For all you T.O bashers listen to Mickey Spags

ilovejerry;1243797 said:
Same set of circumstance Your teammate does this, explains to you what happen do you vilify him or say hey I understand maybe I would have handled it differently but I got your back bro, and that fool should have never gone to the media.

No Cowboy player has said anything so this is moot. TO is not my teammate and as a fan of the Cowboys and of sports in general I think what TO did was classless and glad the league did not drag this out.
Hostile;1243795 said:
Steve Smith doesn't go out of his way to create a circus around him. There was plenty said about him needing to keep his cool and not get tossed when it happened.

The 2 situations are not even remotely similar beyond the position they play.

may I digress,
Steve Smith is a glory hound just like T.O, He love to show boat do the end zone dances like it was competition, I don't know if he ever spit in a guys face, you don't know that because it wasn't made public( not that I'm assuming ) but we do know he got thrown out of a game which cost his team a LOSS
LaTunaNostra;1243781 said:
Actually, Deion addressed this on the NFL N post game last night, and used that very word.

Rich asked him why he thought TO admitted the spitting, and Sanders answered that TO later told him he felt 'blindsided' by the post game interview.

Primetime had the Hall post game comments at hand, and Owens did not know Hall had spoken out. According to Deion, Owns admitted spitting but later complained to him about not preparing him for the question.

The subsequent backtracking that it may have been accidental (article linked to in this thread) is what Owens probably would have done at once had he not been 'blindsided' by Super Reporter Deion, who knew a scoop when he saw one. Sanders caught Owens completely by surprise, before he had time to dissemble.

Primetime - a journalistic legend in the making! (and how 'bout his entertaining Romo interview?)

I still dont understand how you can be blindsided.

It is a Yes or No answer.

But like everything involving T.O., it is not that simple.

He obviously backtracked and tried to regroup for damage control purposes.

- Mike G.
Doomsday101;1243800 said:
No Cowboy player has said anything so this is moot. TO is not my teammate and as a fan of the Cowboys and of sports in general I think what TO did was classless and glad the league did not drag this out.

You didn't answer my question, I want to specifically know what you would do if this happened to you
Hostile;1243795 said:
Steve Smith doesn't go out of his way to create a circus around him. There was plenty said about him needing to keep his cool and not get tossed when it happened.

The 2 situations are not even remotely similar beyond the position they play.

Steve Smith also punched out a teamate during a film session :laugh2:
ilovejerry;1243802 said:
may I digress,
Steve Smith is a glory hound just like T.O, He love to show boat do the end zone dances like it was competition, I don't know if he ever spit in a guys face, you don't know that because it wasn't made public( not that I'm assuming ) but we do know he got thrown out of a game which cost his team a LOSS

A couple of years ago he beat up one of his teammates but that was before he got big.

But why does every conversation about what T.O. has done always degenerate into what some guy did that plays on another team.?

Who cares what Steve Smith does or doesn't do, it has nothing to do with Terrell Owens.

You guys are kidding yourselves if you dont think the media would love to talk about a star as big as Steve Smith.

He simply doesn't have the baggage that T.O. does.
mickgreen58;1243808 said:
I still dont understand how you can be blindsided.

It is a Yes or No answer.

But like everything involving T.O., it is not that simple.

He obviously backtracked and tried to regroup for damage control purposes.

- Mike G.

I don't think T.O has a filter and he does live in the moment so he says how he feels, I'm sure we can all agree on that, Did he try and spin it, probably,
maybe he didn't know that D Hall would admit to getting spit in the face,

I mean if they didn't have it on tape he could have lied and said thats foolish prove it. Then it would been a case of he said she said and from those two guys, well need I say more
BigDFan5;1243812 said:
Steve Smith also punched out a teamate during a film session :laugh2:

Thanks for that little nugget I did not know that, Great Guy
dbair1967;1242981 said:
these losers in the media like at espn dont want to point out that Hall acts like a total turd on the field...he agitates everyone...he starts fights...he cheap shots...he cusses and rants and raves...I couldnt believe some of the crap the officials let him do the other night..he probably deserved at least two or three unsportsmanlike penalties

Hall is one of the biggest losers in football


What I'm getting sick of is all the praise and accolades that jerk is receiving for "handling it well".

yeah right,,, I forget the exact wording but I believe the phrase goes something like, "Discretion takes credit for many cowardly acts". You're telling me that a well known thug like Hall took the high road when TO spit on him? HA!!!........ he punked out.... :eek:
mickgreen58;1243808 said:
I still dont understand how you can be blindsided.

It is a Yes or No answer.

But like everything involving T.O., it is not that simple.

He obviously backtracked and tried to regroup for damage control purposes.

- Mike G.

obvious to you and whatever it is you are convinced of.
mickgreen58;1243816 said:
A couple of years ago he beat up one of his teammates but that was before he got big.

But why does every conversation about what T.O. has done always degenerate into what some guy did that plays on another team.?

Who cares what Steve Smith does or doesn't do, it has nothing to do with Terrell Owens.

You guys are kidding yourselves if you dont think the media would love to talk about a star as big as Steve Smith.

He simply doesn't have the baggage that T.O. does.

Yes, the if he jumps off the bridge would you jump off a bridge, works but you need to understand that this is the way it is today I don't like it I I'm a old school guy ask no quarter take no quarter, But It seems to me that he takes more heat then he deserves
stealth;1243825 said:
obvious to you and whatever it is you are convinced of.

Owens was pretty convinced of too, that is why he kept saying I apologize for that but it is time to move on :cool: .

Thank God Hall was the one that leaked the loogey, we dont need T.O. doing another mono-y-mono with his Publicist Michael Irvin talking more Snitches :laugh2: .

- Mike G.
CowboyJeff;1243761 said:
Yeah, it seems here is the barameter used:
T.O. spits: $35,000
Taylor spits: $17,500
Romanowski spits: $7,500
gouging someone's eye socket with your cleat: $10 bucks.


Albert Haynesworth was suspended for five games and lost five paychecks, which was more than $10 bucks.

USA Today said:
The NFL kicked back at Albert Haynesworth on Monday, suspending the Tennessee Titans defensive lineman five games for Sunday's head stomp on helmet-less Dallas Cowboys center Andre Gurode.
Titans coach Jeff Fisher was in agreement with the suspension, the longest by the NFL for on-field actions.

"This is an unprecedented suspension, and I also feel like his actions on the field were unprecedented," said Fisher, who added the suspension would begin immediately and would be without pay.

That will cost Haynesworth about $190,000 of his $646,251 salary.
ilovejerry;1243810 said:
You didn't answer my question, I want to specifically know what you would do if this happened to you

If a teammate of mine would have done something like that I would not do anything just as TO teammates are currently doing. No Dallas players are running to his rescue as of yet and thus far none have done so with other issues that has happened this season
mickgreen58;1243833 said:
Owens was pretty convinced of too, that is why he kept saying I apologize for that but it is time to move on :cool: .

Thank God Hall was the one that leaked the loogey, we dont need T.O. doing another mono-y-mono with his Publicist Michael Irvin talking more Snitches :laugh2: .

- Mike G.
You don't know if he was apologizing for intentionally spitting or accidentally spraying.
I would honestly be upset if he did it to a really quite guy who plays hard and never had any controversy, But he spit on a PUNK, Be deal, he still caught to TDS off him and we won,
is that an ignorant comment maybe but in the heat of the battle pick a side
LaTunaNostra;1243781 said:
Actually, Deion addressed this on the NFL N post game last night, and used that very word.

Rich asked him why he thought TO admitted the spitting, and Sanders answered that TO later told him he felt 'blindsided' by the post game interview.

Primetime had the Hall post game comments at hand, and Owens did not know Hall had spoken out. According to Deion, Owns admitted spitting but later complained to him about not preparing him for the question.

The subsequent backtracking that it may have been accidental (article linked to in this thread) is what Owens probably would have done at once had he not been 'blindsided' by Super Reporter Deion, who knew a scoop when he saw one. Sanders caught Owens completely by surprise, before he had time to dissemble.

Primetime - a journalistic legend in the making! (and how 'bout his entertaining Romo interview?)

When you're blindsided, then you generally tell the truth, if you don't come right out and lie.

If I had sprayed a person as opposed to actually spitting on them, I would like to think my first reaction would be to say, "No way did I spit on him! Now I may have sprayed him, but deliberately spit in his face? That man is crazy."

Your first reaction is usually your most honest one.
theogt;1243837 said:
You don't know if he was apologizing for intentionally spitting or accidentally spraying.

Dieon - Deangelo Hall said you spit on him

Owens - I apologize for that but it is time to move on

I didnt know this was rocket science :rolleyes: .

But hey it is a situation where you guys keep getting in my face and bugging me. Im getting frustrated and I apologize for that.

- Mike G.
tyke1doe;1243850 said:
When you're blindsided, then you generally tell the truth, if you don't come right out and lie.

If I had sprayed a person as opposed to actually spitting on them, I would like to think my first reaction would be to say, "No way did I spit on him! Now I may have sprayed him, but deliberately spit in his face? That man is crazy."

Your first reaction is usually your most honest one.
Well since his first reaction didn't say whether he intentionally spit on him or accidentally sprayed him, I'm not sure what you're getting at.
tyke1doe;1243835 said:

Albert Haynesworth was suspended for five games and lost five paychecks, which was more than $10 bucks.

I wasnt specifically referring to Haynesworth. I'm referring to physical injuries in general. It's like those life insurance policies you filled out in 5th grade: "loss of 1 arm $100,000. Loss of both arms $200,000. Parapalegic $350,000. Death $50."

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