From PFT: Saban could be in hot water...

Doomsday101;1351305 said:
I think so as well. Been many places but Texas is my love

Lots of nice people in Texas...I lived in Dallas for about one year, then I was outta there! It's just too damn hot in the summer for me!!

jcblanco22;1350953 said:

POSTED 7:52 a.m. EST; LAST UPDATED 8:42 a.m. EST, January 31, 2007


Former Dolphins coach Nick Saban possibly has dropped his shoe into a huge pile of poo with comments apparently made off the record to the Alabama press.

Several readers have sent the audio clip to us, in which Saban relates a story that was shared with him by one of the members of the LSU Board of Trustees. He likely didn't realize that someone's tape recorder was rolling.

Here's the audio. Here's the raw transcript:

"My friends are okay with it. The rest of those guys? One of my, one of my guy on the board -- you guys won't be able to put this on the thing -- was walking down the street, one of the Board of Trustees guys like these people around here and sitting up on the stage today at LSU, is walking down the street yesterday before the Sugar Bowl. He calls me. There's a guy working in a ditch. One of those coon-*** guys that talk funny. I can't talk like him but he can. Most people in Louisiana can. And he says, 'Hey, you see where Coach Saban signed up with Alabama?' You know however they talk. And the Board of Trustees guy says, 'Yeah, I saw that.' And he says, 'That son of a *****. I feel like he's ******* my wife.'"

We don't know where the audio originated, or who inserted sound effects to block the words "*****" and "*******." It appears that the comments were made on January 4, following Saban's introductory press conference at Alabama.

And though we don't know whether it's real or a forgery, if it's a forgery it's a damn convincing forgery.

With letter-of-intent day for Saban's first recruiting class at Alabama arriving one week from today, this is something that Saban needs to clear up ASAP.

(Meanwhile, that sound you hear in the distance is Miami Dolphins fans around the world laughing their ***** off.)

With all that said, several readers have told us that "coon-***" is not regarded in the South as a racial slur, though we'd never heard the term in any other context. But some regard it as a slur against Cajun folk. This sentiment is echoed in the Wikipedia definition of the term. Other readers are shocked that the term could be regarded as anything other than offensive.

We'd never heard the word before this morning, and we're shocked that the letters "coon" would be considered acceptable in any context other than following the letters "rac".

Either way, it wasn't a moment of genius for Saban, and he has given his NCAA rivals even more ammunition for targeting his recruits.

It is a term reserved for mainly white people in Louisiana. Yes, it is derogatory, but yes, it is meant against whites.
This country does not mind perjoratives against whites. that is just the way it is. A double-standards. Unfair? yes? A big deal? Nope.

And I know a Cajun guy who uses that term to describe his fellow white Louisianans. He uses it as if it were readily accepted in the Bayou country.
As long as Saban does not talk poorly about Bear Bryant he will be fine at Bama. Every coach they get has to battle the Great Bear Bryant. Even Stallings after they won the National Championship game against the favored Hurricanes I was hearing Bama fans say Bryant would have done better. By the way that was one of the most entertaining college games or football games I have ever attended.
WoodysGirl;1351004 said:
Well it's definitely a regional thing and not necessarily a southern thing. Cuz if someone were to refer to me as that, I would be offended.

And maybe it's forgotten, but in years past, African Americans were referred to as coons and it wasn't meant as a joke or a term of endearment.

So I can see how it could be offensive to someone who hadn't heard the term in the manner used before.

No offense here mod WG but it is a southern thing. It is not regional by any means. Just because you never grew up around it and understand how it originated and is used in LA and parts around the state. You wont understand.

It is in no way used or intended to reference anyone of color. Be them Yellow/Black or Green.

I actually take offense to this article even being posted. Im sure it was posted because you actually mistook how coon *** is even being used and wanted to gage forum whiplash.

Tsk Tsk
Dallas;1351339 said:
No offense here mod WG but it is a southern thing. It is not regional by any means. Just because you never grew up around it and understand how it originated and is used in LA and parts around the state. You wont understand.
I think my follow-up comments in this thread clarify what I mean. As I'm from the south and I think while you can find any number of people who HAS heard of that term, I can find just as many who HASN'T. It might be a southern term, but it's not all southern. That's why I refer to it as regional. It's a southern LA, MI thing. It's not a Texas thing. I don't know if it's an Alabama thing or a Georgia thing. The point remains that those who have heard it in other regions is because they heard from someone who has relocated.
I actually take offense to this article even being posted. Im sure it was posted because you actually mistook how coon *** is even being used and wanted to gage forum whiplash.

Tsk Tsk
I'll make sure to refer your offended sensibilities to jcblanco as he was the one who posted it. :cool:
coon is a racial slur towards black people,
just like n*****
just like Caffer
just like spook...

although it does mean racoon, it is a racial slur when you call someone that...

although it might be a "regular" word used in LA, outside of LA it is racist, historically it is a racial slur.
As several have already mentioned the term is a source of pride for many Cajuns. I am from Louisiana, but the Coon*** thing is mostly for Southern Louisiana.

I have seen this as a sticker an many cars and windows...

<<admin pic removed>>
POSTED 12:22 p.m. EST, January 31, 2007


Word of Nick Saban's "coon-***" anecdote is spreading like herpes at an orgy at Mike Vick's condo at Del Boca Vista. And PFT Planet is buzzing over the basic question of whether the term "coon-***" is or is not offensive.

Some of the best e-mails we've received on the topic are right here.

But we need to be fair to Saban. Though the similarity of the supposedly inoffensive term "coon-***" to a clearly racist word would have prompted us to never, ever use the term (except in reference to Terry Bradshaw, who though not dead is apparently a card-carrying coon-***), plenty of folks see no problem with what he said.

Anyway, we usually (okay, sometimes) strive to be fair in our rumor-mongering and other ruminations, so we're compelled to share some more information about what Saban said and where he said it.

First, the comments weren't made generally to the media. Saban was talking to a handful of reporters, one of whom has transcribed the statements Saban made after the statements that can be heard right here.

Here's what Saban went on to say: "But that's how [LSU fans] are, though. They're passionate, hardcore. . . . That's why I made that statement today about how I really don't want that [animosity from LSU fans]. That was a negative."

One of the reporters then mentioned that Steve Spurrier currently faces the same problem when taking his current team, South Carolina, against his former team, Florida.

"I think it's the nature of the beast," Saban said. "You're always going to have that because these people are not like pro fans. This is their school. It's their pride and joy."

Whether those extra sentences will make those who took offense to Saban's use of the "coon-***" term is a different issue. But, in fairness to Saban, it makes sense to give the audience a chance to judge in context a quote that he clearly contemplated would be off the record, and thus not for publication.
RedLine;1351369 said:
As several have already mentioned the term is a source of pride for many Cajuns. I am from Louisiana, but the Coon*** thing is mostly for Southern Louisiana.

I have seen this as a sticker an many cars and windows...

<<admin pic removed>>

I know many of them and is part one. :laugh2:
WoodysGirl;1351347 said:
I think my follow-up comments in this thread clarify what I mean. As I'm from the south and I think while you can find any number of people who HAS heard of that term, I can find just as many who HASN'T. It might be a southern term, but it's not all southern. That's why I refer to it as regional. It's a southern LA, MI thing. It's not a Texas thing. I don't know if it's an Alabama thing or a Georgia thing. The point remains that those who have heard it in other regions is because they heard from someone who has relocated.
I'll make sure to refer your offended sensibilities to jcblanco as he was the one who posted it. :cool:
Parts of Lower Alabama know the term. I've never heard it used in Georgia. Of course, most Georgians don't know what a Cajun is. :D
da_whiz_kid;1351366 said:
coon is a racial slur towards black people,
just like n*****
just like Caffer
just like spook...

although it does mean racoon, it is a racial slur when you call someone that...

although it might be a "regular" word used in LA, outside of LA it is racist, historically it is a racial slur.
I've lived all over the South and only heard the term used in Louisiana, southern Mississippi, and Lower Alabama. Where have you heard this term used in that way?

I'm not doubting what you are telling me; I'm just curious.
ZeroClub;1351052 said:
Yup. No more offensive than "red neck" or "Hillbilly."

Uhhhh.....Appalachian American to you,thank you very much!

P.S....Yes,I do know about the "Zero Club"!
ologan;1351499 said:
Uhhhh.....Appalachian American to you,thank you very much!

P.S....Yes,I do know about the "Zero Club"!

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
da_whiz_kid;1351366 said:
coon is a racial slur towards black people,
just like n*****
just like Caffer
just like spook...

although it does mean racoon, it is a racial slur when you call someone that...

although it might be a "regular" word used in LA, outside of LA it is racist, historically it is a racial slur.

it's not coon arse... it's one word, coonarse...

There are many explanations to how it derived, but I personally believe it came from the French word "conasse" which means stupid or dirty.

As you know, many words that used to be meant as an insult are now grasped with pride.

Any way you look at it, it isn't racial in nature given the context it came from...
trickblue;1351516 said:
it's not coon arse... it's one word, coonarse...

There are many explanations to how it derived, but I personally believe it came from the French word "conasse" which means stupid or dirty.

As you know, many words that used to be meant as an insult are now grasped with pride.

Any way you look at it, it isn't racial in nature given the context it came from...

This is true, people who are coonarses take pride in saying that is what they are.
And I know a Cajun guy who uses that term to describe his fellow white Louisianans. He uses it as if it were readily accepted in the Bayou country.[/quote]
I deaux believe it is,my friend!
LatinMind;1350989 said:
because its PFT. if i was saban i would sue them, because he said all of that off the record. even if it is PFT. saban would own them lol

the way they are pervceiving it, its slander

No, he wouldn't.

One of the mistakes people make in speaking with the media is that they give an on-the-record interview and then switch off-the-record.

Sorry, guys. But you can't do that.

Once you're speaking on the record, a reporter is under no obligation to not report your comments just because you later say, "off the record."

You must first get their acknowledgment that they are consenting to not report your comments, and it has been my experience that many sources tend to switch back and forth between off and on the record without any acknowledgement by the reporter.

Second, an off the record comment is an ethical issue, not a legal one.

The only grounds for legal action Saban would have is if the reporter had recorded the conversation without his knowledge. In some states, two parties (the party taping and the party being taped) have to be aware that a conversation is being recorded - remember the Monica Lewinski/Linda Tripp secret recordings?

Unfortunately, in Alabama, only one party has to be aware of a secret recording so Saban wouldn't really have a legal leg to stand on.
da_whiz_kid;1351366 said:
coon is a racial slur towards black people,
just like n*****
just like Caffer
just like spook...

Really? I don't think anyone knew that? :)

The point is that, as evidenced by the numerous responses in this thread the term is a commonly used and completely nonoffensive term used by the people in Louisiana and surrounding areas when referring to a Cajun.
RedLine;1351369 said:
As several have already mentioned the term is a source of pride for many Cajuns. I am from Louisiana, but the Coon*** thing is mostly for Southern Louisiana.

I have seen this as a sticker an many cars and windows...

<<admin pic removed>>

That was very "anal" of you to remove my pic :D

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