From PFT: Saban could be in hot water...


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iceberg;1351064 said:
and my grandmother who was cajun would refer to this slang quite a bit as well. the general point is that the word itself is not automatic to a derogatory remark worthy of such an uproar.

I was just explaining why people from the north might see that and think "Oh no! Saban's racist!" But, given the explanation that Florio did provide, I can see where that's not so.

If ESPN gets ahold of it, though - the east coast will be :eek:.


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WoodysGirl;1351004 said:
Well it's definitely a regional thing and not necessarily a southern thing. Cuz if someone were to refer to me as that, I would be offended.

And maybe it's forgotten, but in years past, African Americans were referred to as coons and it wasn't meant as a joke or a term of endearment.

So I can see how it could be offensive to someone who hadn't heard the term in the manner used before.

This word in Louisiana and southern Mississippi refers to Cajuns - not African-Americans, unless the African-American happens to be a Cajun :D .

The term really isn't offensive to most Cajuns and a lot of them refer to themselves using that name.

The statement leaves no doubt that Saban is talking about a Cajun when he describes the funny way that they talk.


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Chevyman08;1350975 said:
Coon-*** is not a racial term in Louisiana. Cajuns even call themselves that. PC gone crazy.

I went to college with a coon-***. He had a tshirt that proclaimed proudly "Genuine Coon-***!". I never considered that he would be calling himself a derogatory racial term. I don't think he did either. PC gone crazy indeed.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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ManicDepressiveMan;1351039 said:
You've obviously never made a trip to Morgantown, WV then.

WVU's fan behavior ranges from disrespectful at best to criminal.

I don't know. I've met a lot of WVU fans and while they are very passionate about their team, they are puppies compared to the obnoxious LSU maniacs that I've met.

But I admit I've never seen a game in Morgantown.


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iceberg;1351054 said:
there. another example of local slang where they said "rac" has to be in front of the word itself.

I presume you are referring to the Frisco (Texas) Coons...

For those that don't know, the high school was forced to change their name to the Frisco Raccoons a couple of years back...


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superpunk;1351069 said:
I was just explaining why people from the north might see that and think "Oh no! Saban's racist!" But, given the explanation that Florio did provide, I can see where that's not so.

If ESPN gets ahold of it, though - the east coast will be :eek:.

nah, i agree the "north" will see it differently, but they could take a minute to realize *where* the conversation took place and realize it's not that big a deal.

then again it could be a slow news day.


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trickblue;1351077 said:
I presume you are referring to the Frisco (Texas) Coons...

For those that don't know, the high school was forced to change their name to the Frisco Raccoons a couple of years back...

actually, no. "i've not seen billy joe jim bob in a coon's age!"

the article said "coon" should never be used unless "rac" is in front of it or it's offensive. all i was doing was showing another use of "coon" where it's not offensive or derogatory, pointing out where the writer of this article is just being stupid for the sake of "BUG EYED" factors.

i can see where it would be. i realize blacks have had it tagged to their race also and yes, in a derogatory manner.

like i said - "it depends" - on the use/intent of the word. to make it automatic either way is just ignorance.

Big Dakota

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PFT always has an agenda and Nick is certainly their new whippin "Boy". Even if some of their slings are funny sounding it's still childish. They still call Mike Tice meathead. I mean really, name calling? 6th grade stuff IMO.


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iceberg;1351078 said:
nah, i agree the "north" will see it differently, but they could take a minute to realize *where* the conversation took place and realize it's not that big a deal.

then again it could be a slow news day.
It's prolly not a big deal, but it's not just the "north" who will see it that way. I'm born and raised in Texas and have never heard it before. Not knowing the references or the background, I would've been offended.

Now that I know, I don't care about this particular instance. But I still wouldn't want someone referring to me that way.

Florio gets a pass from me for his ignorance of this regional/cultural thing. I'm sure some folks will email him and let him know the difference.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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WoodysGirl;1351124 said:
Now that I know, I don't care about this particular instance. But I still wouldn't want someone referring to me that way.

That's because you are a "Texan"... being called anything else is an insult... :D


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trickblue;1351128 said:
That's because you are a "Texan"... being called anything else is an insult... :D


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jcblanco22;1350953 said:

POSTED 7:52 a.m. EST; LAST UPDATED 8:42 a.m. EST, January 31, 2007


Former Dolphins coach Nick Saban possibly has dropped his shoe into a huge pile of poo with comments apparently made off the record to the Alabama press.

Several readers have sent the audio clip to us, in which Saban relates a story that was shared with him by one of the members of the LSU Board of Trustees. He likely didn't realize that someone's tape recorder was rolling.

Here's the audio. Here's the raw transcript:

If you have never heard the word or term then you have never lived in La.
I lived there and a lot of my family lives there and I know a whole lot of people there. That is a very familiar term in La. In fact, there are bumper stickers, etc. that says "made in La by coon++++". Some people are always looking for something and will try to create controversy where none exists, and a few love to manufacture a race problem.

"My friends are okay with it. The rest of those guys? One of my, one of my guy on the board -- you guys won't be able to put this on the thing -- was walking down the street, one of the Board of Trustees guys like these people around here and sitting up on the stage today at LSU, is walking down the street yesterday before the Sugar Bowl. He calls me. There's a guy working in a ditch. One of those coon-*** guys that talk funny. I can't talk like him but he can. Most people in Louisiana can. And he says, 'Hey, you see where Coach Saban signed up with Alabama?' You know however they talk. And the Board of Trustees guy says, 'Yeah, I saw that.' And he says, 'That son of a *****. I feel like he's ******* my wife.'"

We don't know where the audio originated, or who inserted sound effects to block the words "*****" and "*******." It appears that the comments were made on January 4, following Saban's introductory press conference at Alabama.

And though we don't know whether it's real or a forgery, if it's a forgery it's a damn convincing forgery.

With letter-of-intent day for Saban's first recruiting class at Alabama arriving one week from today, this is something that Saban needs to clear up ASAP.

(Meanwhile, that sound you hear in the distance is Miami Dolphins fans around the world laughing their ***** off.)

With all that said, several readers have told us that "coon-***" is not regarded in the South as a racial slur, though we'd never heard the term in any other context. But some regard it as a slur against Cajun folk. This sentiment is echoed in the Wikipedia definition of the term. Other readers are shocked that the term could be regarded as anything other than offensive.

We'd never heard the word before this morning, and we're shocked that the letters "coon" would be considered acceptable in any context other than following the letters "rac".

Either way, it wasn't a moment of genius for Saban, and he has given his NCAA rivals even more ammunition for targeting his recruits.

If you have never heard the term then you have never lived in LA. I lived there; I have family there, and I have a whole lot of friends there. It is a common term there. In fact there are bumper stickers that say "Made by Coon++++" of course the word is spelled out instead of using stars.

It is amazing how some make mountains out of molehills, turn over every rock and try to create controversy and a few are always looking to try to play the racist card. The last place you can play that card is in LA. One canidate for Gov tried and failed miserably.



rock music matters
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WoodysGirl;1351124 said:
It's prolly not a big deal, but it's not just the "north" who will see it that way. I'm born and raised in Texas and have never heard it before. Not knowing the references or the background, I would've been offended.

Now that I know, I don't care about this particular instance. But I still wouldn't want someone referring to me that way.

Florio gets a pass from me for his ignorance of this regional/cultural thing. I'm sure some folks will email him and let him know the difference.

well if my grandmother wasn't cajun and i'd heard it scattered about through my life through her, i may not know either. it's not widely used and is pretty local. by and large i don't think it's meant to be a compliment. : )


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trickblue;1351077 said:
I presume you are referring to the Frisco (Texas) Coons...

For those that don't know, the high school was forced to change their name to the Frisco Raccoons a couple of years back...

I have to post a pic of my Frisco Coons t-shirt I bought before they ceased printing them.


Outta bounds
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Living most of my life in South Mississippi or South Louisiana, I have heard the term Coon*** countless times. Most of the time it is a Coon*** using the name. The Coon***** are proud of the name.

It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with background, geography and the manner in which they talk. My wife, who is from South Louisiana, has referred to herself as a Coon*** many times. They're proud of the fact that they're from South Louisiana and I've never seen anyone offended by being called that.

Like I said, I've lived in South Mississippi most of my life and I lived in South Louisiana for over two years... saying someone is a coon*** is simply saying they're from south Louisiana (or Mississippi), talk with a thick cajun accent, and aren't particularly fond of outsiders. That's it. Nothing about skin color. As a matter of fact, I can't ever remember an african-american being called a coon***. It's always the caucasian people of French descent. They're very clickish, party all the time, and are overall just good, hardworking people.

Nothing negative at all there, unless you just don't like people from South LA or MS.


The Godfather
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AsthmaField;1351173 said:
It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with background, geography and the manner in which they talk. My wife, who is from South Louisiana, has referred to herself as a Coon*** many times. They're proud of the fact that they're from South Louisiana and I've never seen anyone offended by being called that.

I find this justification quite interesting.

If a certain class of people uses a seemingly-offensive term among themselves (jokingly or casually) with no objection, the term itself should not be considered offensive by the general population.

Apply that same logic to another derogatory term which is often used within the African-American community primarily by males to refer to each other.

Does the logic still hold?

Just a thought. I have many.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Ohhh-weee...I guar-an-tee dey be nothing wrong wit the word coon***!

Matter of fact, my daddy and mommy done grew me up to be a coon*** and I be proud of dat, I jus guar-an-tee it. We be proud folk...what we eat too. I jus loves me some crawfish and taters and corn on da cob...I suck da juice from the head of da crawfish...umm, ummm, ummm...I done guar-an-tee it taste good...!

Here in Utah, we have the Great Salt Lake, and some guys from LA were here to harvest brine shrimp from the lake. I would meet them after work and we would drink beer at this local bar...and that is where I first heard of coon***...they told me that it was a proud word for the people in Southern LA, and has nothing to do with race at all.

As a matter of fact, on the cooking network, there used to be a cook from LA (I cannot remember his name), but he was a big fellow with a LA drawl when he talked, and this one time when he was makeing some cuisine from LA he said, "Hmmm, Hmmm, dis coon*** food gonna satisfy lots of folk..."

It's just a regional word, but, I would advise to not use it on just anyone!


Edit: It was this cook