From Spygate to Deflategate

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Breaking News: Once again, the NFL reports unsubstantiated cheating by the NEP.

They considered taking this to real court, but after last week, felt the tatic of constantly throwing manure on the wall in the court of public opinion had merit.
They didn't do anything wrong in this whole deflategate nonsense.


This guy agrees

They didn't do anything wrong in this whole deflategate nonsense.


Interesting take, and obfuscation with the second line.

If you truly believe that the Patriots did nothing wrong, then you should have no problem answering these questions:
  1. Why did John McNally, undisputably a Patriot employee, violate the game day rules of removing the footballs for the game from the officials locker room when the officials were not there, and take them to the field when procedure dictates that the officials hand the balls over directly?
  2. Why did Tom Brady destroy his cell phone used between November, 2014 and February 2015 right before the meeting with Ted Wells, and claim that he did this with all of his phones, when it was found that the cell phone that Brady used prior to November, 2014 was still in tact and in working order?
If "they didn't do anything wrong in this whole deflategate nonsense", as you put it, this should be simple to explain, correct?

And, this isn't about other teams, as you continue to try and deflect this toward. It's about the Patriots.

For a team that likes to portray themselves as being smarter than everyone else, they sure seem to get caught doing things more than anyone else.
That guy has forgotten more about football than you'll ever know.

Actually, my 4 year old nephew knows more about football than you'll ever know so I guess the above in feint praise. :D

He also knows more about cheating than I would ever know...
Unless Charlie Casserly has access to Skynet and actually travelled back in time to December of 2006, way before Spygate even broke, to report to the Miami Herald that the Patriots got caught videotaping from opposing teams sidelines and that they were warned and would be disciplined if they did it again, then it happened...

And again, how can Bellichek argue it was misinterpreted when Casserly told the Herald one year before Bellichek got on stage to give us his claim?

Rogah default responses are:

1. It never happened
2. If it happened, other teams cheat without proof.
3. The NFL was out to get them with this fake case.
4. Go back to 1 when you point out the Patriots have been glove and hand with Goodell from the very beginning.

The Patriots admitting it is really irrelevant cause Casserly flat-out told us they were doing it a year before Spygate happened and were punished and warned. He was part of the rules committee.
Interesting take, and obfuscation with the second line.

If you truly believe that the Patriots did nothing wrong, then you should have no problem answering these questions:
  1. Why did John McNally, undisputably a Patriot employee, violate the game day rules of removing the footballs for the game from the officials locker room when the officials were not there, and take them to the field when procedure dictates that the officials hand the balls over directly?
  1. Because that's what he has been doing for years, and no one said so much as "boo" about it.
    [*]Why did Tom Brady destroy his cell phone used between November, 2014 and February 2015 right before the meeting with Ted Wells, and claim that he did this with all of his phones, when it was found that the cell phone that Brady used prior to November, 2014 was still in tact and in working order?
    Because he is one of the most famous athletes in the country married to one of the most famous women on the planet. He wasn't going to give his phone to the league, Wells said he didn't have to, so he destroyed it.
If "they didn't do anything wrong in this whole deflategate nonsense", as you put it, this should be simple to explain, correct?
It was simple indeed. Now I have a couple questions for you:

Why did the NFL office leak a blatantly false report that 11/12 balls measured 2 PSI below the legal range?

Why did they never correct this blatantly false report?

Why did Goodell promise an independent investigation and then not deliver one?

Why did Goodell say Brady did not want the arbitration transcript released when the the transcript itself proved the exact opposite?

Why did one team get a letter of warning for the exact same "crime"?

And here's the question no one is willing to answer: Which version of the ball-preparation rule makes more sense, the one before 2006 or the one after?
I don't really feel sorry for the NFL. Of course the Patriots cheated. The article isn't shocking more than reconfirming what everyone knew.

The other owners should have railed against Goodell's soft stance back in 2007 when something could have been done about it instead of holding resentment over Brady's deflation scam. The Patriots did not fear the NFL because the NFL gave them a slap on the wrist.
I don't really feel sorry for the NFL. Of course the Patriots cheated. The article isn't shocking more than reconfirming what everyone knew.
If 10% of that article was true, you'd have the sports story of the century.

I mean, believe it or not, breaking into hotel rooms is an actual, you know, crime.. Yet no one seems to have contacted any of the local authorities.
They didn't do anything wrong in this whole deflategate nonsense.


Gee, Rog...posting the url for that site which includes allegations of cheating for the Dallas Cowboys is a new low. The first thing on the Cowboys list, that salary cap "violation" (in a year where there was no salary cap) from a couple of years ago where the Commanders and Cowboys took an enormous hit against both teams' salary caps can't be compared to the "consequences" the Patriots will "suffer" from Deflategate...a 4-game suspension for Brady that isn't a suspension at all.

You should really see if the Patriots have a message board and go hang out with their fans. You'd be a better fit there. In my not so humble opinion, of course.
Why did Goodell promise an independent investigation and then not deliver one?

Why were you posting over and over and over and over that when the results of the investigation came out you would accept them? Werent you continually telling everybody to wait for the investigation results? You were very supportive of this "investigation" until it showed how erroneous your perspective was and has been.

The only thing you have been consistent on when it comes to this entire issue is this:

  1. Because that's what he has been doing for years, and no one said so much as "boo" about it.

So, wait a minute. He was committing an illegal act with regards to the chain of custody of footballs, and it's OK because no one called him on it before? There was no reason to take the balls without the officials being aware unless you were doing something to them that you didn't want the officials to see. It certainly wasn't to make the officials life easier.

McNally also lied about going to the bathroom in that water closet when there was no toilet in the room that he went into.

  1. Because he is one of the most famous athletes in the country married to one of the most famous women on the planet. He wasn't going to give his phone to the league, Wells said he didn't have to, so he destroyed it.

But, Brady said that he routinely destroys all of his old phones, and his previous phone to the one in question here wasn't destroyed, and they looked to make that one available if asked for. How do you rationalize that one? And, doesn't it seem convenient that he would destroy the phone right before his scheduled meeting? I mean, why not destroy it a month earlier?
Why did the NFL office leak a blatantly false report that 11/12 balls measured 2 PSI below the legal range?

Because they wanted to convict the Patriots in the court of public opinion prior to ruling. There's no question that the league wanted to nail them, largely based on the fact that Kraft/Belichick assured the commissioner that they would stay clean after Spygate, and they didn't.

Why did they never correct this blatantly false report?

Pure stupidity and hubris on their part.

Why did Goodell promise an independent investigation and then not deliver one?

This may be the most naive question ever asked. If the league pays for the investigation, do you really think that it would be independent? If you want independence, remove your own dollars from it.

Why did Goodell say Brady did not want the arbitration transcript released when the the transcript itself proved the exact opposite?

Because Goodell is an idiot, and doesn't seem to grasp the basic tenets of crisis management.

Why did one team get a letter of warning for the exact same "crime"?

Because that team didn't get nailed for a game day/competitive advantage offense in the Spygate fiasco like the Patriots did. They were considered repeat offenders.

And here's the question no one is willing to answer: Which version of the ball-preparation rule makes more sense, the one before 2006 or the one after?

The one before 2006. I have always felt that turning the balls over to the teams would result in shady crap going on. The problem for you, is that the Patriots took it to another level by removing the balls from the officials' custody illegally. And, got caught.
This is just the butthurt NFL going to their official propaganda mouthpiece, ESPN, to smear the Patriots in the wake of major courtroom defeat last week. So they bring up years-old, discredited allegations to get all the usual haters all riled up.

What a sad load of crapola that is. There's not a conspiracy against the Patriots. You act like they're the first team to ever go on a good run in the NFL.

The fact is, you know absolutely nothing about any of this, just like the rest of us. But there's a ground swell of repeated attempts to cheat in games that's starting to bubble over. The league office and the owners tried to sort this out behind the scenes to avoid damaging the reputation of the NFL, and Belichick just wouldn't stop. HE GOT UP AND APOLOGIZED TO THE OWNERS SEVERAL YEARS AGO ALREADY. I suspect this is just the tip of the iceberg.

And now accusations of stealing play sheets and looking through hotel rooms? Goodell smashing video tapes and shredding piles of paper data to destroy evidence......?

This could end Goodell and forever implant one massive asterisk on everything. It'll be interesting to watch this season as New England plays under the biggest of microscopes watching their every move.
Any talk about lies begins and ends with all the whoppers the NFL has told over the past 7 months.

Yet, as you say, we are supposed to believe them now.

BOTTOM LINE: Anybody outside the Patriots fan base KNOWS that there's a massive amount of truth in all this. That won't change, and that stain is now forever permanent. It'll only grow bigger with time.

OJ is known for the white Bronco. And Belichick/Brady will eventually only really be known for this.
The Patriots are simply above the law.

And the other 31 owners have nobody to blame but themselves.

They could have forced Goodell to nip this in the bud and instead helped him cover it up.

I can understand some of the apprehension given the Tim Donaghy situation in the NBA which many thought was going to destroy the NBA.

But as the say, the coverup is always worse than the actual crime itself. They could have suspended Belichick from the league for at least 1 year, take away all of their draft picks. Make it so that teams will think "if we cheat, we could win a Super Bowl. But if we don't win the Super Bowl, cheating won't be worth it because of the penalties involved and there's no guarantee in winning a Super Bowl."

So if Jerry Jones knew about how bad SpyGate was, I hold him just as responsible as Goodell for covering it up. The same with the Steelers, the Packers and whatever organization everybody paints in a positive light.

And now they have created this mess where the Patriots should feel free to cheat as much as they can because nothing will be done about it.

Great job, geniuses.


Amen! I fear pro football is quickly becoming pro wrasslin'. All owners should be worried. Goodell needs to go, he has no credibility to many fans (on both sides of the Pats issues). The league, through its own inaction, has brought a lot of this about. At this point, I now question every SB the Pats have "won".
Patriots aren't doing anything that everyone else ain't doing - except winning 4 Super Bowls while doing it.


Just keep telling yourself that to make yourself feel better about those tainted super bowls. The general public sure as hell isn't buying it.
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