News: Fox: Dak Prescott rips media coverage of Texas mansion demolition: 'I think it's crazy'

Newsflash, rich people do rich people things. This happens all the time but doesn't make the news because most rich people aren't known. It's getting attention because in this economy, so many people are living paycheck to paycheck and here we have a guy tearing down a mini mansion to build an even bigger house. While so many will never be able to afford even the most modest houses. And then get the whole "boo hoo sports players make so much money".
I don’t think it’s crazy at all. They produce shows on renovations, real estate etc… Heck, here in SoCal there are tour guides that take you around to look at celebrity houses. So yes people are going to be interested when a celebrity tears down his multi million dollar house to build a new one. It’s going to create curiosity.
A few of the Dak bashers probably live in a trailer. They wouldn’t be able to afford to rent room in the mansion he had torn down. Lol
Anytime you see a thread with Dak in the header you get bet the usuals will show up usually in embarrassing style
""I’m excited for new beginnings. I think a lot of times, people are scared of change, and whether you’re changing something big or small, for you to create new beginnings, sometimes you’ve got to do that," he began. "

Sigh...I agree Dak, I agree...:cool:
:hammer: he should be grateful Jerry's terrified of new beginnings...
A few of the Dak bashers probably live in a trailer. They wouldn’t be able to afford to rent room in the mansion he had torn down. Lol
I've found that people who aren't confident in their ability to defend something from criticism (in this case, Dak's performance as our qb) will instead resort to belittling or dehumanizing the people leveling the aforementioned criticism.

Your post qualifies as exhibit A
I've found that people who aren't confident in their ability to defend something from criticism (in this case, Dak's performance as our qb) will instead resort to belittling or dehumanizing the people leveling the aforementioned criticism.

Your post qualifies as exhibit A
Sounds like my post hit home.
A lot of things are crazy.

Tearing down a good house.
Media coevrage of it.
Handing out 60 mils/anno to a bad player.

Just never forget one thing Dak: those crazy mediots and the fans interesst are the reason you getting paid so much money. It aint for sure your talent.
Unless Dak wins a SB, nobody will remember him when his playing time is done.
What does he think is going to happen when you’re the QB of the Cowboys, it comes with the position and the money. Really sad to waste so much money on something like that, more money than brains
why is it sad? I don't get the anger towards him doing what he is legally allowed to do to his house, with his own money...why the hatred? some say, he should spend it on charity. but he already does that and had 4 charities.
is he held to a higher standard than all other millionaires? why?

and his private life is his private life. if you say it goes with the terriroty of being cowboys QB. I don't recall it for any other dallas QB. and thus he also has the right to criticize the media over it. why only one way on this?
I love Dak, but this is silly.

What do you expect? You're an NFL star. You're tearing down your enormous mansion, and people know it's your mansion. You can't exactly hide that. Fame/attention (good or bad) comes with the territory of being Dak Prescott.
are you aware of all the other ridiculous things stars have done with their money? or is it just that its OK to criticize him for it?
He could have sold it for 10 times what it is worth because he had lived there.
Tearing it down was a wasted of a lot of materials that could have been reused.
NOw it all goes into a landfill, which is quite a bit.
how many other millionaires have done the same? I know one in a neighborhood close to us did the same. its their money.
and the business that gets to rebuild it makes money and pays people. there is benefits than just investing in stock market and making millionaires, and billionaires even richer than spreading it some how to everybody through them having jobs doing this.
I think he isn't making a big enough statement on his ability to exploit his personal wealth and the difference between him and the dull normal skin bags who breath the precious air around him.

I think he should find out what the value of his current home is and then line up a bunch of poor trailer souls from Mississippi around a dumpster and burn the equivalent in paper dollars in front of them.

That will teach them not to be nosy about his bizness.

I got a new contract, a lady and a new baby. That outhouse isn't gonna work for me, and that piece of dry Texas dirt isn't available anywhere else in the world. I gotta go Jerry Jones big.
what was that.


are you one of those people who live in a trailer? sounds like it.
I don't disagree with you at all until it looks like a complete disregard for waste of resources.

I think everyone in life is exposed to answering for a waste of resources in the public eye. Especially someone who is in the public eye as the starting QB of the Dallas Cowboys.
what waste of resources?
Me thinks we got too many thin skinned players here. Concerned with outside distractions too much. Need to just focus on their freaking jobs.
sounds like he is focuse don his job. until his personal and family business are made public, for sensationalism.... he has a right to keep people out of his personal life...

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