Galloway reponds to my note about Hayes

Private message me if we need to set up a fund. I was at a Cowboys game after Mr Hayes was released from jail and they introduced him along with several others from some anniversary of a past team.

Someone told me he just got out of Jail for drugs and I was disappointed, my dad gave me a speech about forgiveness, and how it was ok to like someone who'd made mistakes.

I've liked other people who had flaws, just because Mr Hays ran fast doesn't mean he should be excluded for forgiveness.

I like Bob Hays, I will contribute to his head stone.
Ya know, I thought about it...personally, I think some of the tone...some of the manner in which people are relating to eachother here stinks...

I think, if one has a valid point, there are better ways to express it than to get fact, doing so only takes dilutes the focus from the discussion at hand...and this thread is the perfect example of that...

I weighed it out..and after moving it to smacktalk, I decided that the topic is more important than the manner in which people are interacting I've moved it back to the main board...

But, and I've never done this publically before, I'll be watching this thread...and the next post that is of a personal nature is going to earn someone a vacation from the Zone...
Julius Jones said:
There are millions of ALIVE people around the world who are in dire need of financial help to survive. Natural disasters, orphans, disabled, etc etc etc. They could use some help ALOT more than some dead professional football player who spent most of his life getting paid handsomely to play a GAME for a living.

Maybe some of you Bob Hayes lovers should get your freakin priorities straight.
The difference is Hayes worked FOR the Dallas Cowboys and by extension the NFL.

The Cowboys of the 70s were responsible for 47% of ALL merchandise sold by the NFL. Now you know why Jerry seperated himself from the NFL deal and went his own merchandising route.

Hayes and players of the 60s built this league from Arena League like status to the country's pre-eminent sport.

The closer a relationship you have with a person the more responsibility you should shoulder.
Julius Jones said:
I'm not pointing any fingers, especially at you personally Mr. HIGH ROAD™.

I'm just saying that on most people's "things to do" list, buying a headstone for a convicted drug dealer should be somewhere just above cloning Hitler, ya diggy?
I can decide to give to whoever, whenever I want.
I think it is a tragedy that Bob Hayes got hooked on drugs.
I also think ti si a tragedy that he represented this country in the Olympics, the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL and has not been honored with a gravestone.

Get a grip. No one is knocking on your door asking for donations.
A few things.

This is a Dallas Cowboys board, and was posted in the Main section of the board.
Therefore with Bob Hayes being a former Dallas Cowboys it is on topic.

This is not a Humanitarian Donation board, however that can be discussed in either the Off-Topic or Political Section of the board.

If someone wishes to express their views on how OTHER people should spend their money then chances are it will not go over to well, it further burdens the problem when one does it in a condescending manner.

One could argue that if someone is so worried about how money is spent towards natural disaster victims then maybe instead of spending money for a computer, internet access and the time spent on this board, they could instead be using that money and time to such said disaster relief funds....instead of preaching and talking down to others about how they spend their money.

Either way Juke, your initial call was the right call in this manner, the way some have conducted themselves and turned this into nothing more then a smack fest....means this should be in the smack talk zone and stay there.

If someone wants to start another thread about Bob Hayes in the main section, without people going and trying to tell other people how good or bad they are about spending their money, then that would be fine.

One last thing....Bob Hayes is not Michael Jackson, Hitler or any other person of a negative light that one may wish to compare him to in order to support an argument...he is bob hayes, he was a form Olympic gold medalist and most important to this forum he was a former Dallas Cowboy.

Once again if you want people to send money to a humanitarian fund, then please do so on the Off Topic zone or the Political zone....instead of trying to ruin a thread about a former Dallas Cowboy.

Julius Jones said:
I'm not pointing any fingers, especially at you personally Mr. HIGH ROAD™.

I'm just saying that on most people's "things to do" list, buying a headstone for a convicted drug dealer should be somewhere just above cloning Hitler, ya diggy?
You fail to grasp what is going on. It's a travesty that a beloved man such as Bullet Bob doesn't have a tomb stone. Is it a travesty in the same since as tsunami? No of course not but it is wrong none-the-less. Anyway, your finger pointing and prejudice is very evident in your judgmental tone of your initial post.

Not that I have to justify my social impact to you but I can virtually guarantee that through my fraternity and church work I have touch many 'lives' and I will continue to do so. Here is a bit of advice, be careful before you use a broad stroke to paint 'everyone' because the next time you can be the recipient of someone else’s ignorance.
Juke99 said:
Ya know, I thought about it...personally, I think some of the tone...some of the manner in which people are relating to eachother here stinks...

I think, if one has a valid point, there are better ways to express it than to get fact, doing so only takes dilutes the focus from the discussion at hand...and this thread is the perfect example of that...

I weighed it out..and after moving it to smacktalk, I decided that the topic is more important than the manner in which people are interacting I've moved it back to the main board...

But, and I've never done this publically before, I'll be watching this thread...and the next post that is of a personal nature is going to earn someone a vacation from the Zone...

i apologize, to ALL the members and mods of this site, for my personal rip on "julius jones". no matter how much a view disturbs me - i can only contribute to a debate if i keep my comments non-personal. when i make it personal, i only contribute to the "melee atmosphere" we are, as a group, seeking to avoid.
instead, i should have taken the opportunity to remind "julius jones" that he/she is ALSO merely a mortal human being. and, as such, equally prone to the frailties and flaws that accompany human existence - yet needn't define us. ALL HAVE ERRED. this isn't my pet theory. a simple and blatant TRUTH. and i believe those seeking forgiveness, in the ultimate sense, find it.
so far as i am able to tell, bob hayes sought his "ultimate forgiveness". and being that, as i've already stated, i believe it was granted to him - then who am I to refuse him?
bob hayes was a great dallas cowboys PLAYER. that is the reason behind a movement to get him a headstone. MOST PEOPLE don't care about it (and even the deceased hayes probably has little, if any, awareness or interest in the movement). that is not the point. the movement is not based on erecting a "shrine" to the player. just to add a minimum of dignity to the final resting place of "one of their's".
the DC fans and any others who are offended by the movement should feel free to make non-personal comments to those behind this movement. and after "weighing in"- step aside so any actual work may proceed.
tothewhipbill said:
i apologize, to ALL the members and mods of this site, for my personal rip on "julius jones". no matter how much a view disturbs me - i can only contribute to a debate if i keep my comments non-personal. when i make it personal, i only contribute to the "melee atmosphere" we are, as a group, seeking to avoid.
instead, i should have taken the opportunity to remind "julius jones" that he/she is ALSO merely a mortal human being. and, as such, equally prone to the frailties and flaws that accompany human existence - yet needn't define us. ALL HAVE ERRED. this isn't my pet theory. a simple and blatant TRUTH. and i believe those seeking forgiveness, in the ultimate sense, find it.
so far as i am able to tell, bob hayes sought his "ultimate forgiveness". and being that, as i've already stated, i believe it was granted to him - then who am I to refuse him?
bob hayes was a great dallas cowboys PLAYER. that is the reason behind a movement to get him a headstone. MOST PEOPLE don't care about it (and even the deceased hayes probably has little, if any, awareness or interest in the movement). that is not the point. the movement is not based on erecting a "shrine" to the player. just to add a minimum of dignity to the final resting place of "one of their's".
the DC fans and any others who are offended by the movement should feel free to make non-personal comments to those behind this movement. and after "weighing in"- step aside so any actual work may proceed.

Well said....
BrAinPaiNt said:
One could argue that if someone is so worried about how money is spent towards natural disaster victims then maybe instead of spending money for a computer, internet access and the time spent on this board, they could instead be using that money and time to such said disaster relief funds....instead of preaching and talking down to others about how they spend their money.

:) Now THAT is good stuff.

Ya know, it's a shame to have a thread that was of value, turn to what this one did...
jterrell said:
I can decide to give to whoever, whenever I want.
I think it is a tragedy that Bob Hayes got hooked on drugs.
I also think ti si a tragedy that he represented this country in the Olympics, the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL and has not been honored with a gravestone.

Get a grip. No one is knocking on your door asking for donations.

Ya know jt, as an aside...any type of giving is noble...

Not giving money to someone because of drug involvement is quite interesting...

I sure would love to see the music CD collection of a person who refuses to give money to someone with a drug involvement.
What a shame.

For the record I didn't take any of the things said to me or about me personally, even though it is quite obvious it was intended to offend me. Sorry, it didn't work.

If anyone was offended by my reactions then I apologize. PM me and cuss me out. I'll accept the anger because quite truthfully I was very angry myself.

I am disappointed this thread was moved, but fine. No one is hurt and it should probably just die off. My disappointment lies in the fact that something positive and decent was turned into a skirmish that was fruitless.

That is the only reason to move this.
Juke99 said:
Ya know jt, as an aside...any type of giving is noble...

Not giving money to someone because of drug involvement is quite interesting...

I sure would love to see the music CD collection of a person who refuses to give money to someone with a drug involvement.
you'd better be a BIG FAN of the "new christy minstrels", lawrence welk, and perry como. and we don't REALLY know about any of them. :D
I'm truly very sorry for being one of the posters responsible for getting this thread moved from the main board.

I should have handled the situation better in my response. It is very seldom that something or someone provokes me to responding as I did and this happened to be one of those rare instances.

I truly hope the Mods and members of this forum accept my apology.
Juke99 said:
Ya know jt, as an aside...any type of giving is noble...

Not giving money to someone because of drug involvement is quite interesting...

I sure would love to see the music CD collection of a person who refuses to give money to someone with a drug involvement.

Once again, I'd like to reiterate for those who don't seem to be literate enough to read and comprehend my posts that I am an advocate for the support and rehabilitation of drug USERS. It's the SELLERS that I have no sympathy for.

I'm sorry if that offends some of you, but I'm just doing my best to help my fellow man....especially those who happen to be alive and innocent of spreading the chemical scourge that is drug dealing. Any single one of you who has a heart knows that deep down I am right on this issue. Perhaps that is why some are so rabidly arguing about my opinion while devoting paragraphs upon paragraphs to tell me about how much they don't care about it.

It's just words on a screen, people. Throw your cash into any cause you want to. I can't stop you and neither can anybody else.
Cbz40 said:
I'm truly very sorry for being one of the posters responsible for getting this thread moved from the main board.

I should have handled the situation better in my response. It is very seldom that something or someone provokes me to responding as I did and this happened to be one of those rare instances.

I truly hope the Mods and members of this forum accept my apology.

I accept your apology, well as everybody else's.

Even through our differences the one common thread that unites us all is a deep love for the Dallas Cowboys. The ties that bind us are stronger than any differences of age, race, sex or religion we may encounter.

May Bob Hayes rest in peace and may God have mercy upon his soul. AMEN™
Interesting which side is issuing the apologies for the friction and which side is still promoting it.
Hostile said:
Interesting which side is issuing the apologies for the friction and which side is still promoting it.

These snide comments and personal attacks are being monitored by Juke99. If I were you I'd show a little more professionalism and save your unfounded discrimination toward me for the PM box, Hostile.

My opinions differ from yours. I'm expressing my opinion, just like you are. Put on an "Ebony and Ivory" CD and take a pill, bro.

In the meantime I'm already in the primary stages of purchasing Bob Hayes' gravesite so as to make it my own private property upon which no person shall ever tread or look upon ever again.
Julius Jones said:
These snide comments and personal attacks are being monitored by Juke99. If I were you I'd show a little more professionalism and save your unfounded discrimination toward me for the PM box, Hostile.

My opinions differ from yours. I'm expressing my opinion, just like you are. Put on an "Ebony and Ivory" CD and take a pill, bro.

In the meantime I'm already in the primary stages of purchasing Bob Hayes' gravesite so as to make it my own private property upon which no person shall ever tread or look upon ever again.
Interesting that you are now pushing pills after the stance you took. Irony of ironies strikes again.

Why am I not surprised?

Oh by the way, you'll have to purchase the entire cemetery because it is divided into lots and parcells like all land is. By all means good luck with that.
Hostile said:
Interesting that you are now pushing pills after the stance you took. Irony of ironies strikes again.

Why am I not surprised?

OK now I've been pubically and personally accused of dealing drugs.

Moderators....please get this LOOSE CANNON© under control before I am forced to proceed with a libel suit.

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