Food for thought


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That is why Parcells is Runnin away from Zimmers scheme...It is a good Defence but it is tooo conservative for Parcell.. Zimmer is gonna give you a good defence no matter who the personal is but it will not create sacks and turnovers..That is why Parcells in going to the 3-4 He is a defencive master mind.. He wants to win on Defence and create turnovers..We are not gonna get that from Zimmers 4-3..It will keep us in games but the offence will have to win themfor us..I geuss Parcells doesnt trust the Offence as much as the Defence.


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rojan said:
That is why Parcells is Runnin away from Zimmers scheme...It is a good Defence but it is tooo conservative for Parcell.. Zimmer is gonna give you a good defence no matter who the personal is but it will not create sacks and turnovers..That is why Parcells in going to the 3-4 He is a defencive master mind.. He wants to win on Defence and create turnovers..We are not gonna get that from Zimmers 4-3..It will keep us in games but the offence will have to win themfor us..I geuss Parcells doesnt trust the Offence as much as the Defence.

Where is Latuna when we need her?

Parcells is not a gambler on defense. Zimmer's scheme was actually more aggressive than Parcells likes, because of the blitz.

Parcells wants to put 11 good players on the field and smack you in the mouth. There is nothing in his history to suggest a bunch of elaborate twists, stunts and blitzes. He wants players to make plays without the risk of giving up the big play.


Kane Ala
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Portland Fanatic said:
Finger on head...tapping I a Gezzer or Whipper Snapper???

Dang....grey hair creeping in...little hair on the back starting...crap! Wife like to rub my tummy....Hmmm...

If you have to think about it you aren't there yet. You'll know it one day.