Twitter: Former GM, Randy Mueller top 10 QBs under age 33, Dak's 7


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The thing is that over 10 years of NFL play, you're probably going to have about 6 quarterbacks - maybe 5, maybe 7, but about 6 - who are worth having. So being at #7 at any snapshot of time isn't that great.

The 50s
Layne, Graham, Tittle, Van Brocklin, Unitas, Conerly.

The 60s
Starr, Dawson, Namath, Jurgensen, Unitas, Tarkenton

The 70s
Staubach, Tarkenton, Stabler, Anderson, Bradshaw, Griese

The 80s
Montana, Marino, Simms, Plunkett, Elway, Fouts

The 90s
Young, Favre, Aikman, Elway, Moon, Kelly, Marino.

The 00s
Manning, Brady, Roethlisberger, Warner, Favre, Brees

The 10s
Rogers, Brady, Manning, Manning, Wilson, Brees


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If Dak were a top quarterback worth paying top dollar, the realists would be saying he's the #4 quarterback in the league while his fanboys would be saying he's #1.

He is #1 in the league as a QB according to his fanboys, as a matter of fact I have even read that he is the best player in the NFL! Can you believe that?


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Why would somebody who sees Dak as good to average be classified as a hater? I don't understand that?
Because this board has filled with trolls (on both sides to be fair) who dominate dak threads with pure bias. You have those who would probably just follow dak if he ever left the cowboys, and those who want to diminish every game he wins because their goal is to see a new cowboys qb. I think it’s a loud minority, but if you try to be objective you get crushed and instantly labeled.

personally I really like dak, but he’s a Matt stafford level kind of right around that top 10 in the league. For that I’ve been called a hater and told I just have an agenda to push. I’ll probably get called out for comparing dak to stafford in 3...2....1....


Regular Joe....
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I know, it's so transparent that even Ray Charles can see it.

I don't believe that I have ever said that Dak is not a decent player, I mean just to make it to the NFL you have to be good at something, however, IMO, if I were to say something derogatory about him, well, I'm a hater. So, I don't need to be loved, so I'll be the hater.

Thing is, I think the team could win with Dak. I just don't think we can if we don't put a really good team around him. I don't believe he is the best QB in the NFL. I think people get stats mixed up with good QB play. One doesn't necessarily mean the other. Good QBs understand the position, they understand how to win. It's not about how many yards or TDs or whatever else you throw for. It's about how you win. QBs have more influence over how a team plays then anything else, period. Understand that the team doesn't need to put up another TD, understand that for the win, the team needs to run clock, avoid dumb plays and turnovers. That's good QB play. That is what wins games and that is what makes great QBs. Stats are what you do if you aren't great, it's not what you do that makes you great. But people don't understand that. Dak can become that kind of QB but he can't do it if he's throwing for 150 yards in the 4th qtr because he's been down by 20 points for most of the game.


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Also, before everyone gets worked up, if you read the article he is projecting what the top 10 will look like 5 years from now.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Thing is, I think the team could win with Dak. I just don't think we can if we don't put a really good team around him. I don't believe he is the best QB in the NFL. I think people get stats mixed up with good QB play. One doesn't necessarily mean the other. Good QBs understand the position, they understand how to win. It's not about how many yards or TDs or whatever else you throw for. It's about how you win. QBs have more influence over how a team plays then anything else, period. Understand that the team doesn't need to put up another TD, understand that for the win, the team needs to run clock, avoid dumb plays and turnovers. That's good QB play. That is what wins games and that is what makes great QBs. Stats are what you do if you aren't great, it's not what you do that makes you great. But people don't understand that. Dak can become that kind of QB but he can't do it if he's throwing for 150 yards in the 4th qtr because he's been down by 20 points for most of the game.

Well, he was a 4th round pick for a reason, however, if you believe what his fans say, he is the best thing since sliced bread.


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he's an average to a below-average quarterback that lucked into one of the better offensive lines and running games in the NFL. Put those other QB's behind this line from 2016 to now and then tell me how super stats is special. smh. what happened to him in Atlanta when he was down one LT. laughing my *** off, shell shock the rest of the year and half of the next season. special ed prescott


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Dak's ranking here is nothing new. It's consistent with what others the league circles have said. It's odd that his hardest critics are his own Cowboy fans, many, who see him as "just average"

Damn how the "Dak love" in this group is pathetic. The guy is out for the season and yet you people are still dead set on trying to defend him. Feel threatened much by Dalton's success recently or afraid Dallas will say to hell with it and move on from him this off-season?


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Damn how the "Dak love" in this group is pathetic. The guy is out for the season and yet you people are still dead set on trying to defend him. Feel threatened much by Dalton's success recently or afraid Dallas will say to hell with it and move on from him this off-season?

The small core of the “Dakota Only” crowd will never accept Andy.....they don’t self identity with him like they do with Rayne Dakota.


Regular Joe....
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Well, he was a 4th round pick for a reason, however, if you believe what his fans say, he is the best thing since sliced bread.

See, that's the thing. He cold be, he could be the best thing since sliced bread but he can't be that if he is more interested in record deals and big stats. His supporters, they want to see this because they see that as success. They see that as proof that he is among the best QBs but it doesn't. It shows that he doesn't get it IMO. It shows what's important and what's not important IMO and that is what will either turn him into a top QB in this league or make him a middle of the road guy.

To me, it's so clear but I don't know, maybe it's not for everybody. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think I am.


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No, it doesn't because the list if for the future and thus includes kids not even drafted yet.
You don't get it both ways.

This is a former GM creating a list of QBs in the order he sees them for building around.

He used a 32 year old cut off number because that is at the end of a QBs peak age rate. 28-32 is considered peak.
It's obviously varied by QB but no one is building Tom Brady. He's a short term title chasing QB option.

Are you under the impression I can’t read?
I understand the nature of the article. I’m simply pointing out that “7th” in a list with specific criteria isn’t really doing Dak any favors, and wouldn’t really sway anyone’s opinion of him who’s opinion could be swayed.

Don’t agree about the peak age either, assume it was set there to allow for a 5 year projection.

I love Dak though, just don’t really see any particular value in this list.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
See, that's the thing. He cold be, he could be the best thing since sliced bread but he can't be that if he is more interested in record deals and big stats. His supporters, they want to see this because they see that as success. They see that as proof that he is among the best QBs but it doesn't. It shows that he doesn't get it IMO. It shows what's important and what's not important IMO and that is what will either turn him into a top QB in this league or make him a middle of the road guy.

To me, it's so clear but I don't know, maybe it's not for everybody. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think I am.

Oh, I know what you are getting at. The guy is a player, that is all. He's a hell of an athlete that is for sure, and I hope he heals from his injury and comes back strong in his life going forward, however, as we all have seen, he has not progressed as a QB after four years. That doesn't me he can't, but not for his asking price.

He should have sat on the bench for two or three years before becoming a starter. He hit the jackpot.

America's Cowboy

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It doesn’t have to be. When did Tom Brady ever the market? The few who did recently are elite, Mahomes and Wilson. Is Tannehill as good as Dak? I would say so maybe better. Look at his contact.
What a joke. Thanks for the laugh. I was waiting for the first comedic post in this thread. Congrats.


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We fully understand what they are crying about because they tell us every post.

Any QB on that list costs more than they should when they are signed to an extension because that's how QB play works.

Dak isn't setting a new market. He's playing the market Watson/Mahomes set while Dallas sat on its hand and tagged Dak last year.
You are articulate, so why drag down the quality of your post by saying others are "crying" when they express an opinion you don't like?

America's Cowboy

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Hey, where's Wince??? :muttley:

Where's Dalton??? :laugh:

Most of the posters in CZ prefer either one of those two to Dak.