Julius Jones said:
Hey Hostile....do you ever think about anything OUTSIDE the realm of football? I mean, do you ever stop to look at the HUMAN BEING who is toting that little brown ball for more money that you will ever see in your lifetime?
You must assume I am poor. Interesting. Not that money matters all that much to me. I'm certainly not jealous of athletes for the money they make.
FYI, I think about things in many realms, not just football, but surprise, this is a football forum and I prefer to keep it about football here.
It's a game, dude. Sports in general mean absolutely nothing to some people. I really don't think you can mentally grasp that concept.
Dr. Freud, I really don't think you're all that qualified to diagnose what I can and can't comprehend or grasp. If sports mean nothing to you then please leave. Go on to things more important to you. Some of us just enjoy each other's company and the game of football. In particular we enjoy this team. If that disturbs you then take a Maalox.
Stop and think about this. You people are seriously thinking about raising money to buy a total stranger who is a convicted drug dealer a headstone just because he could run fast. Not because he was a great guy. Not because he went on to do great things. JUST BECAUSE HE COULD RUN FAST!!!
So the hell what? I mean, is this going to ruin your day? If so then I apologize. Even though I fail to see where it is any of your damned business to preach to me how I should or should not spend my money. I earn it and last time I checked felt no desire to justify it with you. Frankly I could give a rat's *** if my wanting to do something decent for someone I rooted for bothers you or not. If it bothers you turn a blind eye to it. It's really that damned simple.
That is why he is an Olympic champion. That was why he was an NFL star. That is why some of you are blind to the man's dark side. He could run fast.
Back on the pedastal. You really don't need it you know. You are quite adept at looking down your nose already. A higher perch is just overkill.
I don't know about you, but I am not a man without faults. I am a Christian and feel that someone much more worthy than I am will be my judge; and Bob Hayes judge too. Last time I read
that Man's writings he basically wrote about tyring to do what is right, even to those who are wrong. Now, you can read His or anyone else's philosophies and interpret them however you damned well please.
You must enjoy being the hateful cynic. I wouldn't like it so spare me the sales pitch. I won't be joining your fraternity of finger pointing false piety.
Bullet Bob deserves nothing. He doesn't even deserve the time I'm taking to type this post. He should feel lucky to have such eloquent prose in the same vicinity as his namesake....wherever he is.
Irony of ironies. I love reality. So much more interesting than fiction. Most people here disagree with you and were insulted by your finger pointing. Especially commenting on when another poster would likely die. Very classy of you. Truly impressive.
[/sarcasm off]
All I know is that if Galloway somehow gets this guy a headstone, I'm going to be there to personally spit on it.......and I'm a Bullet Bob fan.
Why tell me? I could care less. I find it hilarious that you would travel across country just to do that. Especially after the "waste of time" explanation above. Enjoy your hatred and pedastal. I can't call you by your username as I feel that would insult the real man.