I won't say Jerry is a buffoon, you don't make it to be where he's gotten in his life by being a buffoon.
But let's be clear on this ... Parcells may be the butt of all jokes about hiring "his guys", but no one is more of a "my guy" man than Jerry. Jerry's right hand men are his sons and his family. That's how close his inner circle is. Any other organization, a player personnel guy is fired after about 3 failed drafts. Lacewell makes it ten failed drafts, and never gets fired. He's Jerry's guy. Parcells had to run him off, and then Lacewell is allowed back at the Ranch before Parcells' seat is even cold. The amazing thing is he's astonished and apparently bitter that he lost his job after a decade of incompetence. Hiring Barry Switzer was the biggest joke of the decade in the NFL, but Jerry did it because Switzer was "Jerry's guy". He was Jerry's guy, because he and Lacewell coached together. Did you know Switzer was accused of spying on Longhorn practices, coordinated by Lacewell and the guy caught "spying" is now an employee of Jerry's? If this isn't the definition of "good ole boy" network, I don't know what is.
I'll never question Jerry's dedication and will to win, but he needs a braintrust around him. Not just guys he can drink beers with and swap ole' Razorback stories with.