People are being either dishonest or just down right ignorant or homeristic.
If someone accused you spitting on them - and Hall deliberately accused TO of spitting on him.
TO is not dumb enough not to know what that means.
He knows that means he
DELIBERATELY hauled off and spit on the man.
So you would expect him, if he just "sprayed" Hall to say so.
He's on
NATIONAL TELEVISION and he's being accused of spitting on someone.
You don't have to think twice about that if you simply sprayed him. And that's why he was caught "off guard."
You only get caught "off guard" if you've done something wrong and don't have time to spin it.
Announcer: "TO? Your girlfriend said you grabbed her. Is that true?"
TO: "I got caught up in the moment. We were in a heated argument and I apologize for my actions."
Later after TO has time to collect his thoughts and think of a spin courtesy of lil' Kim: "I was caught off guard. What actually happened was she was in my face and I told her to get out of my face and when she wouldn't I 'grabbed' her and pushed her aside and left."
TO spit on Hall. No two ways about it. And he was intentional otherwise that would have been the first thing that came out of his mouth, particularly when put on the spot.
Again, the truth is the first thing that will come out of your mouth when you're put on the spot. And if you are trying to lie, your speech will be peppered with halting phrases as you think of a way to deceive.
But you have to give TO credit. At least he's not a good liar when put on the spot.