and promoted him to passing game coordinator after 1 year while the latter while John tried pushing his pet project Kevin Ogletree, into the starting lineup.

If this was anybody other than Garrett, Jerry round have canned him. Whatever success Dallas has had is because of Jerry removing power from Jason’s hand. Garrett didn’t even allow Romo in game planning meetings. Garrett couldn’t Field a running game to save his life and the Cowboys lucked into Bill Callahan who completely revamped the RG and OL and Jason couldn’t stand the fact that Bill started gaining influence and sabotaged him.

Jason is incompetent and has zero clue over what he is doing and it has little to do with Jerry. In facf, Jerry had tried hard to give credit to Jason even in the press when stripped Jason of play calling duties and even stated in other interviews Jason wasn’t going to touch the offense anymore.


Chris in Arizona
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I think it's fairly obvious that Garrett will fall short of Jerry's lofty goals, but there sure is a lot of talk about the next HC. Garrett is 0-5 against winning teams this year. Why in the world would Jerry expect him to magically go on a run that lands us in the SB?

Question....Won't Mickey's famous catch phrase be contradicted with the new coach hiring?

If he's so good, why is he available?

Unless of course we trade picks for Payton.

Hint: The answer is Mickey is always wrong.


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Yes, they do. But seriously. Ask yourself.

Does it matter?

Do you buy that "just get into the tournament" nonsense they are spewing out now?

I know I don't.

Dallas gets either San Francisco or Seattle the way things are going.

That is a one and done. About what we are used to. And all for the bragging rights to say we got in.

I wish more people understood this. We went from a franchise that was expected to be in a Super Bowl, to this.........


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There were rumors that the Rams were going to hire Garrett years ago and the FO was inundated with fans in fits of rage that the Rams had to then, publicly deny it.

Garrett was given years of protection by Jerry and years to prove himself over and over again, while he completely failed over the offense and Jerry had to strip him of play calling. Jason hires his brother as TE coach and promoted him to passing game coordinator after 1 year while the latter while John tried pushing his pet project Kevin Ogletree, into the starting lineup.

If this was anybody other than Garrett, Jerry round have canned him. Whatever success Dallas has had is because of Jerry removing power from Jason’s hand. Garrett didn’t even allow Romo in game planning meetings. Garrett couldn’t Field a running game to save his life and the Cowboys lucked into Bill Callahan who completely revamped the RG and OL and Jason couldn’t stand the fact that Bill started gaining influence and sabotaged him.

Jason is incompetent and has zero clue over what he is doing and it has little to do with Jerry. In facf, Jerry had tried hard to give credit to Jason even in the press when stripped Jason of play calling duties and even stated in other interviews Jason wasn’t going to touch the offense anymore.

Jason Garrett isn't perfect, but im standing by the coach. He has tried hard, but his players just act like celebrities. I think us fans should support Garrett. Our next coach "likely" wont even win a playoff game. Hell, Garrett MAKING the tournament with this roster would be impressive.