For all you T.O bashers listen to Mickey Spags

tyke1doe;1243677 said:
The fine seems a bit excessive, compared to the previous spitting fines and due to no video evidence.

I suspect the new commissioner is trying to make a statement without having to suspend TO.

A sort of a compromise to say - hey, for an incident with no video evidence, I still gave a record fine for a spitting violation.

I'll take it. :)
I honestly don't know the answer to this.

How much was Romanowski fined, what year, and what was his salary?

How about Taylor, same questions? I know his was last year.

Just wondering if it isn't a % of the yearly earnings as opposed to a flat fine.
So does the nflpa appeal the fine as being too excessive? They've done stuff like that before.
Hostile;1243698 said:
I honestly don't know the answer to this.

How much was Romanowski fined, what year, and what was his salary?

How about Taylor, same questions? I know his was last year.

Just wondering if it isn't a % of the yearly earnings as opposed to a flat fine.

Romanowski was fined $7,500.

Taylor was fined $17,500. From what I understand, that was his take in the playoff game.

It appears as if the fined doubled from last year.

I assume that a similar infraction would cost $70,000 next year. :eek::
tyke1doe;1243711 said:
Romanowski was fined $7,500.

Taylor was fined $17,500. From what I understand, that was his take in the playoff game.

It appears as if the fined doubled from last year.

I assume that a similar infraction would cost $70,000 next year. :eek::
Sheesh. In 2010 a spit will cost you half a millions dollars!
tyke1doe;1243711 said:
Romanowski was fined $7,500.

Taylor was fined $17,500. From what I understand, that was his take in the playoff game.

It appears as if the fined doubled from last year.

I assume that a similar infraction would cost $70,000 next year. :eek::

New Commish in town and I think this is his way to say this is not going to be tolerated.
I've read a couple 3 pages of this thread and coming from a guy who actually played football and let me first preface this by saying that (I'm on the TO should go bandwagon)

The only problem I have with the whole situation is that when you're on the field a ton of things go on. Every game, if guys were to tattle tell, there would be a thousand fines going on. What happens on the field stays on the field IMO. I've gotten kicked in the nuts, spit on, hit in the ribs under a dog pile, people have gone for my knees, the difference it, I don't run to mommy and tell.

I thought that the incident was not big enough for Hall to run and whine about it. With that said, TO should know that everything he does is going to be out in the open. And his resume is not very good, and this guy will never learn. To bad he's so freaking talented.
tyke1doe;1243677 said:
The fine seems a bit excessive, compared to the previous spitting fines and due to no video evidence.

I suspect the new commissioner is trying to make a statement without having to suspend TO.

A sort of a compromise to say - hey, for an incident with no video evidence, I still gave a record fine for a spitting violation.

I'll take it. :)

Well there you go, he got fined. Ok so is everyone happy now, I knwo I am we need him in that iggle game. 35K for him hmmm unreal guys can anyone of yo utake a $3500 hit. we sit here arguing about whats right and wrong is he a man, You think he cares,,,
Doomsday101;1243719 said:
New Commish in town and I think this is his way to say this is not going to be tolerated.
I'm interested to know what other fines for other infractions cost. I have no problem with the fine, as long as they incorporate the same fines or more for crimes that are far worse.
Clove;1243720 said:
I've read a couple 3 pages of this thread and coming from a guy who actually played football and let me first preface this by saying that (I'm on the TO should go bandwagon)

The only problem I have with the whole situation is that when you're on the field a ton of things go on. Every game, if guys were to tattle tell, there would be a thousand fines going on. What happens on the field stays on the field IMO. I've gotten kicked in the nuts, spit on, hit in the ribs under a dog pile, people have gone for my knees, the difference it, I don't run to mommy and tell.

I thought that the incident was not big enough for Hall to run and whine about it. With that said, TO should know that everything he does is going to be out in the open. And his resume is not very good, and this guy will never learn. To bad he's so freaking talented.

Clove ,
As well I played FB at a high level and that is what I have been trying to say for days , If they only knew "if they only Knew"
theogt;1243473 said:
Sounds like someone needs to go back to grade school and work on their comprehension. ;)
I'm still waiting for the audio clip of T.O. saying, "I spit in his face." How's that for comprehension? ;)
ilovejerry;1243736 said:
Clove ,
As well I played FB at a high level and that is what I have been trying to say for days , If they only knew "if they only Knew"
You're dang straight. If you had a family member die or something and they knew about it, they would talk about it on the field. Anything to get you off of your game. The refs only catch a very small portion of what goes on, but don't be caught under a dog pile.

And I was a WR, and let me tell you that that position is crazy. I used to talk so much crap to the CB that he would be ready to shoot me after the game. I would talk about his dog his cat, his mom, tell him I kicked his mom out my house last night, just mean stuff to take him out of his game. I would never do that in real life, ever! But on the field, is a dog eat dog world.
Clove;1243735 said:
I'm interested to know what other fines for other infractions cost. I have no problem with the fine, as long as they incorporate the same fines or more for crimes that are far worse.

I agree and it should be interesting to see.
tyke1doe;1243711 said:
Romanowski was fined $7,500.

Taylor was fined $17,500. From what I understand, that was his take in the playoff game.

It appears as if the fined doubled from last year.

I assume that a similar infraction would cost $70,000 next year. :eek::

Yeah, it seems here is the barameter used:
T.O. spits: $35,000
Taylor spits: $17,500
Romanowski spits: $7,500
gouging someone's eye socket with your cleat: $10 bucks.
ilovejerry;1243736 said:
Clove ,
As well I played FB at a high level and that is what I have been trying to say for days , If they only knew "if they only Knew"

I played through college and yes a lot of things are going on and being said so what there are still things that you know as a player is wrong and when you cross that line you can expect a punishment. Haynesworth crossed the line in what he did and it cost him 5 games and 190,000 dollars and the league was right in doing that. TO also crossed a line and he is getting his. No doubt what Haynesworth did was much worse but again players damn well know what lines they should not cross and that came through clear by the response of many former players even one who has been a big defender of TO and that was Irvin.
tyke1doe;1243711 said:
Romanowski was fined $7,500.

Taylor was fined $17,500. From what I understand, that was his take in the playoff game.

It appears as if the fined doubled from last year.

I assume that a similar infraction would cost $70,000 next year. :eek::
Either the new Commish is sending a stern message (no pun intended) or it is a % of the annual salary.

I've got no problem with it. Had he suspended him, I'd have had a problem with it. $35k for a guy with "25 million reasons to live" is nothing.
tyke1doe;1243089 said:

He got blindsided by the interview because he was sssooo eager to get on television and TALK.


Actually, Deion addressed this on the NFL N post game last night, and used that very word.

Rich asked him why he thought TO admitted the spitting, and Sanders answered that TO later told him he felt 'blindsided' by the post game interview.

Primetime had the Hall post game comments at hand, and Owens did not know Hall had spoken out. According to Deion, Owns admitted spitting but later complained to him about not preparing him for the question.

The subsequent backtracking that it may have been accidental (article linked to in this thread) is what Owens probably would have done at once had he not been 'blindsided' by Super Reporter Deion, who knew a scoop when he saw one. Sanders caught Owens completely by surprise, before he had time to dissemble.

Primetime - a journalistic legend in the making! (and how 'bout his entertaining Romo interview?)
Thats funny I was a split end and flanker as well as FS, although I never trash talked I let my play speak for itself, Its a bloody head game and every advantage is taken,

We are the Cowboys most hated franchise ever, He is T.O media hates him and as you can see some of our own here hates him too, Although I think he is an amazing talent I think he does bring alot on himself, Not to any extent that he is getting but never the less he needs to hire a really good publicist and listen to them.

Just one more point to add, Steve Smith did something that got him thrown out of a game against us last year which cost them IMO, But we rarely hear anyone rip him its always T.O this T.O that
Just for the record I will boil down everything we know about this incident.

1. D. Hall claims Owens spit in his face.

2. Owens apologized for spitting in Hall's face but did not specify whether it was an accidental spray or an intentional spit.

3. Owens later claims it was an accidental spray, not an intentional spit.

4. There is no video evidence of an intentional spit despite knowing exactly when the event occurred and having video of the players during that time.

Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong on any of these four statements.
ilovejerry;1243788 said:
Just one more point to add, Steve Smith did something that got him thrown out of a game against us last year which cost them IMO, But we rarely hear anyone rip him its always T.O this T.O that
Steve Smith doesn't go out of his way to create a circus around him. There was plenty said about him needing to keep his cool and not get tossed when it happened.

The 2 situations are not even remotely similar beyond the position they play.
Doomsday101;1243771 said:
I played through college and yes a lot of things are going on and being said so what there are still things that you know as a player is wrong and when you cross that line you can expect a punishment. Haynesworth crossed the line in what he did and it cost him 5 games and 190,000 dollars and the league was right in doing that. TO also crossed a line and he is getting his. No doubt what Haynesworth did was much worse but again players damn well know what lines they should not cross and that came through clear by the response of many former players even one who has been a big defender of TO and that was Irvin.

Same set of circumstance Your teammate does this, explains to you what happen do you vilify him or say hey I understand maybe I would have handled it differently but I got your back bro, and that fool should have never gone to the media.

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