Fuzzy Thoughts at GB 2016

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Don't soften it. Clove can handle your opinion. lol

You're missing the context, Dog. I was trying to not get argumentative with dude, as prior to last night, we were buds (Clove and myself).

But I gave you a like cuz I give them out liberally.
You're missing the context, Dog. I was trying to not get argumentative with dude, as prior to last night, we were buds (Clove and myself).

But I gave you a like cuz I give them out liberally.
Seeing how you are not trying to get benched again, I get it.

I love how @Trouty shows respect for people even when he disagrees with them.

X, I really tried with Clove. If you go back and read my first two or three responses to him I was very cordial and tried to get this thread back on track. I was extremely complimentary to him and his status as a member of CZ. But then members PM'd me (asking why he was going on and on when we all wanted to talk Fuzzy's Thought's) and that did it. Then he attacked me, and I won't back down.

I always try to treat the awesome members here with the utmost respect (except trolls, I have fun with them, but they nary reply to me, now), whether I agree or disagree with them.

Anyways, I won't derail this thread anymore with my own personal endeavors, thanks for the kind words, X. :)
No sarcasm, I have been waiting on your take on Parnell vs Chaz Green
I like Green. He's already better than Free, IMO. The issue is staying healthy.

Green is unlikely to be as nasty as Parnell but Green would obviously look nasty compared to Free. Either of them can play both sides which is big value.

I don't give the issue much thought anymore except when the Cowboys play the Skins because I have an ingrained memory of Parnell completely dominating Ryan Kerrigan while Free struggles to block him.

In terms of the future at RT, I like Green but worry about him staying healthy. Like some other people here I do wish that LC could move to RT and that they could keep Leary. I don't see it happening because LC has only received a minimal amount of snaps at OT in practice and none in preseason games that I recall. I don't know if LC would be great at RT, but I'm 100% certain that he could be better than Free.

Currently they have to scheme around Free. In run blocking they scheme to get him on a LB or to be able to just wall off block defenders. In the passing game they have multiple tricks they use to help him.
I've always thought he played like Roger Craig with more speed. He has his Gayle Sayers moments too but hes not that elusive.

He has the rare cutting ability. I seen in multiple games where he'll run parallel to the line while waiting for the hole to come open, then have the ability in one motion to stop on a dime cut vertical and hit the hole at almost full speed.
I like Green. He's already better than Free, IMO. The issue is staying healthy.

Green is unlikely to be as nasty as Parnell but Green would obviously look nasty compared to Free. Either of them can play both sides which is big value.

I don't give the issue much thought anymore except when the Cowboys play the Skins because I have an ingrained memory of Parnell completely dominating Ryan Kerrigan while Free struggles to block him.

In terms of the future at RT, I like Green but worry about him staying healthy. Like some other people here I do wish that LC could move to RT and that they could keep Leary. I don't see it happening because LC has only received a minimal amount of snaps at OT in practice and none in preseason games that I recall. I don't know if LC would be great at RT, but I'm 100% certain that he could be better than Free.

Currently they have to scheme around Free. In run blocking they scheme to get him on a LB or to be able to just wall off block defenders. In the passing game they have multiple tricks they use to help him.
I kind of like him too despite being constantly nicked up. The more he plays the better he looks.
You left out the part about him fumbling the ball twice and throwing it to a defender because of said inaccuracy. You left of the part about receivers having to come back for the ball. He leads Lucky on that deep throw and its a TD for example.

I never even qualified it as 'bad.' I decline to use such characterizations when something can be described with what actually happened.

I am not sure why posters take a critical analysis of a player so personally. Saying a player missed a throw does not equal saying he sucks.
You left out the part about him making 1st down after 1st down. You left out the part about him scoring in like 33 seconds. You left out the part about him moving the ball down the field with ease to not only score AFTER the interception, but to put the game away TWICE. You see how that works, you mention the bad stuff, I talk about the good stuff which lead to a HUGE VICTORY.

If Dak got 100 first downs per game, does that mean that a bad play at some point in the game didn't actually happen? Of course not. It might not affect winning the game, but it wouldn't have erased a bad play.
In my opinion, the Green Bay game was his 2nd best game. Based on not having Dez, playing in Lambeau, being on national TV, against a tough confusing defense.

I think the Giants game wasn't very good and I agree with Woody's Girl that a lot of that was due to coaching. The Giant's loss was due to coaching decisions made. The Green Bay WIN was a huge win, but it wasn't a great performance by Dak. Probably his worst game so far, in my opinion, but if that is his worst game, we have a pretty good player in Prescott.
You have lost touch if you really think 2015 was a fluke and he will just magically revert back to 2014 after he has had 3 serious injuries since then. Get a grip on reality. Heck, he might even be worse than the 2015 version by now. His last regular season game he had was terrible. And his others were not that great that year. You need to move on. That 2014 Romo is long gone.

He was still hurt and on a ton of meds for that game, and coming in cold against the top D for the year. Context doesn't help your agenda though so I get it.
You came in after a lot of the posts were deleted.

You're the voice of ... too little, too late, hoss.

ETA -- I was very respectful to him before it escalated, and many told me to ignore him, as they, themselves were doing the same. But I just can't when I get attacked (unless a mod tells me to tone it down, of course). The beast wakes up.

You missed too much to come in after the fact and to start telling me to calm down, bubba.

It was a figure of speach but the back and forth between the Op and Clove were fine when I was reading it last night. Heated? Sure.....but if folks are going to start a thread, I'd assume some oposing view should be welcome and dissenting opinion tolerated. What I did see is the pack mentality, the same sensitive nancies wanting to "ignore" a poster.

And as for being attacked, you give as good as you get. What's with the KJJ reference when you're not even responding to him?
The Myth that Dak Prescott had a bad throwing day, was very inaccurate during the game.

I don't know who Funny is or Fuzzy, but his observations of Dak Prescott In my opinion are way off. First off, I don't know if Fuzzy ever threw a pass or caught one in his life but I was a top wide receiver in my level (division - not pros or College) but I played a ton of receiver and was the recipient of good and bad QBs and QB play. I played ALOT of Football in my 20s. So I decided to go back and rewatch the video in slow motion and this is what I discovered.

first play: Roll out into sun - Accurate Witten 1st down. Play was a roll out against his own throwing side.
Next Play: Screen to Elliott perfect.
Next Play: Screen Beasley a tad high, caught first down.
Next Play: Pass Beasley Touch down. Perfect throw
Next Play: Slant to Williams in sun perfect 1st down.
Next Play: Pass to witten high - in sun Pass was high but close
Next Play: Pass to Witten on a roll out scamble - perfect short of 1st down.
Next Play: pass on run scooting left - put it in a place to Williams stay in bounds
Next Play: slant to Elliott - away from defender - He put the ball in a place that the defender could not get it, it was incomplete but if Elliott were a receiver, I believe that was a catch.
Next Play: 1st fumble- guy completely behind him - didn't see him
Next Play: hit williams on a comeback route
Next Play: incomplete to witten - ball tipped
Next Play: perfect strike to beasley
Next Play: Pass to beasley incomplete - he expected Beasley to cut his route shorter than he did- Watch the tape, after a second, Prescott was ready to throw it but
beasley kept running- he put the ball in a catchable range but interference on the defender.
Next Play: Running or Scrambling - ball hit off the side of leg fumbled - bad play but it happens. He'll learn to put the ball up higher when he's running
Next Play: Screen caught perfect
Next Play: Pass to Ezekiel perfect spot - receiver would have caught it - put the ball on the outside where his receiver only had a chance to make the play
Next Play: Pass to Witten was a tad high, but the receiver just made a perfect over the back swat of the ball.
Next Play: Pass to Williams on a scramble - right through Williams hands - when your QB is scrambling, you have to be able to make that catch.
Next Play: Perfect pass to Williams right in the bread basket down the sideline.
Next Play: Perfect strike to Butler touch down. - outside of the db
Next Play: screen to beasley - perfect
Next Play: The ball was behind Butler a little, but He had to move the ball up high to get it over the defender in his face - also there was a defender coming over to break up the pass,
if he had put the ball out in front of Butler, big chance of INT, but with zip, could have been touch down. All in all, missed throw - Had the safety blitzed, would have been
a touch down to Butler. Heavy blitz to the side he threw. Also, I believe his timing was off with Butler on that play. Seems like he expected Butler to come right off and slant
instead Butler put a move on which slowed the process up, then slanted. IMO, if there's a blitz, there's no time for moves, you have to just slant. I thought the blame goes to
Butler and Prescott on that play.
Next Play: Deep Bomb to Butler incomplete - 1st off, Butler had no reason diving for the ball there. Secondly it hit him right in the bread basket. Had he maintained his feet and not dove, caught the ball,
it could have been a 95 yard touch down pass/catch.
Next Play: Interception: No excuses terrible throw, just terrible. First terrible throw of the game. If he was trying to throw it away there, was a bad decision.
Next play: screen to beasley perfect.
Next play: Lucky Whitehead catch, I thought he gave Lucky a very catchable ball - Not having to run for it or fight for it, just a nice soft pass that would fall down
like a punt return catch - and even if he had lead Lucky down the field more, #21 was right in position to get him, so that was a great pass to me.
Next play: Pass to Witten, slightly high,caught for a nice game at the 5.
Next play: Touch down Beasley perfect route/pass catch
Next play: Under a heavy blitz, hit Witten perfectly going out of bounds. Didn't even flinch under the rush.

What did I gather from all of this. That Dak Prescott had one of his best games as a Dallas Cowboys starter. Some of his passes were in spots to avoid interceptions, some where deliberate, a lot were catchable balls there weren't caught.
Catchable balls: Any ball that is anywhere within reach without having to turn your body backwards too far to catch, reach too high to catch, or reach too low to catch. Balls that are with in full hand position is a catchable ball. Balls that are too far behind, too far in front, too high or too low are non catchable balls. This is coming from a top flight receiver saying this. Balls that skip off the ground- Non Cathchable - Balls that are way too high where your fingers don't even touch it or barely touches it, too high. Balls that are so far wide you don't even touch it or barely touches it. Balls that lead you right into the receiver are catchable but dangerous throws.

So to me, Dak had an amazing game with what he had to work with. I just thought he threw the ball very accurately for the most part and hit guys, and made touch downs and this is why I didn't like Fuzzy's explanation of Dak. The guy didn't study anything about the plays just what it looked like and moved on, where as I studied every play, slo motioned it, and came away with my conclusion. Feel free to go study them yourselves.
Trouty, I have no qualms with you, but you are just out to post every 2 minutes. Getting in our business was wrong because you didn't have anything to add to the thread topic. This is why you were blasted by me. I'm not on here to play games and fiddle around, I'm on here to make my point and get off.
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Trouty, I have no qualms with you, but you are just out to post every 2 minutes. Getting in our business was wrong because you didn't have anything to add to the thread topic. This is why you were blasted by me. I'm not on here to play games and fiddle around, I'm on here to make my point and get off.
LOL, wut?
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